The Mysterious Wand

[This time, it wasn't just Ollivander; even Professor McGonagall couldn't hide her surprise at Harry's words. When was the last time she had seen someone display such an attitude toward their own wand?]

["Hahaha! I must say, I already like you, Mr. Potter. Let's start by taking your measurements, but remember: it is the wand that chooses the wizard, not the other way around."]

[With that, Ollivander pulled a magical measuring tape from his robes, preparing to measure Harry. Curious, the boy asked why, and Ollivander responded as he had in the original world.]

[As Ollivander walked to the drawers to find a wand, Harry interrupted him unexpectedly. The old craftsman was confused to hear Harry say:]

["Ollivander, you mentioned that the wand chooses the wizard. But what if more than one wand wants to accompany me? Wouldn't the first one to come have an advantage? I have an easier method."]

[Just as Ollivander was about to ask what that method was, he saw Harry close his eyes. A wave of magical power emanated from the boy, and before they could react, this energy swept through the store's shelves, spreading to every corner.]

[A strange noise echoed from the drawers, and hundreds of wands shot off the shelves toward Harry, hovering in the air in an organized manner, as if waiting for his choice.]

[Faced with this scene, both Ollivander and McGonagall were deeply shocked. It felt like their worldview had been picked up and mercilessly rubbed into the ground.]

[But it wasn't over yet. From the depths of the shop, ten completely distinct wands rose above the hundreds of wands, emanating an aura so powerful that it caused all the others to retreat as if they were in the presence of a great enemy.]

[Ollivander was frozen in shock. He knew those wands well: one was made by him, while the others were creations of his ancestors. Each had been produced using secret methods, with cores from legendary creatures such as Manticore, Nundu, Phoenix, and even Thestrals.]

[These wands were so powerful that they could suppress all others wands, except, of course, the legendary Elder Wand, one of the Deathly Hallows. The creation of these wands stemmed from an ancient desire of the Ollivander family: to craft a wand equal to the Elder Wand.]

[Ollivander thought this was the end. He was sure that those ten wands were the most powerful in his shop, accumulated over the centuries. However, Harry, with his eyes still closed, maintained his magical control.]

[When Ollivander and McGonagall no longer knew what to expect, they felt a cold wind on their faces. Looking toward the end of the corridor, they saw a wand emerging from what seemed to be an attic.]

[The wand was completely black, with green details, and its tip bore the head of a serpent. Despite its imposing appearance, it emitted no perceptible aura.]

[However, the moment this wand appeared, it was as if a switch had been flipped. All the other wands made way silently, including the ten most powerful, which retreated trembling before the serpent wand.]

[Harry finally opened his eyes, and his calm green gaze fixed on the wand floating in front of him. Somehow, he felt a mysterious connection to it.]

["It seems like it's you. Do you think I'm worthy of accompanying you?"]

[Harry raised his hand and waited for a response, but it seemed the serpent wand had already decided. It gently landed in the palm of his hand.]

[At the moment of contact, an invisible aura surrounded Harry and spread outward. Winds blew inside the shop, a plant in a nearby pot grew rapidly in seconds, and flames began to burn in the air...]

[Various strange phenomena occurred without restriction, as if reflecting all the possibilities of magic.]

[Harry smiled contentedly as he turned, only to see the completely stunned expressions of Ollivander and McGonagall. He smiled discreetly and joked:]

["What's wrong with you two? You look like you've seen a ghost. By the way, Mr. Ollivander, what wand is this?"]

["I... I don't know. Perhaps it was made by one of my ancestors. It's the first time I've seen it, and I don't know what material it's made from, but I'm sure it's very powerful. In fact... I don't know how powerful it is."]

[Ollivander knew he had never seen that wand in his shop before, but without a doubt, it was quite powerful and had a surprising affinity with Harry.]

[Deciding not to delve into the mystery, Ollivander focused on his duty as a wandmaker: to grant the wizard the proper wand.]

[As for Professor McGonagall, she had some thoughts in mind, but chose to remain silent, deciding to discuss the matter with Headmaster Dumbledore later.]

[Thus, Harry paid Ollivander the 28 galleons for the wand of unknown origin.]

[Harry bid farewell to Ollivander and followed McGonagall to his next destination: buying schoolbooks.]

[Upon arriving at Flourish and Blotts, it was, without a doubt, the happiest moment for Harry. There, he would learn almost everything about the wizarding world.]

[However, thinking that he would have to return every year to buy books, Harry decided to build his own library. He approached the librarian at the counter.]

["Hello, I need all the books Hogwarts requires for the seven years of study, as well as some extras, like all books on magical theory, wizarding history, ancient spells..."]

[Harry spared no expense. He not only bought the necessary books for the coming years but also many other volumes, creating his own private library.]

[The counter attendant, along with McGonagall, were shocked by his extravagant behavior, and Professor McGonagall immediately tried to stop him from spending money like it was water.]

["Mr. Potter, there's no need for so many books. Remember that the Hogwarts library, with over a thousand years of history, will surely satisfy your appetite for reading."]

["You said it well, Professor McGonagall, the Hogwarts library... I don't think I'll be able to borrow books once I leave school."]

[Harry insisted on buying the books, and the attendant began gathering all the volumes according to his requests.]

[The situation got so serious that even the bookstore manager came down to greet Harry, offering him a VIP card with a 20% discount on future purchases, which Harry accepted with a smile. In this way, he bought 187 books and paid a total of 374 galleons, with an average of 2 galleons per book.]

[Finally, after completing his journey through Diagon Alley, McGonagall took Harry back to the Dursleys' house, and before leaving, reminded him not to miss the Hogwarts Express.]


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