The River

A few months pass and while Layla is the same, Damien has been seeing this women regularly and established a relationship, just a few months later and they were already engaged. A few more months passed and they got married.

Layla meanwhile, began to emerge form her self-imposed exile. Her friends convinced her to go out more, to try living again, but Damien never truly left her mind. His absence was a wound that never healed.

One day, Layla was at a bar, like usual, she was drinking and …she saw Damien. First she thought the alcohol was playing tricks on her eyes, yet no matter how much she blinked he just wouldn't go away. 

There he was, clear as day—laughing, kissing another woman, a wedding band on his finger. 

She was feeling almost …empty. she felt her only remaining sanity crushed, stepped on and torn. Even the speck of hope that she still had, vanished, like someone blew out a candle. The feeling was unberable, she couldn't breath, she had to do something, anything, and so, she went over to Damien, with her glass full of whisky. 

She went over to him and tapped him on the shoulder, the moment he turned around she flung her arm and smashed the glass on his head. 

...At that moment. At that exact moment, Damien, remembered, everything. And he… remembered her, he looked back at the woman he was just kissing, and realized what had just happened, he looked at his finger, then back at Layla. Sure enough, this… this wasn't a dream, his head hurt like hell and Layla was screaming at him, with snot and tears running down her face, the women he married meanwhile, looked utterly horrified of the situation, which was a given. 

He touched his head where Layla had slammed the glass of whiskey and slowly took out a remaining piece of glass in his wound, which was furiously bleeding.

It hurt, but the pain in his heart hurt far more than the wound on his head.

He… didn't know what to do. Everything happened so quickly. 

Layla was already leaving, wiping her face that was crying even more furiously. 

He wanted to chase after her, explain, explain everything, but that woman suddenly grabbed his arm, making him distracted and loose sight of Layla, she had already left. 

For days, Damien searched for Layla. He went to his family, to Layla's family and explained everything, it turned out that Layla hadn't returned home since that day. 

He searched for Layla everywhere, He mobilized his mafia forces to form huge search forces, used every resource he had, He searched for her everywhere. 

He searched and searched, completely ignoring anything from his "wife". 

Eventually, they found her. 

They found her. dead. 

Her body had been floating in a river where she committed suicide, by looking at the body's condition, it was judged that she had jumped "that" night, she had jumped and ended her life. Because of him. 

The moment he found out, his whole world fell apart. His heart, the one that had been missing for so long, shattered beyond repair. His legs felt numb, he felt his body trembling uncontrollably, and his legs finally gave out, making him fall to the floor. 

He passed out. 

He woke up in a hospital, many days had passed and yet, he didn't feel any better. More than his sorrow, however, he felt regret and rage. "If only that woman didn't distract me" "if only Layla didn't see me with her" "if only I remembered earlier" "if only…" "if only…" he needed a way out, any way, and there it was, "ding, missed call from: wife" 


What followed was a masssive slaughter, he killed his wife and her whole family first and then, he killed, and killed, and killed. 

He did drugs, he drank, he killed, he did everything, every. Single. Thing. To forget "her". To forget what could've been, to forget. 

It was funny really, before he only wished he remembered and now, he only wanted to forget. 

Forget everything. He wished he never remembered, never.

But, he did. 

And now he would have to live with that,

…live… live… no, no, …no. 

Who said I had to live? He thought as he abruptly stood up and went to that very river. 

Yes, the river where Layla had committed, he… he was there for one purpose, and one purpose only. 

And that purpose, he fulfilled. 

Without a single ounce of regret, he jumped.