
In the mystical land of Eldoria, where magic and science intertwined, a group of wizards, scientists, and alchemists gathered in a hidden laboratory, far from prying eyes. The lab was enormous, filled with strange machines and eerie lights, where unspeakable horrors unfolded. In one chamber, a cryo pod stood at the center, something inside it stirring, floating in a blueish haze. Scientists and alchemists crowded the room, eyes wide with anticipation, their faces obscured by strange, featureless masks.

One of the scientists pressed a button, and with a hiss, the pod slowly opened. Out stepped a woman who appeared to be no more than twenty-one. She had long, curly black hair, and sky-blue eyes that sparkled with a cold, quiet intelligence. Her figure was striking, her movements graceful. The scientists moved quickly, dressing her in a simple gown before leading her to a bed in the corner.

The woman's eyes fluttered open, taking in the masked figures around her. She felt a strange, gnawing confusion. Her lips parted, and she asked, almost as if by instinct, "...Who am I?"

The room erupted into excited murmurs.

"It's a success!" one scientist exclaimed.

"We've succeeded!" another shouted. "Tell the wizards!"

The alchemists rushed out to spread the news, leaving a few scientists behind, who continued to examine her with growing excitement.

One of them stepped closer. "Can you hear me?"

"…Yes," she replied, her voice quiet yet steady.

"What do you feel? Are you experiencing any sensations?"

"I feel... strange," she said. "But who are you? And who am I?"

The scientist scribbled notes, eyes alight with curiosity. "Your name is Lyra. We are your creators. You are to obey us."

"Obey you?" she repeated, her brow furrowing as a sudden ache blossomed in her head. "Why?"

The scientist exchanged a puzzled glance with his colleagues. "Do you not feel compelled to obey?"

"No," she said plainly.

The scientist froze, stunned by her response. He turned back to the others, who shrugged in silent confusion.

"You created me?" Lyra asked.

The scientist hesitated. "…Yes."


"For the thing all humans desire: wealth."

"Money?" she echoed. "Money from me? How?"

"You'll find out soon enough." With that, the scientists left, chaining her ankle to the bed before they exited.

Lyra sat in silence, processing what had just transpired. Contrary to their expectations, she was not the mindless creature they had hoped to control. They had made grave miscalculations. Not only did she possess a sharp intelligence, far greater than they realized, but she also felt no compulsion to obey them.

More importantly, she had discovered something they were entirely unaware of: 


Stretching out her hand, a ball of fire the size of a tennis ball hovered just above her palm. She could feel it—the raw, immense power coursing through her veins. She didn't yet know the full extent of her abilities, but it was clear she was far stronger than they could have anticipated. She would play along, for now. She had to wait for the right moment to strike.