After arriving at Michael's front door, I had Juliana drop off the duffle bag and sent her away.
She was more than happy to be dismissed and didn't ask any follow-up questions.
Once she walked off, I rang the doorbell.
After a few seconds, I rang it again.
Then again. And again.
Finally, the door swung open and Michael appeared to answer. "Oh my god! Can you wait a few seconds like a normal person?"
"I did," I replied flatly.
"For five seconds?!" Michael exclaimed.
"Yes," I said, shoving him aside as I stepped into his apartment. "I'm a busy man, Michael. I waited five seconds for you, and that's the time I'll never get back in life."
Michael gave me a deadpan look, though his eyes twisted as if he was experiencing physical pain from my existence. "Yes, you boy genius. That's how time works!"