Archives [II]

The Archive Island was as big as a small city.

It was built in the shape of a dome. Its surface gleamed with interwoven veins of spirit-forged metal and enchanted glass.

At a distance, it looked less like a library and more like a celestial observatory.

Like a monument to knowledge standing at the edge of the sky.

Calling it beautiful would be an understatement.

The airbus landed at the edge of the Island and we disembarked it.

The entrance to the Archives was as grand as one would expect of a place holding so much knowledge it would take an ordinary person more than three lifetimes to go through it all.

Twin obsidian gates towered over us. Their dark surface was engraved with shimmering silver runes, shining as brightly as stars in the night sky.

Four Awakened were standing guard there. They asked for our identity, we gave it, and they permitted us entry in under a few minutes.