CH 52: Setting Up Boundaries With St Trina

(A/N: I finally finished Dark Souls 3 two or three days ago, along with both of its DLCs lol. Now I'm going for all the achievements. What should I play afterwards? Dark Souls 2 or Bloodborne?)

Alistair :"What if instead of periods,you just randomly laid an egg? A regular sized chicken egg."

Miquella :"...I have some experience as a therapist as well, if you ever want to voice your problems."


"... Is... something the matter?" While Alistair was just sitting next to Miquella, letting him lean against him and let his mind and heart get some rest, he couldn't ignore Trina's staring. She smiled when she got his attention "Why, does it make you uncomfortable?"

"Well, not exactly. But it's still weird, since we've just met each other."

"Huhuhu, but that's not true though. Remember, I'm a part of Miquella. I'm his "love" and have known you for as long as he has. In fact, I'm the part of him that is closest to you!"

"Huh? Well..." Alistair mumbled in confusion. Of all the ways he expected Trina to act around him, this wasn't one of them. In fact, he expected her to be the "always sleepy or sleeping" character of the group.

"Hey, quit it." But Miquella, to his surprise, suddenly hugged his arm and pushed himself against Alistair, pouting and glaring lightly at Trina "Even if you're the emotional love, he's still only mine and mine alone."

Alistair's lips moved in weird ways, trying to hide his smile 'God, I love it when he's being possessive.' Even though it was weird, considering Trina was literally a major part of him, even if separated, he still loved the behavior.

"Hmmm hmph, but isn't that unfair?" She pouted back and boldly hugged his other arm, surprising them "After all, I am quite literally the part of you that loves him most. The part that's not held back by shyness or anything! Do you have any idea how much I just want to cuddle and spoil him, or have him spoil me?"

"H-hey!" Miquella glared while the Tarnished stayed frozen. He didn't even know what he should do 'Do I push her away? But... she just said it herself, she's the part of Miquella that loves me...

But she's still a separate being from him at the moment... which makes it even worse, since she has unconditional love for me... but it's not Miquella himself that shows his love, it's another woman... but that woman is the most important part of him... but still...'

His brain was going in circles. What made the situation even worse was the extremely soft fleshy cushions enveloping his arm. He tried as hard as he could to not think about it, but it was hard when he was trying to make sure his hand wouldn't touch any weird places with how tightly she was hugging his arm.

At her words, Miquella's complexion changed. Not to an angry one, but to an unsure one. He found logic in her words, and his remaining guilt and desire to make it up to her wanted to stop being stubborn. But with only the desire to possess Alistair all for himself remaining in him, that was easier said than done.

His face twitched, stuck at wanting to agree but failing to convince his heart. He took a deep breath to calm down before looking up at Alistair "I... I'll leave that decision for Alistair to make. After all, even if I'm possessive, it's his choice how he wants to treat you while you're separate from me, even if you are my love."

He was feeling guilty. Both Alistair and Trina could see it in his golden eyes and furrowed eyebrows. Trina was a part of him, the dearest part at that. In fact, until now, Miquella had wanted nothing but to let Trina enjoy Alistair's love as well. She deserved it after all.

But unlike what he had expected, the possessiveness was much more intense than what he had thought. He did expect to feel a bit jealous, but not to this degree. But he could understand why. After all, after a lifetime where having a lover, someone so precious, being only an unreachable dream, is it such a surprise that he regarded that love as something so precious and delicate, with the desire to guard and protect taking over his entire being?

But although he understood his heart, the guilt couldn't be overcome. And that unhidden guilt is what prevented Trina from being sad for being prevented from loving Alistair, the one who she loved just as much as she loved Miquella.

"I-I... well..." She stuttered, feeling guilty herself. Guilt for not being understanding towards Miquella. Guilt for willing to ignore it, since she thought she deserved to bask in his love as well when she had lived Miquella's life, without an instance of romantic love, as well.

Obviously, that was wrong... She was stupid for ignoring Miquella's feelings just for her own. She was stupid for thinking could make Miquella think that she wanted to steal his lover. Obviously, it was just so stupid to-

"Haaah, you know what?" Alistair finally gave up and grabbed their soft, delicate hands, catching their attention and stopping Trina's guilty thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, he looked his golden god in the eyes with sympathy, but also with determination to show him he wasn't just pushing the matter aside to get over with it "Miquella, I understand why you are being possessive, even though you two are literally the same person.

After all, not only do you only have the desire to completely possess me, your lover, since your pure love is separated, it wouldn't be weird if you considered Trina not as a part of you, but as an entirely different individual. Believe me, I understand.

But you also need to understand her. Put yourself in her shoes. If it was another woman's love, I would only feel sorry and push it aside. But this isn't just a random person's love, it's –your– love, Miq. She is the literal manifestation of every bit of love you have for me.

Didn't you feel guilty for betraying the unbreakable love she had for you? Well, that was you feeling so guilty for not loving yourself. Now guess how I would feel if I just ignored my lover's love.

I'm not asking you to let me love her the same way I love you, since that is impossible. I wouldn't be able to do that even if I wanted to. But I'm asking you, can you let me love her as much as I can, even if it could only go as far as love for a best friend? Please?"

"I... well..." He still looked conflicted, but the worry in his eyes had lessened considerably. Alistair knew why he was so possessive. Insecurity. What he was feeling wasn't just annoyance about somebody messing with what he held dear. No, it was genuine fear of losing him.

He knew he was beautiful, he knew Alistair considered him the most beautiful, and he knew that Alistair's love for him was genuine and absolute. But just because he knew those crucial facts didn't mean he was at ease.

After a lifetime of lovelessness, he was afraid that what he had longed for so much would be lost. His worry was understandable, but Alistair needed him to make sure Miquella knew how strong their bond was. How important their relationship was to the both of them.

And the look in his eyes, the love that would never leave them, told all of that to Miquella. His tense body relaxed immediately, as if all his worries had suddenly disappeared, and he found himself fondly grabbing the Tarnished's hand back.

After another deep breath to relax, he finally nodded "Yeah, you're right." And finally smiled at Trina again, although a sad, apologetic one "I... I'm sorry, Trina. I shouldn't have acted that way. It's just because, you know, I-"

But she interrupted him "It's okay, Miquella." Reaching out and gently grabbing his free hand, her own eyes matched his emotions "I'm sorry as well. I should have had some restraint on my behavior. After all, although I am a part of you and we love each other most dearly, we have never set boundaries for each other when it comes to romantic relationships since... well, you know..."

Miquella let out a dry and sad chuckle "Yeah, since we thought that ignoring the problem that couldn't be solved was better than feeling sad about it..."

"Hm, that's right. But now, now things are different. Right, Alistair?" She smiled happily, easing Miquella's mood as she directed it to Alistair. He smiled back and nodded before she looked back at Miquella again "Now, things are different. Very much so.

So instead of arguing or making rash decisions, let's talk about the issues and circumstances this time. Let's solve all our problems by communicating, so as to never regret anything again. What do you say?"

The golden demigod knew what regret she was talking about. And his determination to never let anything like that happen ever again was just as strong as hers, if not even stronger.

"Hm, you're right." He held her hand back and interlocked their fingers, smiling fondly as she smiled at him "This time, let's solve everything together instead of trying to shoulder everything by ourselves."

Trina's smile brightened, her pretty teeth sparkling "You read my mind!" Before hugging them both tightly. The boys were caught by surprise, but hugged back with endearing smiles.

"Then what should we do now?! Let's have fun!" She looked up with shiny eyes filled with excitement. Miquella laughed "Sure! Then what should we do?"

"Hmm, I don't know... I was hoping you would have something in mind."

"Hmm... well, nothing comes to mind..."

"Ahem ahem," Alistair's cough caught their attention as he grinned "If it's about having fun, then I know just what to do!"


The three of them appeared in Alistair's mind, stepping into the water that reached their ankles before the Tarnished's grin widened even further "Finally time to check this baby out!" Looking at the gaming setup, he nearly drooled "Ooh, how I've missed such a sight! Word's can't describe my feeling right now... but numbers sure can! 100 out of 10!"

Miquella and Trina laughed fondly at his mesmerized reaction as he kissed and caressed the console and large TV endearingly "Geez, you're really excited, huh?"

"Excited?! I'm over the moon right now!" He laughed loudly, squealing like a little girl as he found the controllers. Miquella crossed his arms and shook his head in amusement "Geez, I should be more careful of this... set up, was it? Hahahaha whatever it is, I should be more careful of it than any woman there is."

Trina chuckled "Don't say that. If Alistair of all people is so excited about it, then it should definitely be something amazing! Come on, let's check it out!"

As they watched him work with the system, they grew amazed as it turned on and Alistair entered a folder where various images appeared. The golden femboy bent over to the Tarnished's height "What are you doing?"

"Hmm, I'm putting up a show for us to watch. Since it's the first time we're using these, I thought it would be a good idea to show you how my world's entertainment worked. I just don't know what to put up though.

I'm definitely putting up one of my childhood cartoons, since shows of that time were absolutely masterpieces. But which one though...? Shrek is an amazing choice, Up is an absolute tearjerker, The Road to El Dorado is a must watch, so is Corpse Bride... Hmm, decisions, decisions..."

After contemplating it for a bit, he finally threw his hands up in surrender "Oh, whatever! We're going to watch them all later on anyway, so let's go with the most emotional one for now! Up it is!"

Standing up abruptly, he grinned widely at the two "Now let's sit and enjoy an absolute masterpiece!"

(A/N: Minor question, how do you feel about how I addressed Miquella when I didn't want his name to be repetitive when narrating in the previous chapters? You know, golden femboy, femboy demigod, femboy consort, those ones. Should I continue using them, or does it seem weird from a reader's perspective?)