CH 53: Alistair x Miquella P8

Alistair "Alcohol is bad for my legs."

Miquella "Why? Do they swell?"

Alistair "No, they spread."


"Sniff... sniff, hick! That-, that was beautiful." Trina wiped her tears as the cartoon, Up, ended with Mr Fredricksen, Russell and Dug calling out the colors of the cars that passed by while eating ice cream.

Alistair and Miquella had some tears in their eyes thanks to the masterpiece of a cartoon as well, but they weren't outright crying like Trina. Miquella chuckled after gracefully wiping the tears that were threatening to spill "Hahahaha, Trina's right. That was truly a beautiful masterpiece. Now I see why you said it's your all-time favorite, Al."

"Right?" Alistair smiled, leaning against Miquella as the end credits rolled "Although it's just a cartoon, I learned more about treasuring relationships from this than anywhere else in my life. I truly love this cartoon."

Miquella smiled "And for good reasons." Leaning against his consort as well "Although there aren't shows like this in the Lands Between, I still have read many, many stories in the past. And I cannot lie, this is one of the best, if not the best, storylines I've ever witnessed. Thanks for letting me watch it."

"Hahahaha, you're welcome, love. I'm just happy that you liked it too."

"Not just like it, but loved it."

"Well, am I glad to hear that!" He sat up with a wide grin once again "Because boy, oh boy, I've got a ton of shows for us to watch! And believe me, you're going to love them all as well!"

Trina's eyes lit up "Ooh, are we watching another one?! What's this one going to be like?"

"Well-" But before Alistair could smugly reveal his next pick, Miquella's finger against his lips stopped him "Let's not do that for now, alright?"

The Tarnished frowned lightly "Why not? Didn't you like it?" Before smiling "Come on, I've finally got back what I've missed so much, so let's enjoy it!"

Miquella, and surprisingly, Trina too, chuckled before she explained "No, Miquella's right. Let's keep the others for another time. After all, the aftertaste of this movie is still vivid for us. And you should know that you need time to digest after seeing an amazing story, no?"

"Exactly." Miquella smiled gracefully. Alistair thought before sighing with a smile "Alright, fair enough. It would be a bit weird if you didn't do that, actually. By the way..."

As he looked at his consort, he got the golden femboy's attention "Your behavior returned to normal a bit after the movie started. You were all fidgety and... you know, bratty at first. But after we watched a few minutes of the movie, you returned to your normal personality.

The way you act while Trina is a part of you. But Trina is still separate though, so what's going on? Or am I just thinking too much about it?"

Trina shook her head with a smile "No, no. You're actually correct. You noticed it pretty easily though."

"It would be weird if I couldn't instantly notice a change in Miquella's behavior and mood."

"And that's what makes you a great lover. You see, it's like this. Basically, even if we are separate, we are still connected to each other. And the closer we are in distance, the stronger that connection. And while we're close enough, I can actually completely connect to Miquella to make it so his personality doesn't change! Pretty interesting, right?"

"Ooh, that is interesting!" Alistair's eyes widened. Miquella seemed pretty smug about the fact, although he hid it behind a graceful smile. His consort could easily see it though.

He smiled "This is actually pretty good. Now I don't have to worry about not seeing Miquella's normal personality and behavior."

Miquella blinked "Why would you be worried about it? I thought you found my personality in that state interesting."

"Of course I did. Your flirty attitude was sexy as hell! But still, I prefer the normal Miquella who can be comfortable and casual around me more than anything else."

"Aww, my beloved." Miquella smiled fondly, happiness and love radiating from his golden eyes as he interlocked their fingers together "Thank you. Your words mean a lot to me. And besides,"

He winked cheekily "You don't need to worry. After all, I can act flirty while in my normal condition as well, after all~."

Alistair laughed and kissed his lips "I know, I know. And believe me, that's even hotter."

Trina smiled at their loving relationship "Aww, you two get along so well. I'm happy to see that. But if you had such concerns, why didn't you just say so?"

The Tarnished looked awkward "Well, I couldn't just tell him to keep you inside all the time just so I would be comfortable. That would be selfish and toxic of me. After all, after not seeing each other for so many years, it's obvious that you would want to spend time together."

Trina smiled lovingly "Aww, thanks, Al! You're so sweet! But don't worry. Hahahaha, although I do like to spend time with Miquella and you and have fun together, I still prefer being a part of him and making him whole. That way, we're spending every second together, with me being in my rightful place."

"Aha," Miquella raised a teasing eyebrow "And it's totally not because you're a lazy introvert who wants to spend every second sleeping."

"A-ah, well... hahahaha." She chuckled shyly, making the two laugh at her adorable face. The golden consort looked at his beloved "With your worries solved, what now? Do you have anything in mind?"

"Hmm, if it's about wanting to do something..." Alistair smirked lustfully, and Miquella gasped as he pulled him closer by his waist. The golden femboy's face reddened as he saw the hungry look in his eyes "Can we use the private time we have to have as much fun as we want?"

And even though it turned him on to no end, even though his newly heightened libido hungered for Alistair, his consort, with the same ferocity, he couldn't just give in to desire when Trina was right there. It was they're first meeting after all, for goodness sake.

'Haaah, I seriously need to do something about his "Vigor" while I still can. He will eventually grow out of being a constantly horny teenager, but this is my beloved consort we're talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if he stayed the same horny teenager even after centuries.'

But although he complained internally, he knew it very well that he loved the attention from the bottom of his heart. He stopped Alistair's approaching lips with a finger "In case you haven't realized, my beloved, we're not alone here. Trina is right there."

"Oh, don't mind me~." Trina spoke teasingly, cheeks flushed as she covered her smile like a high class maiden "I won't get in your way of having fun while uncle Maliketh isn't around, so have fun~."

And with a purple flash of light, before the guys could say anything, she vanished and returned to Miquella. Making him truly whole again. Seeing the purple light disappear into the golden empyrean's chest, Alistair was quiet before smirking "Anything else?"

"Ha ha, very funny." Miquella playfully rolled his golden, beautiful eyes before circling his arms around the Tarnished's neck and pulling him closer, their lustful smiles mere inches away from each other "But how about instead of making jokes, we get down to business? Hm, my beloved consort?"

"That's all that I've been waiting to hear." Their grins widened before their lips crashed into each other in a sweet, loving kiss. It wasn't slow and tender for long though.

(A/N: No smuts for you, mwahahahaha!!

Sorry for this chapter being so short. But I just wasn't in the mood for a smut chapter, and it had been a while since I had uploaded a new one.

Also, finally finished Bloodborne too✌️! And now, only Dark Souls 2 is left. Unfortunately, I can't count Demon Souls, because it can't be played on my PS4 and my old ass PC can't run it for the love of god. But anyway, it's not gonna be long before these slow updates end and we go back to regular daily, or at least one update every few days!

By the way, you wanna know what weapon I used for Bloodborne ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ? Spin to win, baby, spin to win!)