CH 54: Finally, the Plot Begins

(A/N: FELLAS, IS IT GAY TO- Oh, I mean, I'M BACK FELLAS! After finishing the Ng+ of Bloodborne and first trying Orphan of Kos (🗿), I missed Elden Ring way too much. So I thought I would just pay it a little visit and ride Torrent around a bit. But my memories and love for my first Souls Game resurfaced, hitting me like a fucking train. So fuck Dark Souls 2 and the other Souls Games! Elden Ring is the best one, and no one and nothing can change my mind! I'm back to my routes, bitches!

I won't be able to post anything for about a week or two because of the exams though, so I hope you'll be just a bit more patient!)


(A week or two later)

"... Sigh, yet another boring day." Laying in the Bystial Sanctum, Maliketh sighed in boredom 'I had gotten used to the silence and peace around here for a very long time. Enjoyed it even, after my hectic life with Marika. But after those kids, Miquella and Alistair, came and we went on our little adventure, I've come to find this silence, this boredom, lonely.'

Yet another sigh left him. With his head resting on his arms, he glanced at the large figure standing outside of the half open door 'Maybe I should... talk with him? It's not like there is much to do to relieve my boredom and- nah, screw it. The Black Blade Kindred may be exceptional in combat, but they are idiots outside of that. Haaah, I wonder when those two youngsters will stop thirsting after each other to pay this old man a visit.'

And as if hearing his thoughts, the Site of Grace in the giant room glowed, making his eyes widen as three figures stepped out. "Uncle Maliketh!" Came the voice of the Tarnished he had become friends with.

"Wazzup?!?!" They both grinned widely and walked towards each other to dab each other up. His boredom from a moment ago disappeared as he laughed loudly "You brats finally remembered this old man, huh?! Hahahaha nice to see you again!"

"Hello, Uncle Maliketh." Miquella smiled beside him, simply making him grin harder "Miquella- MIQUELLA?! Is that you?!" Only for his eyes and mouth to fall wide open in shock. His shock was reasonable. After all, just around two weeks ago, Miquella was still just a pipsqueak.

But now, he had finally grown into an adult. An extremely beautiful one at that. One that Alistair, even after breeding him for two weeks straight, still couldn't help but marvel and hunger for. Miquella smiled happily "Yes, uncle Maliketh, it's me. I have finally grown up."

"Yes, I can see that." Maliketh said in shock, before smiling happily and gently patting the golden empyrean's back "Hahahahaha congratulations, Miquella! I can't believe it, you've actually grown up! You've actually broken a curse that the entire Golden Order, not even Marika herself, could actually break! Hahahaha congratulations!"

Miquella smiled happily "Thank you, uncle. And I have my dear consort to thank for that. Without his help, who knows what I would need to do to break that damned curse."

"Not anything small, that's for sure!" Maliketh laughed innocently, but Alistair and Trina sweat beside him "But well, I'm pretty sure he's happy to have helped you too. After all, he turned out to be one lucky bastard now that my nephew has become such a beauty! Hahahaha you truly did inherit your mother's beauty!"

"I am happy to hear that." He smiled in gratitude. Even if he didn't like his mother, he couldn't argue about his mother's unmatched beauty. Being told that he was as beautiful as her would of course be a compliment.

"Heh, you've got that right. I am one lucky son of a bitch." Alistair crossed his arms with a huge, smug grin. Making Maliketh laugh in amusement "You damn brat-" But as he turned his head, he finally saw the third member of the party.

Trina smiled happily and waved "Hello, uncle Maliketh. It's a pleasure to meet you."

But Maliketh's eyes widened "You made a kid already?!"

Gang "HUH?!"

Maliketh "I know you've been busy, but already?! And why's so grown up?!"

Miquella's face flushed red "U-uncle Maliketh! What nonsense are you saying?! She's NOT our child!"

Maliketh "Huh? She's not?"

"Of course! That doesn't even make any sense! How could we h-have a child already?! And how in the world would she be so grown up in a span of a few weeks anyway?!"

Maliketh "Huh? Well, the world is full of mysteries, and common sense doesn't go well together with gods-"

"Uncle Maliketh!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." He apologized awkwardly "But if she's not your daughter, then why does she look so much like you? Don't tell she's another one of Marika's kids."

"Haaah, no, she's not. It's a little complicated." Miquella sighed with a face blushing a pretty red before he glared at his lover on the ground "And can you stop laughing already?!"


Maliketh hummed in interest "Wow, so her situation is somewhat like Marika and Radagon, but not exactly the same."

Miquella "That's right. I took inspiration from their condition and tried to make use of it. Fortunately for me, my efforts were successful."

"I see. And you said that your name is Trina, am I correct?"

Trina smiled fondly "That's right, uncle Maliketh. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person!"

Maliketh stared at her for a moment before cracking a smile "Hahahaha, yeah, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. Although we haven't met each other before, since you're a part of Miquella, then that means that I have another precious niece. Let's get along from now on, kid."

"Yes, uncle!" She smiled happily, and Maliketh's smile grew warmer. He turned to the boys again "By the way, where's Melina? It doesn't feel right to be gathered together without her."

"Thank you for your concern, uncle Maliketh." As he finished, blue particles appeared before disappearing to reveal Melina "But I just needed a little rest, that's all."

"Oh, you're here-... hey, what's wrong with you?" His joy was replaced with concern "Why do you look so pale? Did something happen?"

"It's okay, uncle Maliketh, I'm completely fine. In fact, I've never felt better after enjoying these two weeks." Seeing her proud, absolutely satisfied but emotionless face, Maliketh grew confused. But only then did he notice the pieces of fabric stuffed into her nostrils to stop blood from flowing.

He could only sigh, unamused "Why, you little... haaah, I guess none of the demigods are right in the head in the end."

Alistair snickered as Miquella covered his blushing face "Well, I guess we all enjoyed our little vacation." Making Melina smirk.

"Hmph, I suppose you could say so." Maliketh hummed before smirking "But since you came to pick me up, I assume this little vacation is finally over?"

Alistair smirked "Why, were you excited about continuing our journey together?"

Maliketh smiled "Hmph, you know I am. Why wouldn't I be happy about being able to spend my days with my family?"

"Unc/uncle..." They looked at him with fondness before Alistair, with a grin, clapped his hands "Then are we waiting for?! Let's go already! Next up, finally starting with the actual plot!"


"Hah... hah... why... Why is this happening?" Sitting on a rock some distance away from the Bridge of Sacrifice was a girl. A blind one, considering her blindfold. And one in a bad situation, considering her bloody clothes and the dead bodies on the road in front of her.

Panicking and panting, she was barely holding back the tears. Not only was she nearly killed, and still in danger of being chased and slain, but she was forced to leave her father behind to punish the traitors. And who knows what her father's current situation was?

Had he succeeded? Was he safe? Was he hurt? Was he... dead? The questions simply made her mood worse than it already was. She wanted to stay. Stay with him and help him. But what help could she deliver?

A delicate girl with no sight. She would only get in the way and make things worse if she hadn't obeyed her father's orders and let the knights escort her away from Castle Morne.

She could only sit there, waiting for anyone to cross paths with her, so she could deliver the letter she had written on her handkerchief for her father and hopefully, whoever she would meet would be kind enough to deliver the letter to her father. Who, as she desperately prayed, would hopefully still be alive.

"Alright, that should be about it for the Weeping Peninsula." Her ears perked as she heard a voice in the distance "Now that we've got the Viridian Amber Medallion, the only ones that are left are in Castle Morne."

[Viridian Amber Medallion: Raises maximum Stamina by 11%

Stamina: +18% (7%+11%)]

Her breath hitched as hope blossomed. She heard another voice, one that simply sounded divine "Then I suppose it's finally time to make our way to Castle Morne?"

"Yup, it sure is." For some reason, she heard playfulness in his voice when it sounded somewhat closer. From the sound of steps, they seemed to be walking closer towards her. And from the sound of it, it didn't seem to be just two people.

"Hello? Is somebody there? Might I bend your ear for a moment, please." Although frightened by the turn of events, she acted with manners befitting her status. And fortunately for her, the other party, the one with the beautiful, gentle voice, didn't seem to be just a simple traveler either from his speech "Hello, ma'am, what seems to be the matter? What has happened here? Were you attacked?"

She gulped, trying to calm down as she explained "My name is Irina. I've escaped from Castle Morne, to the south. The servants there...have rebelled. I-I can't be sure what it is; my eyesight's been weak since birth you see...

But I swear I heard frightful howling from all over.

My good father secreted me out the castle,

but decided himself to stay. He says it's his duty, as commander. I... I fear for father's life.

The servants are full wroth. Filled with hatred for every one of us. They've since come for every one of the companions I escaped with.

They haven't spared a soul. I fear it's no different at Castle Morne... Please, I implore you. Would you mind taking a letter to my father, at the castle? My sole wish is that he escape, even if his honour should be the price. Please... I just want him to be safe..."

"I see, it has been very difficult for you." He said, gently placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Irina flinched at the contact, but found the touch to, for some reason, be extremely soothing for her panicking heart.

"What do you think? Should we..." He asked, but not from her. But from the other man with a deeper voice. She could hear the smile on his face as he answered "Of course. We can get what we're looking for there, and having the lord of Castle Morne owing us a favor is worth it too."

"You heard him, young lady." He heard the one with the beautiful voice smile "We shall help you and your father."

Her mouth quivered with delight as she smiled "Thank you, dearly. Then please, take this." She held up her letter for him to take "Deliver it to my father, who remains in the castle, if you please. He can be stubborn, but I'm sure he'll come around."

"Sorry, miss, no can do." Her heart sank at the snicker of the man with the deeper voice "W-what? But you just-" But before she could finish, she felt another hand, much bigger than the one on her shoulder, gently grab her hand and clench it around the letter "If you want your father to receive your letter, then instead of waiting here for our good news, you can come with us to give it to him yourself."

"H-huh? W-well..." She liked the idea way more. But still, she hesitated "I would love to see and talk to my father myself, but wouldn't I get in your way?"

She heard him chuckle "Why would you get it in the way?" Before she yelped in shock when she was suddenly picked up from the rock with ease "You just need to sit back with Torrent, Melina and uncle Maliketh and watch-... well, listen to the show!"