Dark Warning

"I am telling you Albus the boy is responsible!"

The aged Headmaster let out a tired sigh, thus far he had been through two different 'official inquiries' concerning the death of a student. Luckily, he had managed to hide the presence of the Philosopher's Stone from the committees. It was always regrettable that when someone so young lost their life, but Voldemort's spirit had to be stopped, a resurrected Tom Riddle would claim far more in his return than the traps that had been setup inside the castle ever would.

Still there was doubt about what he was doing, perhaps he should have…


Ah yes, he had forgotten that the Potion Master was currently stuck on a different obsession.

"Why do you think that Mr. Potter is the one who caused Mr. Malfoy's screaming fit Severus?"

"B-b-because he is a Potter!"

Another sigh escaped the man's lips, "Severus you really must let go of this hatred towards the boy's father. From what I have seen young Harry is nothing like James Potter save for his appearance, and several of his scholarly talents."

"I am telling you Dumbledore the boy did something . Draco was ridiculing him moments prior and then…"

"Yet you did nothing to stop Mr. Malfoy, was he given a detention, or docked house points for his actions?"

The pale man grumbled out an excuse while averting his eyes to the ground.

"Was there any noticeable damage, save for that to Mr. Malfoy's pride?"

This time the Slytherin merely shook his head.

"I have not forced you to engage Mr. Potter, despite the fact that he is under your care, but I do expect that you at least remain neutral towards him Severus. You are a teacher first and foremost, and you are therefore required to put aside any petty childhood hatreds."

"Of course Headmaster… but I hope you will allow me to continue my investigations."

With a defeated nod Dumbledore gave his approval, allowing the man to depart. Hopefully the rumors about Harry lacking any real friendships would soon be proven false, the orphan needed as much kindness as he could acquire.


Draco Malfoy paced back and forth in the first year dorm. Thankfully he was alone, having asked his godfather for a day off to bring himself together after the 'incident'. Snape had been hesitant, but knew that the Slytherin could not be seen as weak more than one time or risk losing respect.

The real reason was that he needed time. Time to figure out exactly how Potter had done it. It wasn't any spell that he knew of, and his father had gone over quite a few mind oriented spells with him over the last summer just in case.

Reading someones mind was possible, even minor manipulators could be done but this… his senses had been taken over, his consciousness driven as if he had been in a nightmare. But such things were high level magic, if they could be done at all. Not something that a student of less than two months could accomplish.

He had to get answers, needed answers, but most of all he needed to feel that again. It had lasted no more than a split second, but in that moment he had felt power . A darkness that had swirled around him like a dense lake of magic. Dark, twisting, terrible, tempting, seductive, all of these and more paled in comparison to that wonderful power.

But how had Potter done it? How could he wield such awe inspiring magic? He was talented, Draco reluctantly admitted, hell everyone in Slytherin had taken notice that the boy effortlessly achieved the highest grades in any class he bothered with.

He was intelligent, he was powerful, he was charismatic, he was fierce… Draco had to know more.


Neville Longbottom felt as though he was standing at the edge of a precipice. He had been given a chance, given hope for the first time since arriving at Hogwarts that he could amount to something, that he could be worthy .

The problem was that the one who had offered such a thing was a Slytherin… taking him up on an offer would mean that he owed the opposing house. If such knowledge came to light…

The first year paused, what would really happen? Ridicule from the other Gryffindors? That was already a daily occurrence. Bullying? Hell it was suspicious when it didn't happen at this point. It also wasn't as though the other boy was evil . He was Harry Bloody Potter after all, the one who had destroyed the Dark Lord, savior of the Wizarding world, champion of the light… If he couldn't be trusted then who could?

He might even make a friend, the thought of such a thing brought a rare smile to the Gryffindor's face. The idea of having someone to talk to, someone he could confide in, someone who would help me and whom in turn he could help sent warmth through his body.


"How did you do it?"

Harry glanced up from the book he had been flipping through to see the blonde Slytherin standing before him.

"Do what Malfoy?"

"You know what . How did you do it? Tell me!"

The emerald-eyes narrowed in annoyance, "I don't know what you are talking about, so go find someone else to bother."


"Excuse me?"

"I said no, you will tell me or… or…"

"Or what?" Harry inquired, almost curious what the other's response would be.

The wand was in the blonde's hand before he could think about it, perhaps as more of a reaction than anything else. The book was set down by the opposing by, and Harry slowly stood, forcing the Malfoy heir back a few steps. But there was no fear in the raven-haired boy's eyes, nor anger, or even annoyance. It was more of apathy, as if Draco wasn't even worth harming.



Draco made a decision, one that he would probably end up regretting in the long run but… he had to experience it again. "I'll tell everyone about how much of a whore your mother wa…"

A hand had wrapped around his throat as the blonde was thrown against a wall faster than he could even react, green eyes blazing up at his as the skinny raven-haired boy held up off the ground with one hand alone.

"I grow tired of this banter Malfoy, and I grow tired of your comments about my family so consider this your last warning." Black Magic flowed around the two first years, darkening the light and suffocating the Pureblood as the air grew heavy with power and rage. For a moment he could see his death in those blazing eyes.

"Do you see now Malfoy? Do you see how utterly insignificant you are? I could choke the life out of you right here, or snap your neck, or end you in one of a hundred different ways and do you know what would happen to me? Nothing, I could dispose of your remains so that 'daddy' would never know what happened to you, the only reminder to your family would be a few photos and memories."

Releasing his grip Harry allowed the boy to fall onto the flow, coughing as his lungs struggled to make up for the air they had been denied.

Turning Harry gave one last glare before walking towards the exit.



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