The Rise of a Dark Lord: Malfoy's Submission

The Potter heir paused, his fist tightening for a moment as he mentally stopped himself from simply ending the annoying boy's life.

"Did you not learn your lesson?"

"I-I did… please, allow me to follow you."

That… had not been what he was expecting.


"Allow me to serve you… my Lord."

Turning around fully the boy-who-lived beheld what few ever had, a Malfoy on one knee, his head bowed in submission. Harry advanced towards the kneeling boy, his eyes flashing in curiosity.

"Do you know what it means to serve Malfoy? To show submission to someone whom you have always deemed inferior?"

"I was wrong my Lord."

"Of course you were, but are you willing to give everything up? Would you forsake your riches, your family, and you name to serve me? Would you live in poverty, do whatever is commanded and necessary without a hint of reward?"

The answer was given without hesitation, "Yes, my Lord."

"Then rise, Draco."


The following day found a rarity in the Slytherin common rooms, that situation being a shocked silence. Everyone had been made aware of Draco Malfoy's utter hatred towards all things Harry Potter, save for the house points he continuously gave them, and thus watching as the two boys walked in together was a bit shocking to say the least.

"D-Draco… what are you doing!?"

The blonde boy glanced over at Pansy Parkinson, "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean… WHAT DO I MEAN!?"

"Are you sure that you belong in Slytherin Miss Parkinson? You seem to be acting more like an excitable Gryffindor than a sly, manipulative snake."


"Miss Parkinson, is there a problem here?"

The girl froze, slowly turning to face her head of house. "P-professor I…"

"Mr. Malfoy is free to associate with whom ever he wants."

"Y-yes of course."

Snape glanced over at his godson, before departing for the main hall.


"Seriously though Draco what is the deal?"

The blonde glanced up at the Slytherin who had approached, "It is rather simple Blaise, I reevaluated my priorities and have decided on a different course of action."

"But siding with Potter? Following a Half-Blood?"

"You don't know what he is capable of Blaise… he is far more than you realize."

The dark-skinned boy paused, before glancing around to ensure they were away from prying ears and took a seat by the blonde boy. "Okay, so explain it to me."

"Are you sure you want to know? I am following him now Blaise, if you plan on using this somehow… consider this my declaration of my allegiances."

"I am sure. Just because I am in Slytherin does not make me a manipulative backstabbing bastard Draco you know that."

With a nod the Malfoy leaned in closer to his friend. "He is powerful Blaise… his magic is… I cannot describe it. It is dark and thick. When he exposed me to it I felt as if I was drowning in it with no hope for rescue."

The Zambini whispered a few choice swear words. "You're sure about this aren't you?"

"I wouldn't have declared him to be my Lord if I wasn't…"

"Draco… do you realize what…"

"Of course I do. He asked me if I would give up everything and I said yes, and I will . But there is more to it Blaise, there is something else going on. Have you ever noticed how effortlessly he does… well everything ? It is like he isn't even trying to get perfect grades, and the way he observes us, some days I feel like he is a predator watching for his next meal, and others like he is a king looking for those with potential."

"I don't know Draco the way you are talking… are you sure he didn't slip you anything?"

"Tell you what, how about I set up a meeting. If you aren't convinced then no harm no foul, but at least you will have your answer."


"My Lord, I have a small… request."

"Oh? Barely my follower for a week and you are already making requests? I am starting to think this relationship of ours is favoring you far more than me."

"A-apologies my Lord, I…"

"Relax Draco, what is it that you want?"

"Blaise Zambini… he has doubts about you. If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion I believe he too would follow you if he could see what I have."

"You wish him to join you?"

"Indeed, he would be a loyal follower my Lord. Whatever your plans for the future may be, I can only assume that the more soldiers you have to call upon the easier it will be."

"Hmm, a decent point I suppose… just keep something in mind Draco, just as no two eyes are the same so are no two perspectives. What you see in me may not be the same as what Blaise will see."


"I can't believe this Tracey…"

"What? I am telling you it is just a fad or something. It will all blow over soon enough."

"That is what we thought last month and now…" Daphne Greengrass glanced over to where the large majority of the first-year Slytherins were seated, in a large circle with Harry Potter as the obvious center of attention.

It had started with Draco Malfoy, followed a few days later by Blaise Zambini. Two days after the dark-skinned boy's change Crabbe and Goyle had been seen following the trio, and then Pansy Parkinson.

Of course none of these were huge shocks after the blonde. Crabbe and Goyle were followers, not leaders, and Parkinson was practically in love with the Malfoy Heir, although her 'secret' glances seemed to stray in the raven-haired boy's direction more and more with each passing day.

"I am telling you they know something that we don't, and in Slytherin…"

"Knowledge is power, yes Daphne I know. I do pay attention when you talk after all."

"We need to figure out what is going on, then we can decide how to best approach this."

Tracey nodded, before going wide-eyed. "Looks like we had better do so soon, otherwise we will be the only ones left."

Glancing up Daphone noted that Millicient Bulstrode had quietly made her way over to have a whispered conversation with Pansy.


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