The Wand’s Legacy

"Welcome one and all to the closing ceremonies for another year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore proclaimed as the entire student body was assembled in the main hall. "It has been a long year for all of us, there have been lessons learned, homework accomplished, friendships created and renewed, love found and lost, along with a good number of House points." the elder wizard paused, allowing for a soft chuckle to echo through the students before his mood switched to a more somber one.

"This year we have lost one of our own. A young life taken far before its time. We shall mourn him, and celebrate his accomplishments for years to come as we hold those dear to us closer than before. Let us never forget that everyone who lives shall die, but not everyone who dies shall live. Let us live everyday to its fullest and never forget that our time in this world is far too short for holding back." With that the man raised his goblet for a toast, followed by the others in attendance.

"I would like you all to join me in the final tally of House Points for this year, and the crowning of the House Championship…" a few seconds later and the banners throughout the great hall changed to those of silver and green with a large snake adorning them. "Slytherin!"

The respectful clapping from the other three houses was easily overshadowed by the roar from the victors.


"My Lord, I hinted to my parents about your living condition and… they did not seem very enthusiastic about meeting you."

Harry chuckled as the Malfoy heir sat down across from him, being joined by Pansy, Blaise, Millicent, and Theodore Nott moments later. "Quite understandable Draco, I was not expecting a red carpet welcome or any such nonsense. Supposedly Dumbledore wishes for me to be removed from the orphanage as well but…"


The boy quirked his head, what the devil was Pansy upset about? "Yes… it is where I live…"

"Why didn't you tell us earlier Harry!? We could have…"

"Could have what? " The boy snarled, his eyes lighting up in a rare show of anger. " Do you believe that you are capable of solving this problem where I am not? Do you think that I would not be capable of living on my own should I so choose to do so?"

"N-no my Lord of course not it is just that… you could stay with one of us…"

This time the laughter that echoed through the carriage sent shivers down the other student's spines. "Oh yes I am sure that your parents would be excited beyond belief to house the boy-who-lived, destroyer of Voldemort in their homes. Honestly how many of your parents have no association with the former Dark Lord?"

Those present looked around nervously, before shaking their heads. When he spoke again Harry's tone was back to its usual joy filled version, "Exactly, but do not despair for me. It will be nice to have a few months to myself after this previous school year. Besides I will see you all before you know it."

"If you feel you need company my Lord… we are only an owl away from you." Millicent emphasized, moving her hand as if to place it comfortingly on his leg, but stopping herself with merely keeping it on her own instead. They all knew what the expectations of Wizarding society was. Upon declaring their loyalties they belonged to him in every sense of the word. However, one did not touch their Lord without being told they may do so.


The summer turned out to be… excruciatingly boring. Sure Harry had enjoyed the first week or so of peace and quiet, considering that everyone at the orphanage ignored or avoided him, but after a while it was just dull.

Luckily Hedwig had decided to revisit her decision on sleeping next to him, which meant extra warmth and comfort at nights and in the early mornings. The second saving grace had been the abundance of letters that his 'followers' had taken upon themselves to write him. Most of them were not-so-subtle hints that he should spend the summer at their residence while others were simply friendly communications.

Draco, for instance, was practically begging him to meet and play Quidditch, a game that the boy-who-lived had observed several times but found no interest in save for the idea of flying.

A few weeks prior to the next school year Harry finally received the letter he had been waiting for. An invitation to join the heir of Longbottom in a trip to Diagon Alley for school shopping. It was finally time to begin cultivating the boy's greatness.


"Greetings heir Longbottom, how has your summer been?"

The blonde, who had slimmed down a bit since the school year, blushed at the introduction before giving a nod. "I have been well, yourself Lord Potter?"

Harry chuckled, "Bored out of my mind, however this does bring up something I wish to speak with you about."

"And what is that?"

"This whole 'Lord' business. I have decided that everyone shall have one free 'declaration' before I begin holding them to their words."


"It means you can call me 'Lord' one time, before I begin recognizing your fealty."


"Do not worry Neville, you are perfectly fine right now. I am certainly not going to take into account previous statements… although it would be fairly interesting to see the Slytherins react to that."

"I doubt much would change, Harry. Most Purebloods know what it means to say such things."

The raven-haired boy gave a thoughtful hum as the duo walked through the alley, ignoring the various stares they received.

"Blimey mate how do you put up with the attention?"

"I mentally picture them all as blood stained corpses."

Neville laughed at the joke, not noticing that his friend appeared completely serious. "Okay, next question, what is it with you and the owl?"

"Hm? Hedwig? She has been my closest companion for my entire life. I cannot imagine life without her."

The snow-white creature seemed to straighten up a bit as she sat on his shoulder at the praise. After retrieving some money for their supplies from Gringotts Harry led his friend to Ollivanders, much to the confusion of the other boy.

"Uh Harry, what are we doing…"

"We are going to be buying you a new wand Neville. The future Longbottom Lord should not be carrying around another person's tool. It needs to be yours not your father's ." This is the first step to you achieving your greatness, something we will be working on quite a bit in this upcoming year.

"Ah Mr. Longbottom… and Mr. Potter… I must admit I expected to see both of you here last year. If my memory serves me right you are both second years rather than first."

The blonde glanced over to his friend, a bit confused since he had always seen Harry using a wand during class. "That is correct, however as you can see I already have what I need, we are merely here for my friend Neville. He has been using his father's old wand and while it is very well made it is not for him ."

The older man's eyes remained trained on the emerald-green ones of the boy-who-lived even as he nodded in agreement. "Yes… yes you really should have your own. But I am sure that any wand you purchased will not be as useful as one that I can make for you Mr. Potter."

Again the boy waved off his argument, "I have made it through my entire first year without effort using my current solution, I am sure it will suffice. Now for heir Longbottom?"

A hesitant nod answered him, before the wandmaker turned his attention towards the blonde, "Yes yes, well then let us see what we can do. Right or left hand Mr. Longbottom?"


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