The Headmaster’s Request

A popping sound gained the boy-who-lived's attention as a House-Elf appeared in his room, earning an startled gasp from a young white-haired girl. For a moment Harry considered moving into a different apartment, perhaps one that went unregistered so he could avoid such rude intrusions.

"Master Harry Potter!"

"And you are…"

"Dobby is Dobby! Master Harry Potter must not return to Hogwarts this year, terrible things are going to happen this year."

"Terrible things you say? Well then I simply must attend. I would not want to miss the fun now would I?"

"No no no no! Master Harry Potter must not go!"

"And if I choose to do so anyway?"

"Dobby… Dobby will stop you, however Dobby must!" The creature glanced over at the young girl for a brief moment, before finding himself magically thrown against a wall.

"I will tell you only one time Dobby . If you so much as contemplate doing something with Hedwig I will end you." Shadows lengthened across the floor, the lights flickering ever so slightly as the boy's own eyes lit up with green flames.

"Dobby is not afraid sir, Dobby is used to death threats. Dobby wants Master Harry Potter to be safe, Dobby wants to protect the great Harry Potter sir."

"Ah, but that is where you are mistaken, death is not the worst outcome to your actions. I will be going to Hogwarts. If you are so insistent upon protecting me then you may do so during the year. Perhaps if you prove your worth I will consider a more permanent solution to your problems and desires."

The House-Elf nodded reluctantly, before being released and popping away a moment later.


"Uh, my Lord? What are you reading?"

Emerald eyes peered up from behind the Muggle written book, "It is a book on psychology, I purchased a few during last summer for something to do during the train ride."

"Oh, but why bother wasting your time on Muggle books?"

"Because Wizards do not have any books on psychology."


"Study of the mind, it is rather interesting."

"I see, so what is the plan for this year now that Slytherin has nearly been united under you?"

"Now we begin expanding into the other houses Draco. The world is not dominated by only Slytherins."

"Ugh, please tell me we will be limiting our interactions with the Gryffindors though?"

"You did not seem to have a problem with Neville at the end of last year."

"Well… I mean yeah but…"

"So I fail to see what is so wrong with the 'brave' of us. I am far more interested to see who our new Defense professor will end up being."

A 'dreamy' sigh echoed through the carriage, earning a quirk of Harry's eyebrow towards Pansy, while Malfoy sneered in response. "Lockhart, the fraud."

"Oh please Draco, you are just jealous of the man."

"J-jealous!? The man is a complete moron!"

"Because his hair looks better than yours?"

"No! Because he is… he is… argh! My Lord tell her!"

"Tell her what Draco? I do not even know who this 'Lockhart' person is."

The girl gaped at him in shock. "M-my Lord, how do you not know who he is?"

"Does it look as though I keep up on current events? Besides that is what I have Draco for."

The blonde boy's chest puffed out a bit at the praise. "See Pansy, our Lord knows who to place his trust in."


"Welcome students, to another year at Hogwarts!" As the Headmaster began his introductory speech Harry's attention diverted to far more important tasks, mainly that of assessing the students of other houses. Neville was already on his side, and gaining more confidence by the day it seemed. He also had ideas on recruiting a few other loyal, if a bit easily manipulated, Gryffindors.

Hufflepuffs weren't terribly exciting, but would also be the easiest to mass recruit once the rest of the school fell in line.

Ravenclaw would likely be the most difficult, they tended to be far more socially isolated and unwilling to care about what the other three houses would value.

Regardless, Harry was anything but worried, this was turning into more of a 'school project' for himself rather than a task that he had to accomplish. Something to occupy his time with, considering he had already memorized every book the previous year and could cast the spells without effort.

Hopefully whatever 'danger' Dobby had warned him about would end up being interesting at least.


"Mr. Potter, after you are unpacked could I speak with you in my office please? The password is 'Razzle Berrys'."

The boy nodded, allowing the older man to return to the professor dining table, and earning curious glances from the rest of Slytherin house.

"Something you want to share with us Potter?"

"Odd, I wasn't aware that my comings and goings were any of your business Flint."

The boy winced, before muttering an apology, much to the surprise of the first year students. Draco merely grinned. "You will understand later tonight, do not worry about it for now."


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