Voldemort's Frustrations

"So Neville, how has your studies progressed this year?"

The previously chubby boy slowed, allowing for his closest friend to catch up with him. "Very good my… Harry. It seems like Snape has backed off a bit lately, which has even helped out Potions class."

"Indeed, quite an odd turn of events."

"I thought you would have been the cause of that."

"Not this time. Although I may have been indirectly, perhaps the Headmaster finally decided to force professor Snape to cease his mindless bullying."

The Longbottom shrugged as the pair walked together. "I have to thank you though, Gran sent me a letter last month about how proud she was of my improvements. The only reason for those is your tutoring, the Slytherins helping me in a few classes, and my new wand. All of these were because of you."

"Nonsense Neville, you have grown on your own just as I knew you would. You will continue growing so long as you can find the inner strength to do so."

"As long as I am with you Harry I know I can do anything."

"Then continue to walk with me Neville, and you will achieve greatness you cannot imagine."


The door slammed behind her as Hermione Granger ran into the nearest stall, thankfully not occupied, and hastily shut the barrier behind her before locking it and slumping down onto the toilet. Seconds later the tears she had held back came running down her face despite her efforts to control her sobs.

This year was supposed to be different. She had rationalized that the first year was sort of an introduction to the Magical world, a test run for everyone to get to know each other and then they would come back after the summer more mature and accepting. That hadn't happened… in fact it was even worse this year. The bullies were stronger, braver, and more vicious in their words. The girls in her class would taunt her about her hair, her lack of makeup, her 'ugliness'. While the boys, usually Ronald Weasley, would laugh at her lack of friends and her 'annoying behavior'.

But she could have disregarded it, could have ignored it all if she could have just made a single friend… but she hadn't. No one had even bothered to pretend this year, unlike last when they at least acted like they might be interested in her.

Worse still was her parents. She had been warned that it was a difficult transition for Muggle-born Wizards and Witches. Most of the Pureblood, and even some Half-bloods, already had ties and friendships established from before they entered Hogwarts, she had none. When she had returned to her family over the previous Winter holidays her mother and father had attempted to converse with her regarding school but… it was no use. They simply could not comprehend the cultural differences and the subtleties of magic.

Even worse was that during the summer her lack of exposure to the Muggle world was far more obvious than ever before. She had sat in silence for the first dinner back trying to think of something to talk to her parents about… but there was nothing they held in common. She could not keep up with recent events and could not explain the magical classes she took.

When she had attempted to do so their eyes seemed to dull, and the fake smiles that she had always dreaded appeared on their faces. It was the same as when she had tried to explain Muggle concepts to a Pureblood. They were pretending to care.

Halfway through the summer and Hermione Granger realized that she was alone. There was no one in the Muggle world she could talk to about her problems and few, if any, in the Magical world seemed to listen. McGonagall herself had grown busy with the new first years and everything else that was occurring in the school to have more than a brief conversation concerning homework. Even then the older Witch seemed almost annoyed at having to take time out of her schedule to talk about academics.

Thus the bushy-haired witch sat and cried, not only from the hateful words and attitudes but at the loneliness that surrounded her.

Why couldn't she be more like Harry Potter? She had overheard more than a few of classmates muttering this about her behind her back. It wasn't her fault that she wasn't perfect. That he was better than her in every way. That he could not only outperform her, without effort on his part it seemed, in every class but that the teachers adored him. That his entire house followed him like he was their messiah. That even those of other houses, especially the girls, could be seen sneaking glances at him whenever they thought it was safe.

He was beautiful, intelligent, powerful, charismatic, social, and wise.

Everything she had always wanted to be… and more.


Albus sodding Dumbledore, once again the old bastard just had to stick his neck in and ruin his plans once again.

First he had moved to shut down Hogwarts after the girl had been killed decades prior, and now he had called in Aurors thus making further continuation of the plan painstakingly slow. The memory could get away with maybe one or two sneak outs, using the girl's body, before being caught.

If only it was easier to transfer control, or fully possess the girl. Perhaps it was time to give the Basilisk a more general command, to have it target students at random to take focus away from his host and buy himself more breathing room. After all the attacks were a mere bonus in comparison to the grander scheme of resurrection.

Then all would fear the name 'Voldemort' once more.


"I don't understand what the big deal is Daph."

"Oh please, like you do not see what is going on. They follow him around like they are his servants Tracey!"

"If I remember right you were the one who told me that sort of thing did tend to happen in Slytherin. That those with power always lead."

"Yes they do, but the problem is that it usually isn't like this . I mean sure each year tends to form social groups but… Tracey the seventh years are starting to follow him around."

"I think you are overreacting." the youngest Davis child muttered, as she flopped back onto her bed. "I think he's cute."

"Of course he is cute but…" Daphne Greengrass snapped her mouth shut, her eyes widening in surprise as her face turned completely red.

"HA! I knew it! Even the 'ice queen' herself is attracted to him!"


"Are you going to try and sneak into his room like the others? Try and get a little sneak peak?"


The girl turned towards her best friend, and noticed the embarrassed anger in her eyes. "Daph… you know I was just teasing you. I didn't mean…"

"I know… I am just not used to this. It is… scary Tracey. It feels like I am being…"

"Pulled towards him? Like when he talks that no one else is in the room but you and him? Like you just want it to give him everything he could ever want?"


The Half-blooded girl nodded, "I feel the same way Daph, but I don't think it is bad just a bit intense ."

"I don't like it Tracey… I don't care what the others are doing but I am staying away from him for now. I think you should too."

"Alright alright… but just for now."


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