Auror on Campus

"Attention everyone, attention please. Due to the incident two days ago I have yielded to the insistence of the DMLE and agreed to the posting of an Auror on school grounds to discourage any further pranks of this caliper. I would like to introduce a former graduate of Hogwarts, Miss Tonks."

The Metamorphmagus stepped forward with a grin. This was going to be the easiest field assignment ever! Bones had informed her that some kid had been petrified as a result of a prank so she was to stick around and make sure it didn't happen again. Although they did not know the cause Dumbledore was fairly positive that it was nothing serious, and should it escalate further reinforcements would be brought in.

Basically she was being paid extra, and overtime, to hang around Hogwarts and babysit a bunch of brats for a few months. Naturally this would be going on her record and 'field experience' and potentially even help with a future promotion.

"Wotcher all, my name is Tonks… just Tonks . I am here to make sure all of you cute little kids are safe and sound so if anyone is picking on you feel free to let me know."


"I have a very important, and exciting announcement to make children! Due to the raw terror that is currently roaming our halls Headmaster Dumbledore has authorized me to start up a dueling club in each year to teach self defense. In order to save time I will be doing one year at a time. First year students have already went through their lesson and so now it is your turn." The 'professor' cheerfully announced as he strutted around in his outfit.

"Perhaps, Lockhart, we should get on with the lesson? Some of us have more important things to do than watch you model the latest 'fashion' trend." Snape growled from the corner of the room, earning a chuckle from the other adult.

"Yes, yes of course. Now then we will be going through the basics of Wizarding duels, and as such the first step is to have a pair of volunteers."

"Excuse me professor, if I might make a suggestion?"

"Ah Harry, of course."

"If you and professor Snape gave us a brief demonstration it might prove a better example."

"Well…" a glance over towards the darker of the two men earned a pause from the fraud for a moment, before he nodded. "I suppose it will have to do. I hate to show off at another teacher's expense but it will provide valuable information for all of you intrepid youths."

Harry forced himself not to roll his eyes in annoyance. Perhaps he should have volunteered himself, that was when he 'accidentally' murdered the man it might not be quite as suspicious.

As Severus himself took his position at the opposite end of the 'Defense professor' he overheard a whispered conversation between several of the Slytherins.

"I didn't know Snape could duel."

"Of course he can, I imagine he is quite impressive."

Odd that Potter knew that fact concerning him, and the way he spoke sounded almost like a compliment from the boy.

"First, we bow."

The two adults proceeded to do so.

"Next we assume our dueling stances."

Lockhart's was… well what every expected from the man. A ridiculous pose that looked as impractical as standing on ones head. Snape's was far more lethal, minimizing his surface area while allowing his wand to rest in an offensive opening position.

"Then, we begin!" the blonde called out, before launching a simple disarming hex, which was easily deflected before a far more powerful spell was launched in counter, and tossed the man across the platform.

"And that is how you duel."

"Y-yes well… obviously I went easy on professor Snape but we simply do not have time to go into the more advanced dueling methods. Now then, two volunteers please!"

"I'll take on any of the snakes!"

Fighting back the urge to laugh at the Weasley Harry noticed Draco tense up through his peripheral vision.

"My Lord… please?" the blonde whispered, his eyes never straying from Ron who stood smugly across from them.

"Go on Draco."

"I will take the Weasel on!"

Both students hastily climbed up the walls and onto the platform, each backed by a professor should anything go wrong.

"Ah a rivalry is born. This is a good opportunity to show the differences between how a Gryffindor and a Slytherin duels."

Even Snape rolled his eyes slightly at this as the two preteens took on their stances, albeit far closer than the adults were in order to improve their aim.

"Scared Weasel?"

"I am going to make you even uglier Malfoy!"

Ron attacked first, sending a 'prank' hex that his brothers had used on him previously. What he had not been counting on was his opponent to duck out of the way so easily, and fire a counter curse that tossed the boy backwards several feet, and onto his ass.

"Really Weasel, a spell to turn my pants yellow? That is how children duel, not Wizards."

"Twenty points to Slytherin." Severus intoned.


"Wotcher, you must be Harry Potter."

"Indeed, and you are Miss Tonks correct?" the boy inquired, his eyes seeming to pierce through her own gaze, as if he stared into her very soul.

"Y-yeah, I am the uh… the Auror here to make sure everyone is safe."

"I see, well I certainly feel safer with you around."

If it had been anyone else Tonks might have found sarcasm in his voice, but oddly there was none. Apparently the young man truly did feel safer around her, sending an odd feeling of triumph through her body.

"I am glad Mr…"

"Please, just call me Harry. I do so hope we can see more of each other as the school year goes on. Naturally I pray you solve the mystery behind these attacks though. Quite the conundrum I find myself in."

"Um yeah… I uh… agree and stuff…"

"Well if you ever need anything Miss Tonks, it is never difficult to find me."

"Yeah sure, I will remember that thanks." With that the woman practically bolted down the hallway, trying to figure out why in Merlin's name she was acting like a lovesick school girl around the boy… and to calm her rapidly beating heart.


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