Sneaking Out

Hermione Granger took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves as she snuck out of the Gryffindor dorms with her dress safely stored in a bag. She had considered changing beforehand but knew that the risk of getting caught would almost certainly ruin her chance of getting to the party, especially from her loudmouth roommates.

Thus, she snuck through the halls, barely avoiding the patrols, before reaching an empty bathroom and slipping inside. Once there she quickly changed into the dress she had purchased, put on the mask, and gently held onto the invitation that would allow her admittance. A quick glance into the hallway reaffirmed her secrecy as she quickly moved towards the destination, the Slytherin common room.

A finely dressed House-Elf popped into existence, before extending its hand, "Invitation?"

The bushy-haired, she had considered trying to fix it but decided to opt with her natural look instead, Witch showed the small parchment, and earned a nod from the diminutive figure.


"G… Eyre, Miss Eyre."

"Dobby will announce, please wait."

Announce? What in the world did…

The elf opened the entrance, revealing a massive staircase leading down into what was an area packed with other students, all in mask and dress clothing as well.

"Announcing Miss Eyre!"

The entire room turned to watch her descend the stairs, and thankfully there was a handrail because otherwise the young Granger was sure she would not have made it down in one piece. Once down, however, she found only a small group waiting to converse with her, mostly females.

"Miss Eyre was it?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"Miss Greengrass, my younger sister, and Miss Davis."

Now the young bookworm felt rather silly at having given a fake name but thanked her foresight at wearing elbow-length gloves to cover her nervous sweat. "A pleasure to meet you three."


For the first time since she could remember Hermione Granger felt like she was fitting in with a crowd. Students her own age were talking to her without a hint of sarcasm or hatred, they were laughing at her jokes and she theirs, and more than a few boys had inquired if she would dance with them later.

Her, the nerdy bookworm with 'hideous teeth and awful hair' being asked to dance with boys! Undoubtedly if her mother heard she would have a heart attack. Still she had held back on making any promises, still wanting to find one individual amongst the sea of others.

"Ah Miss Eyre, I am surprised to find you here."

It wasn't the voice she was hoping for, but she recognized it regardless as she turned to face the trio of redheads.

"I am surprised myself a bit as well." Hermione confessed with a soft laugh, earning them from the others as well.

"I am sure you know my two 'demon brothers', but I am Lady Weasley. It is nice to finally have a conversation with you. I am afraid that my… relative has made approaching you quite difficult."

Undoubtedly Ginny was referring to Ron, but the girl still did not want to make any assumptions, nor offend family. "I am sorry to hear that, but your family is quite… interesting, I enjoyed the time we spent together on the train ride."

Ginny grinned, "All except for the end I am sure. Still there is no reason to fake politeness when it comes to Ronald, the boy is a dense as a sack of rocks."

"Still say he is adopted."

"Oh, undoubtedly dear brother of mine."

"Quite unfortunate that mother will not disown him."

"Pampers him a bit too much I fear."

"Or dropped him on his head a few too many times."

"Perhaps both." the twins chorused at the end with face splitting smiles.

Before she could reply a voice called out from behind her, "Ah Miss Eyre, I am so glad to see you here."

Her heart skipped a beat, or perhaps several, as Hermione turned to the one person she had wanted to see above all else. There before her stood the mysterious 'Mr. Rochester'. He was around her age, which she had always assumed, with messy black hair and the deepest green eyes she had ever beheld, a young blonde was interlaced with his left arm while a white-haired girl, whom she didn't recognize, on the right. Even with the masks the young Granger had been able to identify everyone at the party, at least until now.

"If you two ladies would excuse me for a moment, I do believe I owe Miss Eyre a dance." the teen all but commanded as music began to filter through the hall.

Earning two reluctant nods Hermione felt her hand be taken by his, and lead onto the dance floor with dozens of others, a Waltz starting up seconds later.

"So how are you enjoying the party?"

"It is wonderful." the girl practically gasped back as they twirled around. Apparently, dancing was one more thing the boy could flawlessly do. "I am surprised that I have not been attacked yet though, with so many other girls staring at you."

The raven-haired boy chuckled, "Yes well I do believe I made it clear that there was to be no fighting or arguments here tonight, they know better than to disobey."

"So they do follow you…"

"By choice I assure you, I have never forced anyone to walk by my side."

Hermione nodded as her heart fluttered just a bit more, the man in front of her truly was too perfect to be real.

"And what of you Miss Eyre? If I ask will you walk alongside me as well?"

The teenager bit her lip slightly, they both knew what he was asking, something she had been waiting for since a year prior. Now all she had to do was make her choice.


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