A feminine voice gasped out as the back of the owner's legs hit the edge of a large bed. A moment later, after kicking off her shoes, she climbed backwards onto it, pulling her 'prey' along by his coat. Fingers ran through raven-black hair as his lips found her neck.
"Oh God…"
"Not quite my dear." he whispered back, smirking into her throat as he tasted her skin once more.
Hermione Granger knew where this was leading, knew that if she didn't stop herself soon she wouldn't be able to at all, but the fact remained that she couldn't, save for the utterly sexist ideas that women had to remain 'pure' while men could shag all they wanted, think of a reason why she should .
"Do you want to stop my dear?"
"N-no, please just… more."
A young Gryffindor blinked several times as she awoke the next morning in an empty bed, it was at that moment that a sliver of fear and doubt wormed its way into her heart and mind. What if it hadn't been Harry she had given her first time to the night before? What if it had all been some sort of long winded prank just to get in bed with her? What if…
The doorway to the bathroom opened, and into the room walked a memorable emerald-eyed, raven-haired boy wearing nothing but a towel.
"Oh, good morning, I was going to have breakfast for you when you awoke but it seems as though I was a tad bit late."
She could only stare, the concerns dissipating like smoke on a breeze, at the teen standing before her. "Is everything alright Miss Eyre? Well I suppose now that the mask is gone I can't quite call you that now can I. So, would you prefer Miss Granger or…"
"Hermione! Uhm I mean just call me Hermione, after last night well…"
He grinned, but not the one she would expect from a boy who had 'conquered' but rather a cheerful one full of warmth. "I am glad to hear that Hermione, I hope you enjoyed all of last night."
"Yes! I mean yes I did, the party, the dancing, and… the sex…"
"That was most enjoyable. Now I am curious if you would like to try a different tradition, one that I am quite fond of."
He moved forward until he was standing at the bed before letting his towel drop, "I believe they call it 'morning after sex'. Would you be interested?"
Her eyes widened at his form, before quickly nodding and watching as he slid under the covers and crawled towards her.
Expect major event followed by massive political fallout within the next three weeks. Once this occurs you will wait three days, and then call a press conference at Hogwarts to announce your 'surprise findings'.
Memorize information enclosed below.
Lucius Malfoy scanned over the information attached, before pouring himself a rather large cup of alcohol and downing it. The boy was right, if this 'event' was as ground shaking as he promised Fudge would be dragged out of office before a vote of no confidence could even take place.
Considering that he would be the one to announce it… there was little doubt in the Malfoy Lord's mind that all Potter had to do was stand beside him at the podium and he would win by a landslide. One month, the boy had only needed one month to do what both the Dark Lord and Lucius himself had failed to do in over a decade.
One month to become Minister of Magic. The blonde gave a very uncharacteristic grin, he could hardly wait.
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