Rumors and Retorts

"You know I heard a rumor Granger."

The bookworm fought the urge to even acknowledge the redhead who walked up to her table in the library. Was it too much to ask for a little peace and quiet to try and collect her thoughts about everything that had happened?

"I heard that you weren't in the dorms last night."

"Keeping tabs on me Ronald? Seems a bit creepy, you should probably stop so Lavender doesn't get jealous." She wasn't quite sure where the comeback came from but was more than happy for it.

"Psh, as if you are worth my time, I just wanted to confirm that you are, in fact, a snake whore."

Hermione's mind froze, how could he have known that she slept with someone, or even about the party? Maybe he didn't and was just guessing, or maybe his gossipy girlfriend had been told something by a Slytherin.

"Ah, so it is true huh? So, what, couldn't find a good respectable Wizard to bed you so you just spread your legs for the first guy who glanced your way, is that it huh? I know you are pathetic and desperate, but this is a new low even for you, what will your parents say when they hear about your activities I wonder? Will they pull their precious little slut of a daughter from Hogwarts?"

Ron, along with the small group of friends he had gathered, snickered at her embarrassment, while the bushy-haired Witch was fighting back the tears at the thought of never seeing Harry again. Suddenly, a new voice called out from behind her.

"Well well well look who it is. See Blaise, I told you I smelled chicken. That meant that it was either someone who is a slob and doesn't understand the concept of 'bathing', or one of the so called 'brave' Gryffindors being an utter coward. To be honest I didn't think it would end up being both at once."

"Malfoy." the Weasley growled out, his hand moving to his Wand, along with the rest of the Gryffindors.

"The one and only, luckily for you."

"I don't see your precious leader around here anywhere Malfoy. Surprised you could even bother coming out of the dungeons."

"Well at least I don't need to outnumber someone five to one in order to actually confront them Weasel."

"It's like that is it? Are you the one she was on her back for, you hear that Parkinson? Your little boyfriend has a shag buddy on the side."

"Oh, it isn't like that Weasel, I'm not sleeping with Granger… I just don't like you ."

"Yeah well, the feeling is mutual, you stupid git!"

"Pompous moron."



As the two boys continued their insults the dark-skinned girl merely rolled her eyes, before walking forward towards the Witch who had been caught in the middle. "Hey Hermione, why don't you come with us, that way they leave you alone."

The Gryffindor looked over to where Pansy had gestured, and noticed that Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass were standing nearby, trying not to get dragged into the 'measuring' contest that the 'men' were having.

Hermione nodded, before whispering out a few words of thanks and moving away from the confrontation.

"Can I just ask… why? Why are you being so nice to me suddenly?"

The Parkinson heiress gave the girl a smile, "Because Harry welcomed you, and as long as you are accepted by him you are one of us. Slytherins might not be the friendliest House to outsiders, but once you are 'in our group' then we will support you."

The Gryffindor nodded, dumbstruck, before being lead out of the library. Who knew that a single night could change her outlook on life by so much?



"Yeah Moony?" the man replied as he plopped another helping of mashed potatoes onto his plate. If he was being honest he hadn't eaten this well since… well, he couldn't even remember at this point. The last time he could recall a home cooked meal was about a week before Prongs had gone into hiding, and even then, it had only been a hastily put together chicken dinner.

"What do you think about Harry?"

Sirius paused, it was an, obviously, loaded question but more important was whether his best friend wanted to imply that his godson was wrong… or correct in his methods.

"He is a smart kid Moony, powerful, cunning, devious… bit of all of us I guess." he replied, meaning the former Marauders.

"Yes, but what about his plans for the future? What about… well we both know you sensed the darkness in him just as I did."

The Black Lord halted, trust Remus to cut straight to the point. The difference now was that the conversation had become about the one person he cared about more in this life than anyone else, the person who had not only saved him, but who had promised to free him. "You are right, I do feel it. But I was also stuck in a hell hole prison for over a decade because a bunch of pompous assholes couldn't bother checking facts or doing anything more than taunt me at every chance they got. Fact of the matter is that pup could burn down the Wizengamot at this point and I would be right alongside him, roasting some marshmallows on the flames."

The two men made eye contact across the table, both of their faces stone cold as they examined one another. Then both of their expressions shifted into grins.

"Just so long as we are on the same page Padfoot."

Sirius nodded, before shoveling some food into his mouth, "Good thing too, I would have hated to have been forced to kick your arse if you thought about abandoning him again."

Lupin's smile faltered for a second, before his gaze fell on the table, "No… no I can't do that, not again. I failed them so many times Padfoot… never again."

"Hey, I failed them too, which is why we are going to succeed here and now. Even if we have to act like…" the man shuddered dramatically, "adults and be pup's moral compass."

"I don't know if we are the best ones to be anyone's moral compass Padfoot."

The convict shrugged, "Better than someone like Lucius Malfoy or Dumbledork."

"Hey, Dumbledore isn't all bad…"

"The bastard stuck my godson with a bunch of assholes who dropped him off at an orphanage the next day without a second thought, then proceeded to ignore the both of us until he could find a use for you. I think the old prat has it coming, and from what I have heard pup has quite the prank to pull on him."

"I don't think I would call completely rebuilding England's Magical government from the ground up with those he chooses as a 'prank'."

"You're right… more like a freaking masterpiece."


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