Training for Control

With a sigh Harry decided that he probably should write to Ron soon. He didn't want to cause a row between Ron and Ginny after all. In the meantime, Harry cleaned himself up before heading downstairs to grab a bite to eat. When he returned to his room, Harry was all business. He immediately set to work on his wandless magic.

He began as he did the day before with a simple levitation charm. "Wingardium leviosa" sent many an object hovering above the ground as Harry became proficient in casting this spell wandlessly. Satisfied with himself, Harry decided to switch to the summoning spell again. Like the day before he concentrated on his magic, letting it flow through him, before concentrating on summoning his quill to him. He felt his magic start to shift again, only this time he didn't fight the change. He went with the flow of his magic and let it change into the form he recognized from last night when he had performed the summoning charm with his wand. His quill flew to him, and he snatched it out of the air with ease.

Encouraged by his success, Harry began summoning different objects to himself. After a couple successful attempts he changed tactics. Up until now he had always willed his magic into the form of the levitation charm first, then let it shift into the summoning spell. He decided to will his magic directly into the summoning charm. He figured that if he was ever going to be proficient with wandless magic, he would need to be able to call forth the correct spell right away. He quickly caught the hang of this and began alternating between levitation and summoning charms calling forth each magic directly.

Harry began trying different spells that he had learned over the years in Charms and Transfiguration. He didn't try any spells learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts as he didn't have an opponent to practice them against. He met a lot of success, but there were a few occasions where he had to struggle to get the appropriate results. After a couple of these occasions, Harry noticed that when he got frustrated his magic became more erratic. He was prone to make more mistakes, and he could feel the magic inside of himself disrupted from its flow.

When he realized this he took time to calm himself down before starting again. From then on he kept a close eye on his magic to make sure that he didn't lose control of it. Any time he began to get frustrated and saw that the flow of his magic was being upset, he would make himself take a few minutes to gain a level head before continuing. By the time he stoppedb nighttime was approachingb and he realized that he had missed lunch yet again.

He ran downstairs to get dinner and realized that his relatives had already eaten. He fixed himself up a quick dinner of macaroni and cheese. As Harry was eating in solitude he thought of the implications of what he had learned that day. His wandless magic could be a great aid to him in the upcoming war, but he couldn't let his emotions get in his way. If he let himself become frustrated or upset, his magic was likely to became erratic at best which could mean the difference between life and death, and not just for him, but for one of his friends or his classmates, anybody.

Voldemort was out in the open now, and Harry knew that it was only a matter of time before he stepped into the spotlight and the war truly began. He would not be caught unprepared. But what could he do? How could he train himself not to let his emotions get in the way? Who did he know who could help him gain control, who could push him to extremes and force him to become used to remaining cool and collected in the worst of circumstances? Harry could only think of one person who would fit the bill, one person who would push all his buttons relentlessly and never back down. Severus Snape was just the man for the job.

Harry didn't know if he would make it into NEWT potions. He thought he did pretty well on the OWL for it; potions was a lot easier when he didn't have Snape breathing down his neck, ridiculing him every couple minutes. But he wasn't sure if he did well enough to manage an O. Harry decided that it might be a good idea to come up with a backup plan, just in case. Then it came to him: Occlumency. He would ask to resume his Occlumency training. It was something he should probably learn anyway.

As Harry was finishing up his meal, he decided it was time to write his dear old headmaster a note. He wanted to continue with the DA and would need permission to do so, and he would also ask for permission to ask Snape to resume Occlumency training. Harry ran back up to his room and began writing.


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