Apologies and Ambitions

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

I would like to begin by apologizing for my actions in your office a couple weeks ago. I was angry and upset, but I had no right to destroy half of your office. I hope nothing was damaged beyond repair, but if anything was I would be more than willing to pay you back if I can or to make up for it to you in some way. With that said, on to business.

I have two things I wish to ask you. First of all, I would like your permission to continue with the DA (though a change of name might be in order). I would like for it to be a school sanctioned club, and I would like to continue teaching it. I think it should be open to all students fourth year and above, but there should be some criteria for involvement. Hermione's magical contract was an idea, but I don't think it's enough. I'd like something similar that prevents someone who intends to use any of what I teach for dark purposes from joining the club. It should also prevent members from talking about the club with non-members. If there is any more information that you need about my intentions for the club, please ask away.

My second request is for your permission to restart my Occlumency lessons with Professor Snape. I think it would be most appropriate if I asked him of my own accord, but given how things ended between us last term, I fear he might not be too receptive of the idea. I would like your permission and, if necessary, your assistance in convincing him to resume training me.


Harry Potter

Harry rolled up the parchment and strode over to Hedwig's cage where his snowy white owl was perched, waiting expectantly for her next delivery. Harry stroked her feathers before tying off his letter and holding out his arm to the owl. She jumped on with a hoot of appreciation. He headed over to the window and gave Hedwig a boost out the window where she soared out of sight into the darkened sky. Harry settled into his desk to do some more reading before finally heading off to bed.

Harry told his godfather all about his wandless experiences of the day. He told him of his successes and his difficulties and the conclusions he drew about his ability. He told Sirius of his decision to try to learn to control his emotions better and the letter he had written to Dumbledore asking to resume lessons with Snape and to continue the DA. Sirius had been both shocked and proud at Harry's pronouncement. He had commented on what a mature decision it was to make, to which Harry cryptically replied, "Yes, well I haven't exactly got the time to be a child any longer, have I? Voldemort's not going to wait for me to be ready to face him, so the sooner I'm ready the better."

After the awkward silence that followed his statement, Harry resumed his practicing of apparation. He progressed onto the more complicated aspects his godfather had told him about of apparating into a seated position. As Harry practiced more and more he became more familiar with the feel of that particular magic. On a whim Harry concentrated extra hard on his destination and pulled his magic to him, letting it flow and form into the proper form for apparation. With a pop Harry had managed to apparate without a wand.

As he practiced more and more throughout the night he became more and more comfortable with the process. He realized that he could make minor changes to the magic and was able to slow down his reappearance which had the added affect of vastly reducing the noise he made. Appearing more slowly meant that not as much air was displaced as rapidly. By the end of the night he was barely making a sound, much to Sirius' delight. "Even Dumbledore makes more noise than you, and I'm pretty sure he needs his wand to do it too," his godfather had acclaimed.

Needless to say Harry was rather pleased with the progress he had been making. He was now able to cast spells outside of school during the summer without repercussion, and he was quickly learning how to apparate, something he shouldn't be learning how to do for another full year.

The next morning Hedwig was again waiting for him with another letter. Harry immediately recognized the loopy handwriting as that belonging to his headmaster as he began reading the parchment.

Dear Harry,

I must say I was surprised to hear from you. Do not worry yourself over what transpired in my office nor of any of my possessions. I am only saddened that my poor judgment has cost you so much.

As for your requests, you have my blessing to ask Professor Snape to resume your Occlumency lessons. Should he prove difficult to persuade, I would be more than happy to intercede on your behalf. And might I add that I am quite proud of you for making this decision. It shows a great deal of maturity well beyond your years.

As for your other request, I think it a splendid idea to continue with the DA. If it is to be an official club, I will need to approve all of the details before you commence your instructions. I will need to know your plans for the magical contract you mentioned, and your curriculum will also need to be approved by either me or a professor of my choosing. The last thing to put in order will be your status in regards to your role in the club. You will be in a position of authority in this club, and you will need an official role to reinforce your authority. I will discuss your proposal with the rest of the staff before the start of term, and we will come to a decision on the privileges and responsibilities you will be awarded to coincide with your role.

Again, I feel I must commend you on the maturity you have shown me. I look forward to seeing you at the start of the term.


Albus Dumbledore


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