Chapter 25

Luca's squad consisted of Lefn, Aiko, Leon, who just walked around in town and finally arrived at a destination where they could find ships across the Pacific Ocean. As they came up to the docks, they saw every modern-like ship torn apart, the metal rusty and worthless. Though there was one boat that drew their attention-a galleon ship; a great big wooden vessel.

Aiko pointed excitedly at the galleon ship and said, "Look, guys, it's a wooden ship!"

Leon, intrigued, said, "I have read stories in history that pirates used galleon ships to navigate the oceans and seas. That's a galleon ship."

Aiko responded, "Wow, a galleon ship! That's so cool. Can we use it?

Leon suggested, "Let's take a closer look." And on they went to the galleon ship, with Leon taking a closer look. "It is a little rusty and needs some cleaning, but this is it. We have a ship!"

Luca said, "Alright, guys, let's clean this ship."

The group set to work with zeal: scrubbing the deck, scraping off barnacles that had been growing for years, and polishing wood. Aiko and Lefn reached into a tight space, clearing debris and washing away grime. Leon examined the sails, making sure they were intact, and Luca coordinated the effort. They were having fun, laughing and joking even as they worked hard. Hours passed, and the sky started to darken.

After several hours of work, Luca glanced at the now-beautifully cleaned ship and said, "Al right, it's done." Onwards into the ship they went, starting to get the vessel ready for the journey.

Luca looked puzzled while examining the map. "I don't get this," he said.

Leon looked at the map and said, "We are here, and the place that we want to go to is…." He trailed off because by then a look of concern marked his face. "This place… I don't think it exists."

Luca asked, "What do you mean?"

Leon explained, "If you look at the map, we're here and the destination is over here," pointing to the opposite side. "It's not on land; there's no land there."

Luca said, "This has to be some kind of mistake."

Leon said, "Maybe the story you told us about the hero was a lie and he wasn't a hero at all."

Luca said firmly, "No, no, he was a hero. I know."

Leon asked, "How do you know?"

Luca answered, "I just know."

Lefn trying to diffuse the situation said, "Okay, calm down, Luca.

Luca, still deep in contemplation, clutched the map firmly and mushed it slow. Then he said, "I trust the hero, it's here; I know it's here."

Aiko replied, "Okay, it's worth a try."

Lefn's response was, "That's all I needed to hear."

Still unconvinced, Leon said, "No, I just can't risk my life for something that isn't there."

Luca pleaded, "Please Leon, this place does exist and so does the Fortune Teller."

Leon was still skeptical, but to make a case for Luca, Mei from his squad went the extra mile to defend him: "It's time to take a stand. If this place is out there, we can learn so much about this world and about Luca. If it's not, what more can we lose?"

Leon weighed Mei's words and finally relented, "Okay, fine, but on one condition."

Luca asked, "Anything."

Leon said, "I'll tell you later."

They set sail through the Pacific Ocean when nighttime fell. They were inside the galleon, resting. The living room of the galleon was a spacious and cozy area. Wooden beams supported a high ceiling while large and sturdy wooden tables lined up with benches going around the room. The lanterns that hung from the wall created a soft, flickering light. Spread between various navigation tools, maps were placed on tables; barrels and crates were neatly stacked in the corners of the room. Saltwater and old wood smells filled the atmosphere, giving them a sense of ruggedness and adventure. They took comfortable seats and prepared for the long journey that lay before them.

He was suddenly wakened by heavy rain in the middle of the night. He saw the compass that they were on course. However, he heard above a quivering sound. He went to the deck and met a Naxon-looking creature with gills like fishes. Finally, the Naxon ran as fast as possible towards Luca, jumping.

Disappear," Luca said in a soft, melodious voice as he summoned a long spear. The attack of the Naxon was dodged, and the spear went deep into his chest. Twitching it upwards, Luca pulled the spear upwards and threw it back into the sea.

Still raining and hair dripping wet, Luca said to no one in particular, "A race of different Naxons, and they know swimming, too. Interesting."

Lefn, Aiko, Leon, and his squad swarmed the deck in alarm. "What is happening?" they asked.

Luca responded with, "We have company."

Aiko's eyes had pain in them, Lefn with worry, and Leon was stern. Leon asked, "What should we do, Luca?"

Luca commanded, "Back!." Then he called upon Lefn. "Lefn, come here and help me."

Leon said, "Okay," as Lefn approached Luca, visibly strained.

Luca grabbed Lefn by the shoulders and spun him around, saying, "We go back to back and fight these things. I can feel it-there's at least 5 of 'em."

Aiko screamed from above, "There are 23 Naxons, to be exact!"

Luca replied, "I knew that. We got this. You can use 40%, and if you need me, I'm right behind you."

Lefn, who still seemed uncertain, replied, "Okay."

The two moved themselves back to back, scanning for Naxons. Suddenly, 6 Naxons leaped from the ocean onto the deck, where 3 were in front of Luca and another 3 were in front of Lefn.

Luca said, "Perfect."

Lefn replied, "Luca, I think we need to talk."

Luca replied, "There is no time for that."

Lefn said, "No, please listen to me."

Luca said, "Get ready."

With the Naxons charging, Lefn said, "I—I lied. I can't use 40%; I can use 8%."

Realization hit Luca in his mind-what got Lefn into this danger was a lie from Lefn. Paralyzed, he watched Lefn being beaten up by the Naxons. Aiko tried running toward Lefn but was held back by Leon. Everything went into slow motion for Luca before his mind went blank.

In a flash, Luca was in front of Lefn at the speed of light and was different in appearance. He had iron-purple claws instead of ordinary fingers, and purple armor shoulder pads. His sword was a completely different, menace-filled shape. Grasping with his telekinesis, he picked up two Naxons and crushed them with a fist. Then he just vanished from sight and suddenly reappeared behind the remaining Naxons, grabbing them by the necks. He flew upwards, crushing one Naxon and tearing another one with his bare hands. Exhausted, Luca passed out and fell.

Leon quickly jumped to catch him. Aiko rushed up to Lefn, who again showed signs of regaining consciousness. "Lefn, Lefn, get up, please!" Aiko cried.

Leon told him, "Mao; he can heal her."

Leon said, "Come, kid, fast-heal her now!"

Mao, shaking and in tears, laid hands on Lefn and began to heal her. Her wounds slowly vanished and Lefn slowly opened her eyes.

"What happened?" she asked.

Aiko hugged Lefn and cried onto her shoulder. "I thought you were gone."

Lefn asked, "Why are you crying Aiko?"

Aiko, still in tears, says, "I thought you were gone."

Lefn asked, "Why would I be go—" She stopped as something snapped in her mind. She remembered being attacked by the Naxons. The bodies of the Naxons lay on the deck, all killed ruthlessly and violently.

"What the heck happened?" Lefn asked, seeing Leon carrying Luca.

Aiko raised her head and said, "Luca saw you, and he went berserk. He was like a different person—his actions, his appearance, everything."

Lefn, in a daze, was thinking, It's all my fault. I lied to him. Everything is because of me. If I told him the truth, nothing would have happened.

Aiko said, "No one is at fault here, Lefn," and embraced her. "Sleep."

They entered the ship's bedroom, and Leon gently placed Luca on the bed. Meanwhile, Luca had a dream—falling into a nightmare. He had seen everyone dead: Aiko, Lefn, Leon, Mei, Narc, Mao. With a scream, he woke abruptly.