No More Hiding

Luca landed in front of the five Sea Naxons, who subsequently charged towards him. In the blink of a second -which was too fast to be recognized by the human eye, Luca vanished only to re-materialize behind their backs. Within that time, he had one Naxon clutched between his arms, clasping its neck, flying up. He froze for a moment mid-air and flipped the Naxon down with incredible speed. Just as when the Naxon was about to reach the ground, Luca caught it with his telekinesis and pulled upwards. You really think I'm gonna let you die that easy? "" He said, and the Naxon couldn't move; Luca had him trapped with his telekinesis. "I'm gonna do something-don't be angry." He channeled his telekinesis into it, focusing his powers to break down the Naxon into small fragments. Instead, it disintegrated into dust.