
He was swift and quick as a blade flashing in motion, reappearing behind the Naxon King. A foot lashed out in a swift kick that landed on the scaled back of the Naxon King, sending it forward, stumbling. Its eyes blazed with rage as the Naxon King whipped around, swinging a huge claw at Luca. Luca was quick enough and dodged with a ducking roll that avoided the lethal swipe by a hair's breadth.

He gathered all his strength, then pointed a hand and heaved his telekinetic charge. Trees around him exploded into splinters; fragments swirled and converged into a huge cage that encircled him and the Naxon King. Solid and shimmering in raw energy, the walls were to keep the monstrous creature at bay.

The Naxon king returned the challenge with a defiant roar. "You really think this will hold me back?" it thundered in a voice of screeching metal. "You humans cling to your pathetic hope while facing your tragic destiny."