Potter Castle

Just as Harry Apparated with a loud crack, a house-elf too appeared in the entrance hall of Potter Castle. It frowned when it saw the human child. It was not possible for anyone to Apparate inside the castle, so how did the child get in? The elf's eyes widened when the familiar bond of a house-elf and its master became familiar.

"Master Harry!" the elf gasped. The house-elf called for its companions. Two other elves popped next to her as they transported Harry to the medical wing of the castle. While elves were not healers, they could use their brand of magic to heal wounds while they also used potions prepared by wizards to supplement it. Few of the elves used their magic to fix the broken bones while another poured healing potions down Harry's throat. However, there was something else which the elves recognised. Because of the bond they shared with Harry, they could tell that he was playing host to a possession which resided in his scar. Knowing that such a thing had to be destroyed before it fully controlled their master, the elves surrounded the bed where Harry was sleeping as they chanted in their native tongue.

Magic was simple, yet complex. It was infinite yet harmonious. The magic of different species was different and this was the advantage here. While it was impossible for wizards to destroy a soul piece without destroying the vessel, Elvin magic could do so. Harry started shaking and sweating as his scar heated up. As the chanting grew, the boy screamed in pain; his scar split open. A piercing scream rent the air as the soul piece was destroyed after being ejected from Harry's head. The boy slumped in his bed, exhausted.

The scar on his forehead which had always been red and inflamed began healing as the elves tended to it. It was now only a thin, white line, shaped like a lightning bolt. The Horcrux in Harry's scar was destroyed, but unfortunately, it was not a clean job. The house-elves thought Harry was being possessed, but in reality, he had been playing host to a soul piece. The two were slightly different in nature, so the ritual of the house-elves did not work as they had expected. There was an unexpected side effect that went unnoticed.


Harry Potter opened his eyes, groaning softly. He ached all over and he felt like he had been run over by a bus. His eyes widened in panic when he saw that he wasn't at the Dursleys. He was in an unknown place. It was filled with several simple beds and the walls were painted white. Was he in a hospital?

"Good morning, young man," said an ethereal voice.

Harry turned and it took all his willpower not to scream. There was a man floating in front of him. But it wasn't anything normal because he was silvery and transparent .

"W-Who are y-you?" Harry whispered as he tried to get his volatile emotions under control. His hands and legs trembled as a feeling of dread overwhelmed him. Where was he? Memories of the encounter with Uncle Vernon flooded into his mind. He swallowed and asked hesitantly, "Am I dead?"

The figure of the man frowned. "No. You are very much alive, though you were badly injured when you got here. As for who I am, I'm the ghost of Alfred Potter; you are a Potter, are you not?"

"Ghost?" Harry blurted out. He swallowed heavily and answered, "My name is Harry Potter."

The ghost of Alfred Potter smiled. "Good; just making sure that you are indeed James' son. I'm glad you made it back home, young one. It truly was a tragedy what happened to your parents. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, sir," said Harry but winced slightly; his body ached. Alfred nodded in understanding as he called out, "Tippy!"

Harry was startled when he saw a small creature appear in front of him. It had large ears and tennis-ball shaped eyes. "What can Tippy do for Master Alfred?"

"Give young Harry here a pain relief potion, would you?"

The elf nodded as it popped away and brought a phial which contained a blue liquid.

"Drink this," Alfred instructed. "It will make the pain go away."

Harry had a thousand questions in his mind but decided to do as instructed. Just as he swallowed the concoction, he sighed in contentment as the pain receded.

"What was… that thing?"

"That was a house-elf, Harry, didn't you recognise it?" Alfred frowned. "They serve in many magical households; surely your guardians would have one in their house, or at least employed one."

" Magic? "

Alfred scowled. "It looks like you haven't been told about the existence of magic. The scion of our clan being raised by Muggles! I can't believe it!"

When Harry just stared back at the ghost, Alfred sighed. "What do you know about your parents?"