
So it began. Harry learnt everything about his parents - their names, their status in the society, and about the Potter family in general. The house-elves gave him more healing potions, but Harry was still very small and frail for his age. Alfred Potter, Harry's great-great-great grandfather began explaining to him about why he had remained as a ghost.

"To answer your question about why I'm a ghost, you first need to understand the nature of our clan. The Potter family is one of the oldest families in Magical Europe," said the ghost. "At one point in time, our family was quite large. It was big enough to create our own private army if the situation demanded it. We didn't care much for politics in the Wizengamot - our governing body - but instead, focussed more on business. We had warders, Quidditch players, healers, duellists, potioneers, enchanters and businessmen in our family. Our power in international trade was unparalleled by anyone in Europe. We thought ourselves invincible, increasing our fortune through shrewd business tactics and investments that were planned meticulously. However, things didn't remain rosy for long."

Alfred took a deep breath. "One of my nephews felt it was his right to get the Lordship of the family," he continued. "That wasn't possible because the next in line to head the clan - the family - was my son, William. With that in mind, he descended deep into the Dark Arts, consorting with people who were hell-bent on our destruction as they manipulated him, feeding his ego."

"I won't bore you with the details right now about why people wanted to see us dead; that is a story for later, but suffice it to say, we had many enemies. The boy was able to raise a small army of his own. With sheer power and use of different magical instruments powered by his blood, he was able to get his people inside the various homes inhabited by the family around the world. It was a massacre. He and his companions slaughtered every single one of the Potters - except three members."

Harry was shocked. To think someone would do that just for the sake of power and wealth was something he couldn't imagine. He was still a seven-year-old boy, having been confined for as long as he could remember, with the realities of the larger world unknown to him.

"We, that is to say, me, my wife and my son, were here, at Potter Castle. We didn't know what was going on until my son's friend, Steffen Greengrass, was able to find out about it. The massacre was truly well-coordinated and executed. Several years of planning was needed to pull it off, from what we found out later."

"Within a day, the once mighty Potter family was brought down to its knees, never to recover again, with only three surviving members left because one of them was power hungry. However, by the time the attackers came to the castle, we were ready to defend ourselves. We used the offensive and defensive enchantments to a great extent and were able to overcome our enemies. When I died, I refused to move on because I took it upon myself to protect the Potter family in the future, which is what I am doing now. Come with me, Harry. We must raise the wards around the castle now that you are here."


Albus Dumbledore was frantic when he saw the silver instrument which monitored the blood-wards around the Dursley residence not giving out puffs of smoke anymore. The wards had fallen! How could that happen? He had to get there quickly to put the enchantment back up again otherwise the situation would be too horrible to contemplate. Dumbledore cursed under his breath. He had not been around when the wards had fallen. The place had been exposed for an entire day! He quickly stepped inside the Floo and with a flash of green flames, was transported to Arabella Figg's home.

"Albus?" exclaimed Mrs Figg in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"The wards have fallen," he said with worry as he walked out of the house. Quickly making his way to Number Four, he knocked on the door. After a few seconds, it opened and he recognised the face of the woman he wanted to meet.

"You!" whispered Petunia in fear and a hint of anger.

"Hello Petunia, it is nice to see you again," smiled Dumbledore. "I have a few important things to discuss with you. May I come inside?"

Without waiting for her to answer, Dumbledore let himself in. "I'm afraid the wards have fallen around this house. You are in grave danger. Where is young Harry?"

Petunia trembled as she felt the old man's magic flare around her. Dumbledore frowned as he looked into her eyes, attempting Legilimency. What he saw shocked him to the very core. Vernon Dursley had nearly killed Harry? Was the boy punished frequently for accidental magic too? How could Petunia do that to her own nephew?

Harry Potter had disappeared. Where had he gone? The boy had to be rescued before any of Lord Voldemort's followers found out. It would be disastrous should they kill the Boy-Who-Lived.

Cursing under his breath after Obliviating Petunia, he called for Fawkes who materialized in a flash of flame above his head. He instantly appeared in his office and quickly summoned another silver instrument. This was a tracking charm which he had placed on the boy. He frowned when he realised that he couldn't find Harry. He was obviously under heavy wards.

Quickly moving towards a secret cabinet, Dumbledore removed a single filament of hair which was stored in a phial. Normally what he was doing was illegal, but since he was the boy's magical guardian, he had the right to ensure Harry's safety.

As long as he didn't have any blood in his possession, all was in the game. He put the strand of hair inside the silver instrument. He smiled as it started puffing and glowing. Any minute now, he would know of the boy's location.


Harry followed his ancestor to the Lord's study. On the way, he looked around and was in awe of the beauty and splendour of the place. It was richly decorated in crimson, cream and gold, with gold-framed paintings hanging on the walls.

Even the marble flooring was gleaming under the lighting charms. He was lead through a door and gasped when they entered the study. Several shelves filled with books were present, along with a large mahogany desk. Rich trinkets were placed all over; the fireplace was lit and the floor to ceiling windows on one side gave an outstanding view of the grounds outside the castle. A leather swirl chair was behind the desk.

"Come here and place your hand on this spot," instructed Alfred as he floated towards the desk.

Harry did as he was told. Just as he placed his hand there, he felt it stick to the wood. There was a tiny prick on his palm as it took a blood sample. When he removed his hand, a metallic disc appeared with several weird symbols on it.

"Now listen to my instructions very carefully, Harry. Do as I tell you and exactly as I tell you, understood?"

"Yes sir," Harry muttered nervously. For the next twenty minutes, Harry tapped the necessary runes on the plate, carefully following the directions of his ancestor. It would have taken much less time for an adult, but Harry was just a child. He did as instructed.

"Now, I want you to press your hand on the rune plate, close your eyes and feel the wards; when you are ready, say 'Lockdown'."

Harry pressed his hand to the rune plate as ordered and closed his eyes. He could suddenly feel something in his mind. The castle seemed to hum with him. It was sensations he had never felt before and he was very excited.


Suddenly, the windows and doors of the castle all shut at once. Heavy shutters slammed down, locking the castle into a fortress. Ancient wards activated as they absorbed magic from the ley lines present underground. The castle hummed as the surrounding property around the structure too came under the wards. The water in the moat surrounding the castle began churning as it glowed, various enchantments taking effect.

"There," said Alfred in satisfaction. "Unless they're resorting to blood magic, no one would be able to track you. The wards will give you the best protection possible at the moment. For now, this is enough."


Albus Dumbledore smiled in satisfaction and relief as the tracking instrument was able to triangulate the coordinates. But just as he was able to reach for it, there was a wailing noise as the instrument gave out. Dumbledore blinked in surprise. What kind of protective enchantments must Harry be under for this to have failed?

He must start searching for Harry immediately. It was imperative that he rescues Harry from wherever the boy was being held. He would have to search the homes of the former Death Eaters first. Dumbledore didn't even want to think about what state poor Harry would be if he ever ended in the hands of someone like Lucius Malfoy. Reaching towards the Floo, he summoned his trusted aide.

"Severus, could you please come up to my office? I need to speak to you at once!"