11th Birthday Suprise

Harry Potter woke up on his eleventh birthday with a small smile on his face. Even though he had heard all about it, he had unfortunately never ventured to Diagon Alley before. Grandfather Alfred had said that it was too dangerous for him and so he hadn't tried venturing out of the grounds for anything other than his martial arts class, but now, he could finally see the biggest shopping district in Magical Britain.

He was quite excited even though he managed to hide it. He went to the bathroom and took a quick shower after finishing his morning chores. The walk-in closet in his bedroom showed many clothes that belonged to him. He picked a sky-blue shirt and a pair of black trousers, along with an informal open robe that fit him perfectly. After getting dressed, he headed to the family dining room to have breakfast. When he entered the study an hour later, the portraits all wished him a happy birthday.

"Happy birthday, Harry," Alfred wished him, the ghost drifting into the study. "We've discussed this. You know what you have to do today."

Harry nodded. He placed his hand on the Potter crest which was affixed to the wall. It contained two golden griffins facing each other with a large shield between them, with two intertwined swords. Harry closed his eyes as he said, "I, Harry James Potter, Scion of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter, do call upon my birthright and claim the headship of the Potter family. I vow to do my duty and bring honour to my clan. May Mother Magic bear witness to this blood oath of a Peverell!"

There was a pulse of magic as Harry's hand glowed. A ring appeared on his right ring finger. It had a large blue diamond, seamlessly placed on a platinum band. The inside of the diamond contained tiny, clear diamonds forming the Potter crest, which were implanted with magic by his ancestors.

" Natus Vincere," whispered Harry, closing his eyes in respect to honour the memories of his great ancestors. That was the Potter family motto, which meant 'Born to Conquer '.

"Congratulations, Harry," Alfred smiled at him. "I believe claiming headship does give you some autonomy over family matters. I'm not up to date with Magical Law. Talk to the goblins. They'll know better."

"I will, Grandfather," said Harry quietly as he exited the study. With confident strides, he reached the entrance hall. He took a pinch of Floo powder and stepped inside the ornate, granite fireplace and spoke clearly, "Diagon Alley," just as he was swallowed by a flash of green flames.


When Harry exited the Floo, he was assaulted by new smells and visions. The place was beautiful. Several buildings were on either side of a large street and there was so much magic in the air that it was unbelievable. For someone who had grown up in isolation for the last four years, it was quite unnerving to see hundreds of people in the alley.

Harry buried his nervousness under his Occlumency shields as he walked towards the bank. He was not worried about being recognised. His appearance was quite different from what many people made him out to be and his scar was hidden behind a glamour charm. As he entered the marble building, he found a free teller and handed him a letter that had the seal of the Potter family on it.

"I would like to meet Ragnok, please," he said quietly.

The goblins were the only ones he had informed about his disappearance. Alfred had been quite insistent that he let them know that he was safe to ensure that the investments did not suffer as a result. He had penned a letter to Ragnok four years ago, but this was the first time he would be meeting the goblin.

"Griphook will take you to Ragnok's office," said the teller. Harry bowed to the goblin and was soon ushered into an opulent office.

"Greetings, Mr Potter," a voice welcomed him from behind a marble desk, the goblin observing the young boy with keen, black eyes. "I am Ragnok, the manager of the Potter accounts. What can I do for you?"

"Greetings to you as well, Ragnok," said Harry, acknowledging him with a bow. "I'm here to know the status of the Potter investments and vaults. I've been told that I'm not qualified or old enough to fully understand it, but I was hoping you could give me a brief explanation."

The next hour was spent in discussion as Ragnok explained, in simple words, about the various investments and the total worth of the Potter family. Harry knew it, but still, when he saw that the final number was in billions, he was awestruck.

"There is another matter which I want to discuss with you, Mr Potter," said Ragnok as he reached for a file containing a few sheets of parchment. "I've had time to go through this over the past few days and since you're here, I can deliver the news in person. I'm afraid I found an active betrothal contract between House Potter and House Greengrass that has been lying dormant for a couple of hundred years now."

It took all of Harry's self-control not to exclaim in shock. "Betrothal?" he asked, as his eyes bulged out.

"Indeed," nodded Ragnok. "This contract seems to have been formed by your great-great-grandfather, Lord William Potter more than one hundred and fifty years ago. It states that should either family be reduced to one member - like yours currently is - the betrothal contract will be activated and the last living member of the endangered family would be married to any son or daughter of the other's family who is similar in age."

"You are the last member of the Potter family. Lord Greengrass has two daughters, so according to this document, you are contracted to marry Miss Daphne Greengrass, who is also eleven years old, no later than your twenty-first birthday.

The agreement seemed to have been drawn only as a precaution, immediately after the Potter Massacre, to safeguard the interests of the members of House Potter and House Greengrass, but I believe neither party intended for the contract to come into effect. It was a safety net, but it seems to have activated recently due to a time-limit having been crossed, with you currently being the only Potter alive. It's not strictly unbreakable, but magical contracts are very tricky. I suggest you seek the advice of those who specialise in such areas of Magical Law to see if there is a loophole."

Harry's face remained impassive, but mentally, he was panicking. He didn't even know this girl. How was he supposed to get married to her several years from now? There was no telling how she would react since this predicament was not her or her family's fault in any way. He also knew that he wasn't the easiest person to get along with. He had no patience to deal with people. He was quite an introvert.

"Does Lord Greengrass know about it?"

"Not yet. There was a time frame after which the contract activates, which was why it wasn't discovered until now. I will have to inform him soon. I shall let you know of any further developments. If you'd like, I can forward this contract to a wizarding law firm to check if there is a loophole."

Harry's stiff posture did not relax but he exhaled heavily through his nose. "I was wondering how to deal with that. I have no legal knowledge. That would be greatly appreciated, Ragnok. Thank you."