Destiny's Wand

The young Potter scion was then given a thin, solid gold card which acted as a debit card to use for any purchases he would make in the future. Once his meeting with the goblin concluded, he was led to his family vault. Harry withdrew a few hundred Galleons and also browsed through the male jewellery section. Normally, he wouldn't be anywhere near this place, but the protection some of it offered was too hard to ignore. He finally picked out a small chain with a platinum locket with the Potter crest engraved on the outside. He would put a picture of his parents on the inside if he wanted to or store something of value.

Once he exited the bank, Harry made his way to Twilfit and Tattings and, on the recommendation of Madam Twilfit, bought his uniform made of high-quality silk. At the next shop, he purchased a multi-compartment trunk with several protective enchantments. Some might call him paranoid, but his safety and security, not to mention privacy, were important to him. After that, Harry got his school books, potions ingredients and telescope. He shook his head in exasperation at the Boy-Who-Lived books and toys being sold. Harry understood the public's fascination with him after Alfred explained it to him. No one had ever survived the Killing Curse after it hit them and reflected it back at its caster. It was because of this that Harry was mentioned in nearly every book which mentioned the Killing Curse. He was famous internationally and there was no escaping his fame. He just had to get used to it.

The cover of the books showed a boy with messy black hair with round spectacles. A hint of a smirk formed on Harry's lips. His hair was no longer messy, with him using magic to give it a smoother appearance. Neither did he wear glasses, unlike his father, James, who was forced to wear them due to being allergic to spells cast on his eyes. Harry wondered why the public viewed him as a carbon copy of his father. The only part of the picture that was accurate was the eyes - vivid emerald green, just like his mother's.

He also bought a snowy owl which he took a liking to and finally, came to Ollivander's shop for a wand. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the door open and entered the shop. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he felt a presence next to him. Even with Occlumency, Harry was so surprised that he gasped.

"Ah, I knew I would see you one day, Mr Potter," said Garrick Ollivander, the wandmaker, softly as he edged closer to him. "It seems just yesterday when your mother and father were here buying their first wands. Let's see what we can do, shall we? Which is your wand arm?"

"I'm ambidextrous sir," Harry answered, extending both his arms.

"Oh!" exclaimed Ollivander happily, the magical tape automatically measuring the boy. "That is a surprise. Good, that's it. Now let's try this, shall we? Beech and Dragon Heartstring, nine inches; just give it a wave."

Harry waved the wand but the wandmaker snatched it back at once. He tried another, and another; the pile of wands kept growing but Ollivander seemed to get happier and happier after every try.

"Tricky customer, eh?" he commented as he emerged with another wand. "Not to worry, try this. Holly and Phoenix feather, eleven inches."

Harry took the wand but it gave out a wail and he immediately chucked it back at the wandmaker. "No, no, definitely not," the old man frowned. Thinking deeply, the wandmaker went inside his workshop and emerged a minute later with a small box. Ollivander removed another wand and handed it to him.

Suddenly, Harry felt warm as the wand heated up in his hand, releasing several multi-coloured sparks in the air as he swished it down. He smiled slightly as he felt the wand hum in his hand.

"Oh, bravo!" cried Ollivander happily. "I haven't sold one of these wands for quite some time now. They were crafted by one of my ancestors. The wand which you are holding is made of Yew and contains the tail feather of a Thunderbird. It is fourteen inches in length and quite rigid. That is a powerful wand, Mr Potter; use it well."

Harry nodded as he bought a top of the line wand holster too. Once it was firmly attached to his forearm, he paid for the wand and holster and exited the shop, quite happy. He finished shopping for a few more items and used the Portkey on his ring to get back home.

It had been a wonderful birthday.