Potter Vs Dumbledore

The news about Sirius Black's innocence took Magical Britain by complete surprise. People were shocked that an innocent man had been left to rot in a high-security cell at Azkaban for ten years without a trail. Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, ever the politician, blamed the entire incident on former Minister Bagnold and Barty Crouch. Dumbledore too faced backlash, but the man was too influential for it to do any lasting damage to his reputation. Peter Pettigrew was sent to Sirius' old cell in Azkaban.

Music could be heard in one of the abandoned classrooms at Hogwarts. Harry smiled as he twirled Daphne and then pulled her in a dip.

"Wow, Harry!" exclaimed Daphne, smiling at him. "You've certainly improved. I'm impressed."

"I aim to please," he said, a hint of a smirk painted on his face. "So, who all are going to be at the ball?"

"Nearly the entire Wizengamot, I think, not to mention members of several other prominent families as well. There are parties throughout the year hosted by different people, but the Yule Ball is the grandest of them all. There is also a Ministry Ball, but it's not popular."

"I don't like politicking. All the people there just care about my last name or my fame; nothing else. It's so fake."

Daphne simply chuckled. After dropping her off at the Slytherin dorms, he was walking back up when Professor Snape stopped him. The man sneered at Harry and said, "Potter, the Headmaster wished to see you."

"I thought he might," said Harry smirking slightly.

Snape's lip curled but he turned away. He had tried to provoke Harry for months, but he had been unsuccessful. He knew it was useless to try again. Harry gave the password to the gargoyle and stepped inside. He was quite ready for this.

"Hello, Headmaster," he said as he entered. "You wished to see me?"

"Yes, Harry," Dumbledore frowned. "I was under the impression that you would be staying at Hogwarts over the winter holidays, but you have not signed on this list."

"Why would I want to stay at school during the holidays? I'm going back home."

"I assume you have not reconsidered your decision to return to Privet Drive?"

The boy just looked at Dumbledore coldly. "That is never going to happen, so forget about it, sir. Now, there was something I wanted to talk to you about." With that, Harry passed a file with the necessary documents he had filed.

"The accelerated program?" asked Dumbledore, surprised.

"Yes. The current pace at Hogwarts is too slow for me. I don't want to die of boredom. The accelerated program will ensure that I reach my full potential."

"I'm sorry, Harry," said Dumbledore, shaking his head. "But I cannot allow this. The rest of the students would accuse me of favouritism."

"Is it only because of people accusing you of favouritism that you don't want to approve this? Or do you have another reason for denying me a chance to learn and grow? I don't know what your plans are, Professor Dumbledore, but I do know that they involve me somehow."

Harry paused and continued. "I know that it was you who suggested to my parents go under the Fidelius Charm after Potter Manor was attacked the second time. If my parents were smart, they would have gone under the war wards around Potter Castle. The fact that they moved to Godric's Hollow without complaint suggests that something sneaky was involved."

"I also know that it was you who cast the Fidelius Charm on the cottage, so you knew exactly who the secret keeper was and yet you threw Sirius Black in Azkaban without a trial. I may not have proof that is admissible in court, but my evidence is enough for the media. You kidnapped me, the scion of the House of Potter, and violated the Will of the previous Lord Potter knowingly, but that charge won't stick as you managed to wiggle your way out of it two days ago. I also know that there is a prophecy involved about me and Lord Voldemort and that you employed the same man who is responsible for my parents' deaths in this school."

"If people were to know about Severus Snape's involvement in my parents' deaths, what would happen to him? Or your reputation, for that matter? You are a very powerful wizard, sir, but the public would not forget this so easily right after information about Sirius Black's illegal incarceration was revealed to them. And I have not even mentioned the role you played in my placement at the Dursleys. 'Boy-Who-Lived nearly murdered by Muggle relatives' is a very catchy headline and I don't need to point out the international backlash you could face."

Dumbledore sat completely still for a minute. He didn't know how Harry had found out about the prophecy and Severus' involvement in it, but the fact that he had, was dangerous, not to mention suspicious. His eyes had lost its twinkle as he said, "I think the Sorting Hat placed you in the wrong House, Harry."

"I'll sweeten the deal for you, sir," Harry said quietly. "You want me here for the next seven years; fine. Once I finish my N.E.W.T.s, I will stay here until I finish my Master's degree in the fields I want. Professor Babbling has two apprentices, does she not? Professor Flitwick's apprentice just left last year from what I was able to gather. I'm sure this arrangement would benefit both of us."

Dumbledore smiled very faintly. He had underestimated the boy, but he now knew exactly what to expect the next time. It wouldn't happen again; he would make sure of it.

"I'll need to discuss this with the rest of the staff," he said as he looked at the file.

"You can do that after signing that, sir," said Harry stubbornly.

"I'm sorry Harry, but it is not for debate," said Dumbledore firmly. "I will need to talk to my staff and I will let you know once you return for the second term."

Harry gritted his teeth and left, having been dismissed.


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