Sirius Black's Defense

"Not guilty of all charges," rasped Sirius.

"I believe my client has the right to defend himself," Amelia said. "I would like to hear the defendant say what happened in his own words."

Sirius looked like his birthday had come early. He quickly spoke about the attack on Potter Manor by the Death Eaters, about how James and Lily had decided to go under the Fidelius Charm on Dumbledore's suggestion, about how Peter Pettigrew was chosen as the Secret Keeper, about how he checked up on Peter that night but found the place deserted, how he arrived at Godric's Hollow to find the place in ruins, how Hagrid had demanded that Sirius hand over Harry to him, how he had gone after Peter and how the rat had escaped.

After several seconds of silence, Barty Crouch began yelling. "Preposterous! There is not a shred of proof to support your theory. You admitted that you killed them!"

"I did no such thing!" snapped Sirius angrily. "I as good as killed them because it was my idea to use Peter as the Secret Keeper. It was a perfect plan to throw Voldemort off their trail. None of us suspected Pettigrew to be a Death Eater!"

Amelia cleared her throat. "There is evidence, Mr Crouch, if you know where to look."

She took the cage from the Auror and reversed the transfiguration on the Animagus. People gasped as Peter Pettigrew appeared in front of them. Dumbledore's eyes widened. Where the hell did that man come from?

"Since Mr Pettigrew has officially been declared dead, there are no laws barring the use of Veritaserum. That is the only way we can prove his identity."

"I agree," said Lord Greengrass, looking interested. "Go ahead, Madam Bones."

Dumbledore felt like rubbing his temples as he realised that he had lost this round. He didn't focus on Pettigrew but he focussed on the eleven-year-old boy who was sitting in the seats meant for the visitors. Harry had done this masterfully. He was quite proud of the lad; very sneaky of him and Amelia Bones to do this right under his nose. Dumbledore sighed as he saw the shocked expressions on the faces of many members. The former Death Eaters weren't shocked; they all knew the truth.

"There is one other matter which provides information about Sirius Black's innocence," said Amelia. "I believe it is time we unsealed the Will of Lord James Potter."

People began whispering as Augusta stood up and said, "Seconded!"

When others saw Cyrus Greengrass nodding along, they whispered louder. Dumbledore, of course, did his best to not let the motion pass. He knew what was in the Will and he didn't want it to come to light. He explained how there was delicate information which could harm Harry Potter, but Cyrus Greengrass rebutted saying that a will of an Ancient House could not be kept sealed after another Head of House had taken his position. Since Harry had now rejoined the magical world, there was nothing in the Will that could be harmful to him any more than actually roaming around in public.

The decision passed by a majority and when it was unsealed, it showed a simple document which revealed quite clearly that Harry was to inherit the entire Potter fortune and properties. It also stated that Sirius was the oath-sworn godfather of Harry and that Peter Pettigrew was the Secret Keeper. The Will also mentioned the guardianship of Harry Potter, which was to go to either Alice Longbottom or Sirius Black, and it was expressly stated that Harry was to never go to Petunia Dursley. This quickly caused chaos, but Dumbledore, being the silver-tongued man that he was, tried to convince everyone somehow that he was not responsible. The traditionalists were incensed and even the liberals were not happy with their Chief Warlock.

"All those in favour of exoneration?" asked Dumbledore.

Several wands were lit as it passed through a majority.

"Sirius Orion Black, you are hereby cleared of all charges. The Wizengamot wishes to compensate you two and a half million Galleons for your unjust punishment. You are also ordered by the Wizengamot to register your Animagus form with the Ministry."

"Peter Pettigrew, you are hereby sentenced to Azkaban for life. Take him away."

Dumbledore looked at his pocket watch. "I believe we have exceeded the time for this morning's session. We shall continue after lunch. This session herby comes to a close!"

As the members slowly shuffled out of the room, Harry moved towards the former prisoner of Azkaban. "Hello, Mr Black," he said softly.

"Who - Harry ? Is that you?" asked Sirius shakily, having recognised the emerald green eyes.

"Yes," he nodded. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"He was the one who found Pettigrew, Sirius," said Amelia quietly. "He was the one to push for a trial."

"Thank you, Harry," said Sirius gratefully. "I can't thank you enough."

Harry smiled slightly. "I'll see you during the Yule holidays. Take care of yourself. Thank you for your help, Madam Bones. Good day."

With that, Harry was gone. Amelia just looked at him and sighed. "Come on, Sirius," she said softly. "We need to get you to St Mungo's."


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