How Do You Plead

Albus Dumbledore didn't even have to say anything. The rest of the Wizengamot was doing his work for him. He knew that Sirius being exonerated was bad for everyone. The liberals or the 'light' side would take the brunt of the calamity, while the traditionalists or the 'dark' faction knew they were in big trouble if the Black family were to gain strength once more. Lucius Malfoy was determined to make Draco the next Lord Black, so Dumbledore and Fudge calmly watched the proceedings, maintaining their silence.

"Members of the Wizengamot," said a loud, booming voice. Everyone turned in surprise when they heard the voice of a younger boy. Harry Potter was calmly standing before them.

"I am Harry James Potter, the godson of the very wizard who you all are talking about," he said quietly, though his voice was heard throughout the room thanks to the Sonorus charm. "I'm deeply touched that all of you care so much about my family that you are not willing to let the betrayer of my parents go scot free. I too would be very angry if the man who was my father's best friend betrayed them to Lord Voldemort."

People flinched at the name, but Harry continued.

"However, in this case, I would like to know the truth. Would you deny me the right to know the reason as to why Sirius Black seemed to have betrayed my family? I'd certainly like to know because it would give me a sense of closure. Members of the Wizengamot, I appeal to you to help me finally put this matter behind me at last."

An old man scoffed. "Who are you, boy, to speak to us like that? You are merely a -"

"I'm merely a first-year student, yes, I know," said Harry, his tone slightly colder as he focused his stare on the old man. "Please keep in mind that you are currently sitting in my seat, Mr Ogden. I took up the headship of my family, as per our laws, on my eleventh birthday. Your appointment was never notified to me. Your contract should have been ratified, but it wasn't. Your very presence here is not as per the law. While I can't stop you from being here, I do hope my guardian, the Chief Warlock, who appointed you, does uphold the law as he is mandated to do."

"I'm the only one alive who has vested interest in this case. I was the one who suffered because of the betrayal that led to my parents' deaths. For the past ten years, I have been hailed as a hero, named the Boy-Who-Lived and celebrated as the person who defeated Lord Voldemort. I've never asked for anything in return. But today, I come before you all to request that you grant Sirius Black a trial. I want answers from the man who supposedly betrayed his best friend. Could this body not listen to the pleas of an eleven-year-old orphan whose parents died for the people of this country? All I am asking from you is one trial… nothing more."

The members of the Wizengamot were all silent. Some of them were looking ashamed while others looked thoughtful. Dumbledore frowned as he said, "Now Harry -"

"I believe it is Mr Potter, Chief Warlock," corrected Amelia quietly.

"Mr Potter," Dumbledore corrected himself. "I believe you are too young to understand the workings of the political world. I didn't even receive a notice that you were out of school. Mr Ogden was appointed as a proxy by me. As your magical guardian, I have that right. Please do not worry. I shall ensure that the contract which appoints him as your proxy is ratified."

"Besides, I didn't know about you claiming headship!" said Ogden heatedly.

"That is not Mr Potter's fault," Madam Marchbanks said, frowning at the man. "A notice would have been automatically been sent to the Ministry when he claimed headship."

"We are getting away from the business at hand," interrupted Augusta Longbottom. "We are here to oversee the trial of one Sirius Black. You may object all you want, but the fact remains that no one can be denied a trial as per international magical law. Have you forgotten that, Your Excellency ?" she asked pointedly while addressing Albus Dumbledore, the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards. "I.C.W. laws and regulations aside, a trial is a fundamental right which was decreed by King Arthur and Lord Merlin themselves! It cannot be ignored."

That was a clever move, thought Dumbledore as he mentally cringed. Bringing the last and beloved magical king of Britain and his trusted advisor into the picture ensured that it wasn't questioned. Amelia nodded to an Auror who escorted the frail form of Sirius Black into the chamber. Before anyone to object, she stood up and said, "Attorney for the defendant, Amelia Susan Bones."

People started murmuring and Sirius' head snapped up as he saw her, his grey eyes wide in surprise. Amelia stood next to her fiancé as Dumbledore began reading the charges which comprised of being a Death Eater, betraying the Potters to Voldemort, and the deaths of Peter Pettigrew and a dozen Muggles.

"How do you plead, Mr Black?"


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