The Battle for Truth

The month of November passed by without further drama, however, Harry kept his eyes and ears open. There was something strange going on at Hogwarts. He also corresponded with Amelia Bones who was taking care of the political aspects of the trial of Sirius Black. Harry couldn't really do much about that. He was only an eleven-year-old boy, after all. He had captured Pettigrew; the rest was out of his hands.

He had also used the time to look through the books regarding the accelerated program at Hogwarts. Apparently, it had not been done in the last century, but Harry was determined to get himself accepted into it. In the accelerated program, he would be able to finish his education in half the time. If that was possible, he would be able to take his N.E.W.T.s after his fourth or fifth year.

To ensure Dumbledore's compliance in the matter, he was looking for blackmail material on the old man. There had to be some way to twist the headmaster to make him agree to the program, but that couldn't happen until Sirius Black was released.

Harry knew for sure that Dumbledore knew about Sirius' innocence, but he couldn't understand why the former had thrown the latter in prison. He had a vague idea though. The memory that had flashed to him in his first Potions class had revealed a prophecy. He knew that it was Voldemort's memory, having felt the Dark Lord's emotions, but he wasn't sure how the man's thoughts were transmitted to him. He would need to ask Grandfather Alfred when he returned home for the holidays.


In the first week of December, the Wizengamot was in session again. Amelia Bones was prepared for this. The woman really knew how the political sphere worked. She had subtly transferred Sirius from Azkaban to a D.M.L.E. holding cell without anyone other than her most trusted Aurors knowing about it. Harry himself would be going to the meeting as a spectator. All he needed was permission from Professor Flitwick and he would get that once he showed the summons from Madam Bones herself.

So on the fifth of December, Harry found himself wearing an expensive set of robes with the Potter crest prominently displayed on his chest. He let Professor Flitwick lead him towards the front gates from where he used the Portkey given to him by Madam Bones which immediately led him to the Ministry of Magic. The welcome desk had a man sitting there.

The wizard asked in a bored tone, "Wand, please."

Harry passed his polished wand to the man who placed it on an instrument. "Fourteen inches; Yew with Thunderbird tail feather; used for four months?"


The man's eyes bulged in shock when he saw the crest on Harry's robes. His eyes darted to the faint scar on Harry's forehead, seeking confirmation. "You - you are -"

"Thank you for your services," Harry said quickly as he took his wand back, walking towards the golden lifts.

He exited at the appropriate level and entered the Wizengamot chamber after showing the security wizards the letter Madam Bones had given him. He ascended to the seats present for the visitors and watched as various members of the Wizengamot wearing plum-coloured robes moved towards their respective seats. Madam Bones nodded to him as she entered the chamber. The Chief Warlock was quite surprised to see him there. When Amelia cleared her throat, Dumbledore blinked his eyes to regain his bearings and began.

"Winter session of the Wizengamot on the fifth of December 2001 is now being called into session," said Chief Warlock Dumbledore. After he went through the necessary ceremony, he passed the floor to Madam Bones who had requested to speak.

"Members of the Wizengamot," she began, her voice booming. "While I'm aware that this is a legislative session, I hate to bring something of judicial nature into this which has been recently brought to my notice. Ever since I was appointed the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement seven months ago, I have been going through the records of all the old cases which were to be filed away. That was when I found this."

She took out a very thin black file and flicked her wand at it. Multiple copies were distributed to each of the members of the body as she continued. "This is the file that pertains to one Sirius Orion Black who has been denied a trial for the last ten years."

Pandemonium ensued. Dumbledore frowned. Why did Amelia bring the issue of Sirius' imprisonment now? It had been ten years; surely Sirius would have lost his sanity. He now remembered that Sirius and Amelia had been engaged before the former was thrown in Azkaban. He cursed himself for forgetting that, but also knew that he had taken necessary steps to ensure that nothing was brought to light. It pained him that an innocent man had to be sent to Azkaban, but there had been no alternative. He had not wanted Harry to grow up as a pureblood prince (which admittedly, he was anyway, but that was beside the point). He would just have to ensure the trial was inconclusive.

"How could you support that traitor?" shouted someone in the Wizengamot.

"Members of the Wizengamot, I'm only doing my duty!" shouted Amelia in fury. "I am the Head of the D.M.L.E. and it is my job to ensure that justice is carried out. A man was thrown in Azkaban without a trial for ten years. It is against the law!"

"Martial Law was in place then, Madam Bones," said Barty Crouch testily. "Besides, Black confessed to the crime himself. Everyone knows he is guilty!"

"That's not an excuse," snapped Augusta Longbottom. "Martial Law did not give you the power to throw people in Azkaban without due process, Mr Crouch. Where is the evidence for his crime? This file is useless in determining his guilt!"

"Albus Dumbledore also stated that Black was the Secret Keeper," cried another member angrily. "He is a deranged mass murderer! Send him back to the Dementors!"

"That cannot be done, Mr Doge," replied Amelia. "Every person has a right to a trial. It is one of our fundamental laws. We can't ignore them when we feel they aren't necessary!"

"Are you sure this case isn't personal in nature for you, Madam Bones?" asked Lucius Malfoy smoothly. "After all, it is well known that you and Sirius Black were engaged before his imprisonment. I wonder where your loyalties truly lie."


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