The Betrothal Ring

Harry shrugged. "There's nothing wrong with self-preservation. It is human nature. While it's true that I have Gryffindorish tendencies, it's quite rare. I could have been easily sorted into Slytherin, but I like Ravenclaw better. At least people there leave me alone. I don't have the patience to deal with mindless minions."

They all chuckled as they entered the drawing room again. Harry relaxed a bit after spending time with the Greengrasses. He couldn't detect any aura of deceit about them, so he decided to drop one of his masks, temporarily.

"Hogwarts has an accelerated program?" asked Elizabeth in surprise.

"Yes," answered Harry as he took a sip of water. "I would be bored out of my mind in case I had to spend another semester like the last. Sure, I can study on my own, but this is different. The classroom experience does help as they explain the theory better, not to mention I'll learn faster with the help of a teacher. I'm not sure if it's completely possible, though."

"Are you sure that Dumbledore will allow that?" asked Cyrus, his eyebrows raised.

Harry shrugged but didn't elaborate. He didn't owe the Greengrasses any explanation regarding most aspects of his life. He had given them enough information to keep them satisfied, but he wasn't about to reveal more.

A frown formed on his face when he suddenly remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot," Harry said as he got to his feet and removed a small box from within his pocket. "Lord and Lady Greengrass, since your daughter and I are to be married because of the contract, I would formally like to ask your permission in presenting her with a betrothal ring."

"Of course, Mr Potter," Cyrus nodded, his eyebrows raised in surprise. He had not expected that from an eleven-year-old boy. He was quite impressed with the Potter scion for sticking to tradition, and so was his wife. Harry opened the small box and showed it to Daphne who looked at it in awe.

"This is the betrothal ring that was given by Raphael Potter to his wife, Aradia Peverell, in the fourteenth century," he explained. "It has been in my family ever since. The centre stone is a very rare magical blue diamond and it has several small white diamonds surrounding it. From what I've been told, Aradia Peverell was an enchantress, so there are several protection charms on the ring. I would like you to wear it, Daphne."

Daphne was stunned, but she regained her wits and nodded. She extended her hand and Harry slipped the ring on her left ring finger. The ring flashed as it resized to fit her. She smiled at him, moving closer to give him a gentle hug. Harry stiffened in panic, something which was not unnoticed by the elder Greengrasses, but Daphne pulled back, knowing how he would react.

"Thank you, Harry," she said softly. "It means a lot to me."

"So, what exactly should I do to prepare for this ball?" asked Harry, changing the topic as he took another sip from his glass of water.

"Nothing much," said Elizabeth. "Ensure that you are well-dressed as it is something that is noticed by everyone. The first impression is the best, after all."

"Do you want to announce the betrothal to everyone during the ball?" asked Harry.

Cyrus paused. "That is something which I was thinking about. As I mentioned before, the political ramifications will be huge. We'll have to think about this carefully, but I do think it's better if we announce it at the ball. At least that way, we control it. What do you think?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't really care one way or another. It saves me the time to explain it to others later."

After a few hours, Harry Flooed back to Potter Castle. That night, he and the ghost of Alfred Potter were in the Lord's study.

"A memory?" asked Alfred shrewdly. "A memory that belonged to Voldemort? Are you sure, Harry?"

"Positive, Grandfather," said Harry. "When I heard Snape speak, there was a trigger. I was looking down at Snape; I was Voldemort. It was from his perspective, so it had to be his memory. In the memory, Snape mentioned a prophecy; a prophecy that foretold that a boy would be born at the end of July who would have the power to defeat the Dark Lord."

"Dear Merlin," exclaimed Alfred as he drifted across the room. "Do you remember what I said to you about the elves sensing a possession in you when you arrived four years ago?" When Harry nodded, the ghost continued. "The possession was extracted and destroyed by the elves. We didn't know then whose it was. We thought it was some dark force which had latched on to your magic. That is very rare but possible. But to think it was Voldemort…"

"Is it possible I somehow tapped into his memories during the extraction ritual?"

"But how is that possible? No, we're missing something. I'm not an expert on dark magic, Harry, so I don't know. And it's not like I can read the books in the library."

Harry sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "Maybe it was a one-time occurrence. I'm going to bed. I need to visit my godfather tomorrow. Goodnight, Grandfather."

"Goodnight Harry," said Alfred as he floated through the wall of the study.


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