Facing Truths

The next day, Harry made his way to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries in London. Sirius was still there, getting his body repaired due to the damage caused by his prolonged stay in Azkaban. After the routine security check, he was led to one of the private suites. He knocked on the door and entered to find Sirius reading the Daily Prophet .

"Harry!" exclaimed Sirius, with a broad smile on his face. "Come on in."

Harry smiled slightly as he sat down on one of the armchairs. "How are you doing?"

"Just fine," he answered dismissively. "It'll take another few weeks of healing before my body stops looking so frail, but I'll still have to seek the help of a Mind Healer for another year to come to terms with what happened. I'm just glad most of the damage can be repaired."

Harry saw that Sirius' eyes still had a haunted look. After an awkward pause, the man exhaled. "Look, I know that it has been ten years -" began Sirius, but Harry interrupted him.

"Why did you hand me over to Hagrid instead of taking care of me?" he asked suddenly, the barest hint of anger and hurt colouring his voice. Sirius was, after all, his godfather and closest family after his parents had been murdered.

Sirius sighed. "I expected this question ever since I revealed it at the trial. It's not like I had a choice, Harry. Look at it from my point of view. Pettigrew had disappeared and I found out that he had betrayed your parents; I had just seen the corpses of the two people who were the closest to me; my godson was crying his heart out and it took me several minutes to calm you down and put you to sleep. Just when I was about to leave, Hagrid, of all people, showed up and demanded that I hand you over. I protested; I swear I did, but you can't really reason with Hagrid, especially when he has been ordered by Dumbledore ."

He literally spat out the last word. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he continued. "I didn't want to fight him, so thinking you would be safe at Hogwarts, I handed you over to him and went to find Peter. I was blinded by rage, I admit. It was foolish of me to do so, not to mention reckless. My first priority should have been you. But you have to understand Harry. At that point in my life, James was closer to me than my own brother. Sure, we were second cousins, but we were more like siblings! Losing him and Lily blinded me to what should have been done. I failed you and I'm really sorry about that. Can - can you forgive me?"

Harry looked at the older wizard for several seconds. A small smiled played on his lips as he finally nodded. He didn't know if he could ever have a relationship with his godfather, but it wouldn't hurt to try. He would also need Sirius' help if he were to get a new guardian. Sirius looked relieved.

"So, you're engaged to Madam Bones?" asked Harry, changing the subject.

Sirius nodded slowly, his face burning with fury. "Yes," he admitted. "But I'm not exactly in a forgiving mood. Everyone believed that I was guilty of betraying your parents, including Amelia. It should not have been possible because I am your oath sworn godfather! But no… that fact was easily forgotten as I was branded a Death Eater and the so-called right-hand man of Lord Voldemort! How could Amelia, of all people, think I would be capable of something like that?!"

"I'm not sure what her motives were ten years ago, but Sirius, do you have any idea of the political manoeuvres Madam Bones did behind the scenes to get you into that courtroom?" asked Harry slowly. "I don't have a clue about what she did, but I'm pretty sure that it was nothing short of a miracle that she got you out of Azkaban and into the Ministry building at all. Yes, Dumbledore set you up knowing you were innocent. Barty Crouch just wanted to show that he had captured a Death Eater. Lucius Malfoy wanted your title and money. Those are dangerous combinations, Sirius. If I had not captured Pettigrew through pure dumb luck, it would have been impossible for you to have been cleared of any wrongdoing. All of them wanted you imprisoned for their own benefit."

Sirius snorted. "I guess my mother was right," he said wryly. "Never trust anyone."

"I agree with her," nodded Harry. The older man sighed. No eleven-year-old child should say something like that.

"I'm really sorry you ended up with Petunia, of all people," grimaced Sirius. "I know that she is a nasty horse-faced bitch."

"It's fine," said Harry stiffly, wanting to avoid that topic. "I escaped when I was seven years old. My life has been much better since. There is something else you should know. Because of a contract set up by my ancestor, I'm now betrothed to Daphne Greengrass."

"Betrothed?" exclaimed Sirius, his eyes wide with panic. He was in shock for a few minutes as Harry explained the situation to him. He finally calmed down, but still looked wary. "The Greengrass family? I know that they are quite neutral in their political dealings, but there were no Death Eater activities linked to them during the war. Be careful, Harry. Maybe I should talk to them on your behalf as such families are deep-rooted in tradition."

"Yes, I think you should."


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