A Meeting of Old Rivals

Lucius Malfoy was led inside a luxury suite at the Pendragon Hotel, one of the best upscale hotels in Magical Britain. His cousin by marriage, Sirius Black, had requested a meeting with him. His ebony cane continued to make tapping noises against the marble floor as he entered the room. Sirius Black was already there.

Gone was the gaunt and pale form of the former prisoner of Azkaban. The new Lord Black was dressed in expensive silk robes and the potions regimen prescribed by the Healers seemed to have helped him because he looked moderately healthy. He wasn't back to how he was; Merlin knows those haunted grey eyes were proof enough, but it was a far cry from the mangy look from a month back in the Wizengamot. He was now clean shaven and his curly raven black hair was cut short, no longer long and unkempt. Lucius swallowed as he saw the black diamond ring gleaming in the sunlight as it reflected off the platinum band.

"Lucius," said Sirius, sounding ebullient and happy, though the other man knew very well his cheerfulness was fake. "It's been far too long since we've seen each other. Please, take a seat."

Once Lucius was comfortable, Sirius looked up and asked, "Would you like some tea?"

Lucius' lips pursed as he nodded. Sirius waved his wand as the teapot released steam, lifted off in the air and poured tea into two cups. The cups levitated themselves and carefully landed in front of the two men. Lucius discreetly scanned the drink for any poisons or potions, something the other wizard didn't miss.

"Oh, come on Lucius," Sirius frowned. "Don't insult my intelligence. I'm a free man now. Do you think I'm stupid enough to poison you?"

"You can never be too careful," said Lucius smoothly. "Especially when you have as many enemies as I do."

"Oh, I know about having enemies, alright," Sirius chuckled as he reclined in his chair and observed the blond man in front of him. "The Wizengamot was very persistent in denying me a trial even when they realised there was a possibility that I might be innocent. Why, the Director of the D.M.L.E. was even accused of consorting with Death Eaters! That is really unfortunate. What has happened to our government? The stories I've heard from different sources…"

"And what stories would those be?" asked Lucius, his eyes narrowed.

Sirius stayed silent for a minute as he sipped his tea. "Let me come straight to the point, Lucius," he said coldly. "I don't like you. I never have. You're too slippery for your own good and I don't trust such people. At the same time, I've been briefed about the status of the Wizengamot and the Ministry of Magic. The influence of the Black family has dwindled and you capitalised on that, however, you're still no match for someone as powerful as Albus Dumbledore. I've had time to glance at some of the laws passed over the last ten years and the ones that are to be passed in the future, and I must confess that I don't like it."

His grey eyes narrowed. "You know exactly the power I have at my disposal, Lucius," he said quietly. "I'm also the regent of House Potter. Being Lord Black gives me access to information people can only dream of. Right now, I don't want you as my enemy. If you choose to work with me, it will serve you well for the moment. If you don't, I have a few dirty secrets that would bring House Malfoy to its knees. I don't even need to mention that your wife is a daughter of House Black. We both see Albus Dumbledore as a threat. I propose that we work together; at least for now. Ten years in Azkaban has made me think things through. I don't need to point out that the rest of the traditionalists will follow me no matter what you decide now. Think carefully, for your future is vested in this decision."

An hour later, Lord Sirius Black smirked as he exited the hotel. Lucius Malfoy was in the bag after a bit of struggle on the former Death Eater's part, but Sirius was able to handle it. Soon, the rest of the traditionalists will follow suit. It was time for the Houses of Potter and Black to rise again.


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