The Ministry's Challenge

It was two days before the end of the winter holidays. Harry had spent his time alternating between spending time with his godfather and the Greengrasses. The regency and guardianship were made official with the Ministry and the news of the betrothal had spread like wildfire. People were mostly shocked because none of them had known about the contract at all, especially since one of the parties to the contract was the Boy-Who-Lived. Of course, not everything was rosy. There had been an article in the Daily Prophet about the betrothal, written by Rita Skeeter. The reporter had penned it in such a way that it sounded as though the Greengrass family had tricked the young hero into marrying their daughter. That certainly had brought down the mood of the holidays.

Currently, Harry was with his godfather in the Ministry of Magic building, sitting in front of Madam Griselda Marchbanks, the Head of the Department of Magical Education. Harry had no idea if Dumbledore would give his consent to the accelerated program at Hogwarts, even though he had threatened the old headmaster. Amelia had suggested that they go meet Madam Marchbanks. The wise witch would surely take a more neutral approach, not to mention was qualified to approve it.

"Your grades over the first term have been very high, Mr Potter," Madam Marchbanks observed as she looked at the file. "But I'm not sure I understand why you wish to enrol yourself in the accelerated program at all. It existed in my time, yes, but it was incredibly rare. Over the centuries, I believe less than twenty to thirty students were given the opportunity. What makes you think you are qualified?"

"I've been studying magic since I was seven years old, ma'am. I know that it is hard to believe, but I'm more than capable of going through with it. I would be severely stunting my education by being in the regular program. I don't mind taking up the end of year exams to prove to you or any professor at Hogwarts that I am indeed capable of handling this."

Madam Marchbanks looked at him speculatively. "What do you think about this, Lord Black?"

"Harry has my full support, Madam Marchbanks," answered Sirius. "I know it is difficult to believe it, but I've seen him cast advanced spells. There is no harm in letting him take the end of year exams for the first and second years. If, after that, you still believe he's not qualified for it, then I will ensure he gets his education elsewhere. I can move to Hogsmeade so that Harry can become a dayboy instead of a boarder so that I can coach him myself, or I will have him privately tutored full time and pull him out of Hogwarts. I'm willing to support him in his endeavours in any manner possible."

Harry looked at Sirius with a look of surprise on his face. He was really touched that his godfather had actually considered doing that just for him. He felt something warm in his chest but didn't know how to describe it.

"Alright, young man," said Madam Marchbanks. "But I will administer the tests to you myself, here at the Ministry. If you are willing, you can take up the end of year exams for the first and second years. When can you do so?"

"Anytime, ma'am," Harry replied confidently. "I'm ready now, you'd like."

"Now?" asked Madam Marchbanks in surprise.

Harry simply shrugged. "I'm ready, ma'am."

The old woman smiled. "Very well, then. Go sit in the examination room. We can finish the first year exams today and the second year exams tomorrow."

"Good luck," whispered Sirius as he led his godson out of the room.

Harry waited in the exam room for ten minutes when finally, an assistant came inside and handed him sheets of parchment, a quill and question papers for all his subjects. With a smile on his face, he began writing. He wanted to prove to Madam Marchbanks that he was worthy. The biggest motivating factor was that if he got through these exams, he wouldn't need to ask Dumbledore for any favours.

Several hours later, Harry was done with his written portion of the exam, feeling drained and exhausted. Sirius took him for a late lunch and they soon returned for the practical portion, which was a walk in the park. Harry took the opportunity to show off, so by the end of the practical exams of Charms, Defence and Transfiguration, Madam Marchbanks and Professor Tofty - an old friend of the former and another member of the Wizarding Examinations Authority who had wanted to see his practical work - were positively raving about his abilities.

"That was an outstanding display, Mr Potter," exclaimed Professor Tofty as he clapped enthusiastically. "That spell chain was beautifully done! I didn't think someone your age would even attempt to put together spell chains!"

"Indeed," smiled Madam Marchbanks. "You certainly were not kidding when you said you knew how to cast advanced spells. Some of those are taught in the third year and the Blasting Curse is taught in the fourth! Jolly good. I think we can consider this an exam for both your first and second years. Tomorrow, you can write the rest of the second year papers and take up the practicals for Potions and Herbology."

Harry breezed through the practical for Potions as well. The two old professors were very impressed by the way Harry used magic to stir the rods automatically the precise number of times, the spells used to control the temperature of the fire and also the timer on the potion itself. Harry's ingredients were meticulously cut so that they were perfectly equal. This was something that was ingrained in him as Alfred Potter was very thorough when it came to teaching Potions. Even the slightest of mistakes in cutting the ingredients would result in the entire potion being vanished by a house-elf even if the potion was nearly complete. It was a frustrating method to learn, but very rewarding. Once all his exams were done, he found himself once again seated in front of Madam Marchbanks with Sirius.


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