Breaking Barriers

"I must admit that you have managed to astound me, Mr Potter," she said with a large smile. "Never in my career have I encountered an eleven-year-old boy who is so talented! I can understand your frustration in having to be a first-year student. Your practical work checks out and I have people evaluating the theory you wrote this morning. Your first-year theory papers are already graded and you scored an Outstanding on each one of them. I've gone through the second year papers too, and though they aren't graded yet, I can tell that you have performed very well in those too. Would you still like to go through with this?"

"Yes ma'am," said Harry, smiling happily. He couldn't contain his excitement. He didn't care if he was grinning like a five-year-old child with a chocolate bar in his hand. Finally! He would be able to skip those ridiculous classes he had attended in the first term.

"You do know that in the accelerated program, there will be some aspects of self-study?" asked Madam Marchbanks sharply.

"Yes, ma'am, I know, and I'm willing to work hard for it."

"Very good, because I expect nothing less," she said, looking stern for a moment. "You can begin third-year classes this term, but I don't think you'll have trouble catching up on anything other than the electives. The professors have study groups on the weekends taught by the older students which will help you catch up. That is how it's going to be for you because that's the way the accelerated program works. Self-study is an integral part of it along with classroom education. But I would advise you to use two whole years for your N.E.W.T.s. You might be very smart, Mr Potter, but the concepts taught in those two years are quite hard to grasp. I advise - no - I will tell you now that I won't compromise on that. You can burn yourself out and I cannot allow that."

"I understand, ma'am," Harry nodded. He didn't have a problem with that. He could take up his N.E.W.T.s at the end of what would have been his fourth year. He could begin his higher education three years in advance! That was bloody fantastic!

Madam Marchbanks spent the next ten minutes writing on a sheet of parchment. Once done, she multiplied it with a flick of her wand. Each copy folded itself neatly and entered an envelope, with one of them floating in front of Harry.

"This is my authorization letter that enrols you as a student of the accelerated program at Hogwarts," said Madam Marchbanks. "A copy will be given to Albus Dumbledore and the other members of staff as well. Good luck, young man."

Harry swallowed as his emotions got the best of him. "Thank you very much, Madam Marchbanks," he said, trying to make his voice sound even but failing miserably. "I deeply appreciate this. I won't let you down."

"You have my gratitude as well," Sirius told her, bowing with respect. "Thank you."

Madam Marchbanks smiled fondly as the two of them left her office. Harry Potter definitely was an enigma. She would have to keep a close eye on the boy. He would surely scale new heights.


Once they were back in Potter Castle, Harry couldn't help but start jumping around with joy. He had never been this carefree before in his life and part of him was horrified at the way he was acting, but he was too ecstatic to care.

"I can't believe it actually worked!" he exclaimed. "Now I don't have to ask Dumbledore for permission!"

Sirius barked out a laugh. "I'm glad you are happy, kiddo," he said fondly, as he ruffled the boy's hair.

"I can't wait to see Dumbledore's face when he reads this," smirked Harry. "Or Snape's for that matter."

Sirius frowned. "You tell me if Dumbledore or Snape create problems for you, understood? I won't have them walking all over you. You're not alone, kiddo. I'll be with you the whole way."

Harry didn't know how to respond to that so he just nodded as he regained control of his emotions. It was certainly a new experience in having someone care about him. Sure, there was Alfred and the portraits, but Sirius was a living, breathing person.

"Thanks, Sirius," he said finally.

The older man just nodded. "Come on, off to bed. You must to exhausted. You have to leave for school tomorrow."

"Good night," muttered Harry, watching Sirius walk towards the Floo and disappear with a flash of green flames. He looked at the letter in his hand and smiled again.

"I'll make you proud, Mum and Dad. I promise."


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