In the Vijaynagar Empire

In the throne room of the Vijayanagar Empire the emperor Vasudevaraya was sitting on his throne and listening to the reports of the affairs currently happening in his empire. The Prime Minister Triverma started reading out the reports. First there is the Deccan sultanate though act as a buffer between the empire and Mughal, recently they seem to become more active with the support of the Mughal to launch incursion into Vijaynagar empire and kidnapping women and disrupting trades in the border areas. Next is the Khurda kingdom from where noble Veervadhra has informed of one great noble colluding with the Mughal to usurp the throne and another colluding with Bengal to separate its territory from the kingdom and join Bengal sultanate.Next comes the Maratha kingdom which borders us and is at war with Mughal we are sending regulars arms and men to support them against the Mughal onslaught. The small border that is shared with the Mughal empire is fortified to protect our land against any attacking Mughal army. Finally the war with Dutch, initially they came as traders but now has fortified their position in Tranvancore, we are at a stalemate with regular skirmishes with them.Their army uses firearms and canon which are more advanced then we are used to and also using their fortified position to stop us from completely uprooting them.There has been news of atrocities on local population like women are being assaulted, village looted, the missionaries of their faith is also trying to convert the local people into their calvisim church faith according to which their is only one god that is theirs and rest are all pretenders because of this belief lot of temples of indu people has been destroyed and churches has been built in their place.

Hearing this the emperor was silent for sometime, finally after thinking about it the emperor said "My father never thought that this Dutch who came as a trader would become such a menace. We provided them with land to do trade and practice their faith what did they do with it instead of showing gratitude they usurped the land and destroyed the indu faith monopolize the trade by violence or other underhanded means.They are truly as worse as the slamic followers who doesn't accept any other faith except theirs. Continue with the effort of uprooting them from empire by any means necessary. As for the Deccan sultanate wipe out few of their military outpost in the border region as a warning to them to stop their incursion. Next is the Maratha kingdom and the small border we share with mughal empire a job well done in this regard, continue to support the Marathas against the Mughals. As for khurda kingdom keep an eye on the matters there for now as we cannot do much currently". With this the emperor adjourned the meeting.

In the Tranvancore region of the occupied Dutch territory currently a skirmish is going on between Vijaynagar army and Dutch army. Though the Vijaynagar army which includes infantry, cavalry, archers and bronze cannon, war elephant is larger then the Dutch but the well disciplined Dutch army with their arquebus, cavalry, pikemen and cast iron cannons was able to hold the onslaught of the vastly large army of their opponent.