The Ambush(2)

After few hours

Prince Viraja's army was currently facing the unknown army or more appropriately now the Bengal sultanate army under the command of Afzal khan. The line infantry with muskets including both single shot and 4 shot matchlock has formed the vanguard with a company of pikemen split into 2 and placed at each flank in square formation supported by crossbowmen against any cavalry onslaught. The line infantry is also supported by repeated crossbowmen.While a company of pikemen and and a company of musketeer is hold back as reserve along with his royal cavalry to support any section if it buckles due to pressure. As the prince was watching the advance of the enemy sitting on his horse back at the rear. he ordered all the 100 Vajrastras to be load along with deployment of 20% of the Varshastra.

The enemy army mostly consisting of infantry with sword and shield and spearmen as vanguard with archers coming up behind them. On the left flank is the cavalrymen led by the enemy commander Afzal khan, probably will be used to attack the prince's left flank, the best part is Prince Viraja observed that there was no cannon on the enemy side.As the enemy army came within bombardment range of his missile artillery he gave signaled to start firing. 

On the Bengal sultanate army side the commander Afzal khan along with the rest of the army could hear a sharp whistling sound coming from above and in-front of them at first the soldiers were confused but then the arrows 100's of them started assaulting their position behind the arrows came the rockets with swords attached to the bamboo stick while some burst in the air like shells others after striking the ground would rise again and bound along in a serpentine motion until their force was spent and this caused innumerable deaths wounds and lacerations within the Bengal army ranks.The two pronged attack of Vajrastras and Varshastras was devastating and as the Bengal army was reeling from this attack they entered the range of the musket.

Colonel Virendra seeing the enemy within range of muskets used the drums to communicate to the officers of line infantry vanguard to start the volley firing in unison. That is when Bengal army troops understood the true meaning of fear. Their moral was already shaken by the missiles and when full force of the musket firing assaulted their ranks and the metal balls punched through their Armour like knife through butter and the men around started dropping like flies it completely shattered their morales. They haven't even able to launch a single attack and already most of their comrades are dead or dying. The enemy commander Afzal khan tried to raise moral by moving forward with cavalry to charge the line infantry of prince Viraja. But this proved to be an even bigger mistake as the line infantry first rows switched position and the men in second row with loaded musket came forward to fire their musket in volleys, behind them the repeating crossbowmen also started firing as the enemy cavalry came within range. The charging enemy cavalry couldn't even reach the infantry position before the commander was killed and most cavalry was wiped out except few who fleed the battlefield.Seeing their commander dead and the elite Bengal cavalry known for their accolade and glory wiped out the rest of the enemy army whatever was left of it routed in all direction.

Colonel Virendra ordered the army to pursue the routed enemy and kill as many as they could though after sometime heeding to command of his prince he signaled his troop to halt and get back to positon. Since soon, they will have to circle around and meet the noble Durani's army in battle. But one thing was certain this win has raised the morales of the prince's army and their trust in the prince capabilities has increased to greater height who made such a victory possible through his innovations.