The Ambush(3)

Prince Viraja once again has circled his army in ordered formation and marched towards the noble Durani's oncoming army. In the horizon the sun has already risen as the rays of the sun gleams against the helmet of the soldiers in his army. Colonel Virendra has already deployed the scouts in forward position to keep track of the movement of enemy forces. As per the report of the scouts it seems the foolish commander of the enemy forces has split up his force of 10000 men which mostly consist of cavalry into two he has left the slower infantry behind and has taken mainly the cavalry force of about 7000 men strong with the intention to storm the prince position from the rear when the prince army would be engaged with Bengal sultanate forces after receiving the news of him moving forward and engaging the Bengal army in battle. But unfortunately for him, the prince has already routed that army before the enemy commander has even covered three quater of the distance between him and previous battlefield. 

Currently prince Viraja could see that the commander of the enemy cavalry is foolishly charging towards his line like a mad bull instead of considering why the prince army is facing towards him and where is the Bengal army. This is what happens when you choose incompetent people as commanders based on birth, faith and flattery instead of substance. Colonel Virendra have this time interspersed muketeers companies with pikeman companies supported by repeated crossbowmen. As the enemy came within range once again the Vajrastras was loaded and fired along with Varshastras, the outcome was predictably devastating on the oncoming cavalry force, then came fire from the muskets which further whittled down the enemy cavalry, and finally when the cavalry was within a few metres of distance from the musketeers, colonel Virendra issued command to line infantry using drums beats to put on the ring bayonet and implement the square formation with hollow within, from where the crossbowmen continue to fire the repeating crossbow.As the remaining enemy cavalry rammed into the prince's vanguard which constituted both musketeers and pikemen companies the outcome of this was total annihilation of the enemy cavalry force along with the their commander.

With the enemy cavalry wiped out the prince once again moved forward leaving behind few injured and dead with a squad of guards, for the dead to be buried and the injured to be moved towards Rudradev company branch location in his territory. The rest of the enemies which includes 3000 infantry men of the noble durani's army were soon surrounded using the crescent moon strategy which surrounded the enemy from three sides keeping one side open for escape and using the combination of musket fire, missile artillery and crossbowmen and flanking cavalry charge of his royal guard was soon routed pursued and wiped out.

After fighting multiple battles the prince decided to make camp to give well earned rest to his exhausted troops. Once the camp was setup he immediately called for a meeting with colonel Virendra and his royal cavalry guard commander Suresh and finally the field agent of Third Eye who brought him the previous report. He has also sent a letter to his father reporting all that has happened and his victory over the enemy forces and also relayed his intention to wipe out count Almar Durani forces and capture and hang the count for treason. As colonel Virendra and commander Suresh entered his command tent along with the agent of Third Eye and took their seat. The agent Vasuki (alias name) and the two officers introduced each other and then looked at the prince to commence the meeting.