The Meeting

In the meeting Prince Viraja informed them that he has dispatched a letter to Bhirmrao to send back the war supplies and rations to replenish his inventory which he has sent with the noncombatants as he needed to move swiftly at that time since he has decided to launch a campaign against Noble Durani for his treason against the crown.But the prince do have another ulterior motive for this campaign is to capture the entire Duranabad county from himself especially the Keonjhar area within the county as it has rich deposits of important minerals like iron ore, Quartzite, Dolomite etc which he needs for his plan to build and operate a factory in Badrak. So in a way he was quite pleased that the Count Almar Durani took the initiative and attacked him thereby declaring himself a traitor to the crown and giving him excuse to attack and seize his territory.Thinking this he ordered colonel Virendra and commander Suresh to prepare for the campaign and to deploy scouts to forward position and keep track of the 5000 enemy troops that was left behind previously by the enemy commander inside Duranabad county border. With this he dismissed then both.

Once the prince was left alone with agent Vasuki he turned his attention to him. As he opened a map in-front of him he point to the castle in the Duranabad which Count Almar Durani uses as his base and said to the agent "I want him out of their and bring his entire army with him so that I can defeat him in detail in open fields instead of long seize on the castle which will result in stretching this war. So I need ideas to bring him out of his stronghold".

Hearing this agent Vasuki thought about it for sometime and said "Your highness even though our agent has infiltrated but still they do not have authority or ability to take step to bring Lord Durani out neither to take steps against him, as they are merely there to observe and report".

Listening to this the prince nodded and said with a smile "Tell me agent Vasuki is there someone he hold very dear and can be captured and used as bait". As the agent thought about it an idea suddenly appeared in his head and he replied "Your highness all of the children of Lord Durani is girls except for one and since only male heir in slamic religion is allowed to inherit their father's inheritance so he value his only son the most". 

Listening to this the prince said "So where is this precious jewel of his right now is he also within the walls of the castle or somewhere else". In repose to the prince words the agent said "Your highness as luck would have it the apple does not fall far from the tree, he also has a addiction to beautiful women much like his father and currently is in a town on the east of the Duranabad castle for the same".

Hearing this the prince started laughing and said "So like father like son eh". He quickly wrote down a order and gave it to the agent to be given to commander Suresh so that a squad of his elite guard can be sent to stealthily capture the son of Count Durani. As he hand over the orders to the agent and said "I want the son to be abducted and brought to me and also leak the news of same to his father in such way that the noble gets enraged and angry by my action such that he gather the rest of his army and attacks me in anger and urgency to rescue his son is that clear agent.While in the meantime as soon as my supplies arrived I will move my forces into Duranbad and attack the army stationed at the border". With this he dismissed the agent to carry out his orders.


Message from the author:

Please note up till this point in the story i have been addressing the 3 great nobles as Nobles but now from here rank of Count(basically a rank given to noble) will be used for them and for minor noble the rank of baron will be used.