Chapter 7

"Veronica," Liam placed his foot to stop the door from closing. "I'm here to apologise."

"It didn't work. Leave me alone," said Veronica, still trying to close the door. 

"We should talk," Liam said, not leaving until they resolved the problem.

"It doesn't feel good that no one wants to talk when you are ready, does it?" Veronica asked, enjoying how the shoe was now on Liam's foot. "That was how I felt with you keeping secrets from me. If you were the one person I could depend on then act like it."

"I'm sorry," Liam apologised again. "I am trying to protect you. I should tell you the basics so you are not clueless."

Veronica was still not ready to give in to speak to Liam as he would always do this to her. "Thank you for realising your mistake but I don't want to talk. If you want to show how sorry you are, turn on the internet."

"Tomorrow I will," Liam promised.

Veronica stopped pushing on the door, surprised he was agreeing to this. There was a lot she could learn on the internet. "You mean it? You're lying to me."

"I don't need to lie to you," Liam replied.

"No, you'll just keep secrets from me," Veronica retorted.

Liam sighed, wishing he had the chance to start over with her.

Veronica stared at Liam, trying to make sense of the position they were in. "How did we become a couple?"

"We went to the same college. We started rocky when I heard your family name. I thought your father- Your stepfather," Liam corrected the title. "Had sent you."

Veronica ignored the start of their meeting as there was one thing that stuck out to her. "Stepfather? The man I saw in the hospital with my mother is my stepfather?"

Liam nodded his head. "He is. Your mother married him when you were eleven and has a habit of introducing him as your father. You didn't like it since she tried to act like your biological father doesn't exist."

"Wait," Veronica touched her head. "I need a minute. He's not my father. Where is my father then?"

"I don't know. You've been asking your mother but she won't tell you," Liam replied, clueless as Veronica was. 

Veronica returned to her bed to sit on it. To have a stepfather wasn't bad but it was a surprise that this wasn't her father.

Is that why he had been silent in the hospital?

Veronica looked up at Liam. "Why am I not close to my family? Is it because of my marriage?"

"When we first met, you never seemed close to your family. You didn't speak about them and you lived alone in a small apartment which was surprising since they could afford you something bigger. Now, they seek every chance to use you," Liam answered as best as he could.

He would like her to not know about her mother's attempt to make use of her state in the hospital to get money. That would crush Veroncia since right now she didn't know just how bad of a relationship she had with her mother.

Veronica didn't know what to feel.

She had a mother who lashed out at her, a cousin in love with her husband, and a stepfather she couldn't tell what he thought of her. 

Liam wasn't presenting himself as the greatest person to trust at the start as well.

After a moment of silence, Veronica said, "You're not going to tell me about my accident. The real truth you are looking into."

"I don't know much about it yet. For the last few weeks, you were going around doing something in secret instead of coming to me about it. Whoever you met with, I do not know. That is why I can't have anyone come to you when you don't have a guard," said Liam.

Veronica balled her right hand. "Then if you noticed me doing these things, why didn't you say something?"

"Because I trusted you," Liam gave a short answer. "Eventually, you would come to me. I said what is mine is yours but you always had the habit of not wanting to depend on anyone."

"Oh," Veronica felt bad for getting angry. 

"I still don't want to tell you a lot to overwhelm you today but I will say one thing since you are curious about your family. They ignored you until you married me then they suddenly had a pile of business ideas they wanted you to fund. They live far beyond their means and now want you to fund it. You didn't," Liam replied, hoping this ended her curiosity. 

"Oh. And that was all my decision not to support them? I see," she added after Liam nodded. "I want to rest and I am still not happy with you so please leave. I will look for you later and if you want to start over, don't hold anything back from me."

"Okay," Liam replied, reaching for the doorknob. It was strange to not step foot in the room he shared with her from day one but he had to get used to it. "I am glad you are back home, Veronica."

Veronica managed a small smile which fell when the door closed. She got a little out of him which only led to her being more confused about her life.

Veronica fell back on her bed, trying to piece together reasons she was not close to her family. "I'll know when I get the internet."

The next day, Evelyn and Beth travelled together after receiving an invitation from Adeline Sterling to join her for lunch.

Beth fidgeted with her hair throughout the ride, desperately wanting to present herself as perfect to marry into the Sterling family. She was the one to have some history with the Sterling family, not Veronica.

Evelyn smiled in the direction of the paparazzi she called to take her photos. She was popular again because of what happened to Veronica so she couldn't miss the chance to soak up the attention. 

The paparazzi were looking for any news about Veronica and Liam so they would keep showing up to get answers from Evelyn.

Evelyn entered the restaurant with Beth right by her side in search of Adeline.

"Evelyn Harper," she told the hostess. "I have a reservation with Adeline Sterling."

"Your guest is here. This way."

Evelyn followed the hostess to a private room which was expected of Adeline. They entered the room to Adeline already enjoying a glass of wine.

"Adeline," Evelyn greeted in a sweet tone. "You look wonderful as always."

"Mrs. Sterling," Beth greeted the well-respected woman.

Adeline looked up at Beth who radiated the room with her beauty. "Beth, take a seat."

Evelyn frowned over not being acknowledged but it was quickly replaced by a smile. She had always known Adeline was not fond of her but it didn't matter. Beth entering the family mattered.

Adeline briefly glanced at Evelyn. This woman was responsible for the woman at her son's side. "I heard Veronica is alive. How is she?"

"She is doing good. Like always, Liam is right there at her side," Evelyn replied.

"I would prefer that he wasn't," Adeline said, her dislike of the union evident. 

With the state of Veronica, Adeline looked forward to the marriage ending but of course, Verconia pulled through.