Chapter 8

It wasn't new for Adeline to voice her opinions about her son's choice of a wife. She envisioned that type of woman to be at his side yet Liam went against what she wanted and dated Veronica in secret, only introducing her three years later when he had plans to marry her.

"You know I am not for their marriage. I was hoping in the past you would have taken the money and succeeded in convincing her to leave Liam. It was disappointing that you didn't," Adeline said, seeing Evelyn as part of the problem.

Adeline recalled how Evelyn's eyes lit up when the offer of money was made. It gave Adeline hope the wedding would not happen but it did.

Adeline sipped the last of her red wine. "You got a wealthy son-in-law so why did I expect you to stop the wedding? Your daughter learned well."

Evelyn bit her tongue to not respond to the jab at herself. She knew what a woman like Adeline thought of her. It was easy to think she sent Veronica to seduce Liam.

Couldn't anyone take one look at her daughter and realise Veronica couldn't seduce anyone?

The child was plain in Evelyn's eyes. 

Evelyn was reminded of her plain first husband. 

Evelyn laughed, brushing off Adeline's words. "I didn't want Veronica to marry him but my daughter never listens to me. I was hoping for Beth to marry your son. They had the match-making set up. She was so heartbroken when he didn't show up."

"That's because all along he had been meeting with your daughter and no one told me. It's not too late for a divorce to happen. I can offer you the same amount," Adeline proposed. "You need to be fast before there is a child."

Once a child was added, Adeline knew she would be stuck with Veronica for the next eighteen years. Adeline couldn't take so many years with Veronica. 

Veronica didn't make for a good daughter-in-law. She didn't have any money to her name, she wasn't Henry's daughter, and she didn't know how to be silent in family matters. 

"I will talk to her again. There's a secret you will enjoy," Evelyn said in a hush tone.

"Speak," Adeline encouraged Evelyn. 

Adeline didn't know what would have a mother be so against her only daughter but it worked in her favour. 

Evelyn leaned forward as if there were others in the private room but it was only the three of them. "Veronica woke up without her memories. She doesn't recognise your son. How long will the marriage last when she doesn't know her husband?"

Adeline smiled, her mood changing. "It is good news. Very good news. A good opportunity presented itself."

The world was seemingly on Adeline's side again to break up the couple. 

"I am worried about Veronica's feelings. What if she hears about Liam's affairs?" Beth asked, playing innocent.

"Affairs? What affairs?" Adeline asked, taking the gossip for a lie. She raised her son better than to be a cheater.

"For a few weeks there was gossip that he was seeing another woman. He never made it to the blogs so I am not sure if it is true. It would take the other woman coming out but that wouldn't be smart. I heard it's a woman within his business. That makes it easy for him to hide," Beth shared. 

Adeline didn't think the news was right. She had witnessed Liam's love for Veronica which made it hard to part the two. "That doesn't sound like my son. If it was true, it would have gotten out by now."

Beth didn't think the same. Liam was a wealthy businessman so if she had the chance to be with him in secret, she wouldn't share it with anyone to keep being spoiled by him. 

It was different since she knew Veronica differently from how another woman knew her so Beth would reveal the affair to hurt Veronica. 

"This is what I heard. I thought it would be good to tell you. An affair might push Veronica to ask for a divorce-"

"Not by making my son out to be a cheater. I cannot ruin his reputation," said Adeline.

Liam wasn't a celebrity but since he had attended many events, his pictures were taken and shared over social media. He earned the name Dream Man and thanks to that, Adeline started to use his face for business events. That would be ruined if he was said to be a cheater. 

Adeline knew what had to be done. "What is the name of the woman?"

Evelyn tapped Beth's leg, wanting her to feign ignorance. They were giving Adeline way too much for free.

"I do not know but I will find out for you," Beth answered. 

Beth didn't need Evelyn to tell her what to do. It wouldn't be any fun for Adeline to get rid of the other woman yet. Veronica needed to suffer a little bit.

'She doesn't have the perfect marriage,' Beth smiled.

Veronica acted all high and mighty, no longer sitting in the same room with them after she married Liam only to have her husband cheat on her. 

Adeline hadn't missed Evelyn tapping Beth and knew it was due to the need to have more money. "We'll have to meet again once Beth finds out. I think about you from time to time. You were a good option since I knew your parents. I had high hopes for you meeting with Liam."

Adeline's mind changed now that Harpers didn't have the same wealth they once did. Liam needed someone the family business would benefit from not another leech who was going to push failing business plans into his hands.

Beth smiled, enjoying how Adeline loved her. It was the one thing she had over Veronica regarding the Sterlings. Veronica never succeeded in getting Adeline to like her.

In this world, Veronica was the black sheep of the Harper family. Being just the stepdaughter, no one thought it was worth anything to marry Veronica.

'So she aimed for a rich man to make herself worth something,' Beth thought. She thought Veronica had been stupid, once believing Beth cared for her though she always purposely did something to get Veronica in trouble, but Veronica had been plotting to take the man Beth wanted.

"I'm sure you will find someone else," Adeline added. 

Adeline didn't want to see another Harper by her son's side. She thought of the reaction of the world hearing Liam would marry his ex-wife's cousin. It was stupid of Evelyn or Beth to believe there was still a chance. 

Beth frowned, puzzled as to why Adeline didn't consider her. She would make a far better daughter-in-law than Veronica ever did. 

Beth smiled, masking her anger that she wasn't an option at the moment. Veronica's marriage was in a downward spiral and since she had a close relationship to Adeline, a chance would come for her. The one issue was getting close to Liam.

"It is time we order. It will be my treat today," Adeline offered, her good mood left her willing to spoil the two. 

They had brought her news she could use to get what she wanted.