
After the meeting with Artur, the gentleman from Valery. 

Valery was not yet finished, a day she had been waiting for was near. So she would have to meet with Stelle and Katerin, who were the ones who transmitted the information to her.

As she came out of the forest, she saw the two of them at the agreed place near her previous meeting.

She smiled, nodding in confirmation of their successful meeting. 

Stelle smiled, proud to have her friend at her side and Katerin sighed in relief, she had been looking for multiple candidates and it had been difficult to find someone promising, she was almost out of options.

"We're leaving" Stelle turned her back and led the way to her room.


Each in their respective places. The silence was tense, after all the topic to talk about was not pleasant and not expected.

"Katerin was the first to speak, her gaze focused on Stelle who was the one who broke the news.

Stelle's silence made the atmosphere become much heavier than it was. 

Death is not necessary to think about it, vampires do not think about death but it is inevitable. 

Vampires can die.



"Stelle!" Katerin shouted loudly enough to be heard several rooms away. 

Stelle snapped out of her daze, but could not respond she bit her lips hard causing a red line of blood to come out of her lips.

"Did you see it?" asked Valery softly and slowly.

Stelle shook her head in assent.

"This is what happened..."


Stelle, she has much more responsibilities than Valery, so getting out of her room is a little more difficult but not impossible. She finished signing and reviewing some documents.

Even though her father is alive, she is now the one in charge of the territory. 

"Ahh~" Stelle sighed with a sigh of relief and stretched before getting up and leaving, today she was meeting Katerin and Valery. To talk about their own progress, for now she would have to head to Katerin's before going to one of the entrances of the academy's bsoque.

While he was going to a room far away from Stelle's, he heard some knocking. There was the sound of wood creaking and being smashed. 

The door was half open, with the common lock broken. At the half-open door, and the sounds of banging, Stelle approached and looked through the door.

Under the floor, she saw a non-noble vampire, being beaten by someone she had met some time ago.

Albert Flamewood.

After Stelle's run-in with him, she never ran into him again, but whatever he was doing wasn't good for her and her friends.

Albert kicked several times in the face of the vampire who was on the ground, breathing heavily. Even though vampires don't need to breathe, for them to talk they need air.

The vampire struggled to say several words.



Each kick was strong and filled the floor with more and more blood. The wounds on the vampire's face were already very serious, and neither of the other two noble vampires dared to stop Alber.

They both looked at him with fear.

They wanted to stop him, they had to stop him, but neither one of them moved, the trembling in their bodies and their eyes shining. Each one at a safe distance so that Albert's anger would not affect them.

The muffled blows became louder and louder, when the Vampire on the ground stopped resisting and stopped talking.

"Useless" said Albert angrily before his foot ignited in a strong flame and he drove his foot right into his thorax, piercing and crushing it. 

"AHH" The vampire on the ground took a gasp of air, his eyes widened like saucers, he looked directly at Albert.

With a breath and without pause, Albert lifted his foot and crushed his head as well. He shook his foot, staining the surrounding area with blood. 

"It was your turn to accept to work under my command, you filthy scum," he muttered with narrowed teeth, his face growing more marked with anger.

Stelle, seeing this scene, retreated a few steps, her face broke out in a cold sweat and her face became paler than it already was. She moved slowly and because of her nervousness, her almost perfect walk became so awkward that two of her steps made enough noise for Albert and his people to hear her.

"What was that?" said Albert who was already realizing what she had done. 

"Catch whoever saw us!" 

Nervous, the two companions rushed out of the room, but when they came out, no one was there. Stelle had already run out.


"This is bad..." Said Katerin who had an overwhelmed look on her face, she felt like throwing up.

"I knew I had a bad personality but I didn't know it was that bad" Valery muttered, with a tightness in her chest. 

"I didn't expect it to turn out like this either, but it was still inevitable that sooner or later the casualties among students would start."

"Will the academy do anything?" asked Katerin.

"It's impossible for them to do anything, the death will be discovered in the next few hours. The smell of death can't be hidden, neither can the power of the one who did it".

"Then everyone who has fire abilities will be investigated from now on."

"That's the good news Albert won't cause any problems for now."