Changes Part 1

In the principal's room 8 teachers were present, each one outstanding in different fields. With high achievements in these years of education. 

But they are not here to talk about their achievements and accomplishments, even if they were remarkable and worthy of admiration.

"This is not a place of war".

"We cannot allow this to continue."

"I came here not to participate in this nonsense."

"Nonsense? This is something inevitable, look at the humans who lived in constant war. We are very much like them..."

"Don't compare us to those blood bags!"

The arguments between the teachers were intense, even in front of the headmaster none of them could calm down. Some felt fearful, nervous, others felt offended at staining this neutral place with innocent blood.

"Ignoring the teachers' discussion, Professor Coin informed the principal "We cannot allow this to continue, we must control the situation or the students will be killed".

The statement hit the room like a bucket of cold water. The closing of the academy was not something normal, there have been times when the academy was not opened due to lack of students. 

Even if only one student comes, the academy will still open.

There have not been cases like this. 

"The academy was founded to teach the younger vampires" A weak and powerful old voice. 

The creaking of the chair that began to rock back and forth, the chair where the director is sitting.

"We will not close, until the situation gets out of our hands."

The teachers frowned, and while they agreed with his first words, the last ones were not at all pleasant for any of them.

Because the moment it gets out of the hands of the teachers and those in charge at the academy, everything would be chaos. 

"At what point will we know what has gotten out of hand?" asked one of the teachers.


A few days later... 2 days before the full moon in March

Valery came out of her room after several hours of rest, which she had not allowed herself for


Her desk is empty, from being totally up to date with her responsibilities with her territory, on the table there are cold meals made by Katerin to feed Victor. As of today she would be locked in a room where she would stay until the March moon was over.

Valery left the room, and walked in the silent corridors that at first glance were empty but were not really empty. Hidden, multiple superiors watched Valery's every move as she made her way to the place where she was locked up.

Valery felt the stares, mostly because none of them were trying to hide.

All this started before the death of the students, who to the surprise of many students were much more than some expected.

'4 students...' Valery still didn't believe it, the death of one is already frightening but 4 is already too many. 

Not to mention the world's vampire population compared to birth. It's a bit surprising, because their number is higher than many would expect. 

Consequently, the academy took action, but not what many expected.

The first is freedom to leave the academy, but in exchange you will not be able to re-enter.

The second is the large number of supervisors that are now in the halls, that was the most surprising. If it wasn't for the fact that there were still many places for private meetings and places to avoid conflicts, you could easily guess that it was just to prevent other students from getting involved.

As they left the corridors and ran into Katerin and Stelle, they continued walking.

Down stairs and through halls, where the floor was sometimes broken, the faint smell of fresh blood was also permeating the air. Not only that, but also the smell of dead and rotting flesh. 

The vampires are clean beings by care of smell, but now this place is dirty and neglected like a war zone.

The children that were seen before were gone, on the way we saw the last of these students carrying suitcases and books full of notes and homework for the next years. 

Because there is no doubt that the academy will try to reopen again but not in these years, probably not in the next decades. Every vampire will be a soldier and every one of them is a weapon they cannot afford to lose.

The three of them walked through the hall, avoiding the other groups.

Luckily there are enough paths to get from one side to the other that none of them can be taken and if they run into each other. They will fight or avoid conflict as much as possible with each other.

Valery and company arrived at their rooms which are close to each other. But they are not alone in this room, multiple students look at each other resentfully, some with cold and vindictive stares.

Luckily, the room is full of supervisors and teachers.

None of them will do anything.

"I hope you are all ready and prepared for your entry, you will be inside these two days before the moonrise, to prevent any premature attack. Then you yourselves can come out when you are conscious."

"Each of you know how to exit and enter, good luck and may the Moon Goddess watch over you."

"We are enlightened" said some religious people.

With the warnings and formalities done Valery looked at her friends with concern. But more than nervousness it was excitement. 

From the time she left until she arrived, in her hands in a small bag the crystalline drop was carefully kept there so that it would not break, without any conflict the drop was kept safe. 

Valery entered the room and looked at the drop with deep thoughts.

She could not help but smile and together with that smile it seemed as if a flame grew. It wasn't like a drop of water that by itself became the most beautiful and wonderful snowflake there could be.

And that snowflake was the beginning of a storm.

Valery broke off the tip of the drop, and when she opened it, the place became so cold that Valery was obviously shivering. Without a second's hesitation she drank it.

The liquid had no particular taste that she recognized, but there was something she could tell and that was something surprising.

"Blood... it's blood" incredulous valery began the process. 

She lay down on a steel plate that pressed against another steel plate immobilizing her body.

The drop of blue blood moved down her body, it took a direct path, moved down her throat, and was absorbed by her flesh. The drop entered his heart and mixed with his own.

The blood began to change, but more than creating a change it was accelerating a process already begun. The blood in Valery's body began to change faster.

This accelerated change had repercussions on Valery.

Pain, a lot of pain.

There was no screaming, but there were tears. 

Valery's pale face, contorted with pain. She was confused as to whether it was a blood frenzy ahead.

"She could no longer think, she had to say it out loud to keep even a trace of her sanity.

How wrong she was, because the blood frenzy had not yet begun.