Chapter 4: Smash

**Chapter 4: Smash**

As the colossal Zero-Point Robot finally lumbered into motion within the exam arena, chaos ensued. Buildings were crushed under its enormous frame, and debris rained down, transforming the once-structured testing area into a landscape of devastation and ruin. The students quickly realized there was no point in fighting such a massive opponent, especially since it yielded no points.

Like the others, Midoriya scrambled across the ground, his instincts screaming at him to flee. But then, a cry for help cut through the noise. He turned, his eyes locking onto Uraraka, who was trapped beneath the wreckage, unable to move as the monstrous robot loomed ever closer.

Natsu, witnessing the scene, clenched his fists, his flames flaring up around his hands. He leaped into the air, his expression a mix of excitement and anxiety. "I don't know exactly what I'm going to do… but I'll figure it out!" he muttered, determination blazing in his eyes.

As Natsu soared through the air, his pink hair whipped back by the wind. He aimed for the robot's midsection, but before he could reach it, something shot past him with the speed and force of a missile. His eyes widened in shock, his heart skipping a beat as the sheer velocity of the object shook him in midair, sending a gust of wind through his clothes.

He glanced upward to see Midoriya—his green hair flaring like a comet, his arm glowing with a strange, powerful energy—heading straight for the robot's head.




Midoriya's fist collided with the giant robot's face, unleashing an earth-shattering impact. Natsu, still suspended in the air, was the closest to the epicenter of the attack and could feel the immense power radiating from Midoriya's punch. It was as if the force came from a different dimension altogether.

The robot erupted in explosions, and just as a massive fireball was about to consume the arena, Natsu took action. With flames licking his lips, he began to inhale deeply, pulling all the surrounding fire toward him.

The sight was breathtaking—students below watched in awe as two heroes-in-the-making combined their efforts. One had crushed the robot, while the other absorbed the explosion in a way that defied understanding. Natsu wasn't just controlling the fire—he was *eating* it.

As the flames vanished from the sky, Natsu floated gently to the ground, fire still flickering at his feet. The massive robot collapsed with a thunderous crash, sending shockwaves through the arena, stirring everyone's hair. Natsu wiped his mouth and grinned. "Thanks for the meal!"

Before he could fully take in the moment, Midoriya came crashing down, slamming into Natsu from above, sending both of them tumbling to the ground in a heap.

Nearby, Iida stood next to Uraraka, who had managed to free herself using her quirk. He glanced at the two boys in disbelief, saying with a calm, yet astonished expression, "I can't believe this… The two students I thought were the least capable caused all of this commotion."

Ojiro nodded silently, still processing what had just happened. Uraraka, however, was staring at Midoriya with wide eyes, her voice full of concern. "Wait... his arm..."

The other students gathered around, their attention drawn to Midoriya and Natsu. Natsu groaned, lifting his head and looking at the boy sprawled on top of him. "Midoriya, do I look like a pillow to you? If you're trying to kill yourself, at least fall somewhere else."

But as Natsu pushed himself up, his eyes fell on Midoriya's arm and legs. They were a mess—his bones were visibly broken, twisted in a way that made no sense. A look of confusion crossed Natsu's face as he asked, "Hey, what the hell happened to you?"

Midoriya's face was contorted in pain. It was the first time he'd ever felt something like this—such overwhelming agony in his limbs. His body couldn't take it any longer, and before Natsu could get any answers, Midoriya slipped into unconsciousness.

Murmurs spread through the crowd. Whispers of Midoriya's incredible strength, but also the horrifying cost of using it, filled the air. The students were both impressed and frightened by his power, but the consequences were clear—his quirk had a dangerous drawback.

Amidst the rising chatter, a voice cut through the noise, broadcasted from the speakers above. "Ten minutes have passed! The entrance exam is over!"

Some students sighed in relief, grateful the grueling test had ended. Others were frustrated or disappointed, knowing they hadn't performed as well as they'd hoped. A few felt despair, worried they hadn't earned enough points to pass. But Natsu stood in silence, his black eyes focused on Midoriya's unconscious form.

'At the start of the exam, I thought he was just a coward who was sure to fail,' Natsu mused. 'But in the final minute, he became the star of the test.' He glanced down at his hand, lost in thought. 'This is the first time I've felt slower and weaker compared to someone else. I could probably take down that robot too… but not with that kind of speed. That's just impossible.'

"Alright, alright, make some room, kids!"

A small, elderly woman with gray hair and glasses approached the group, her short frame hidden behind a lab coat. She knelt beside Midoriya, shaking her head with a sigh. "Yare, yare... Who's this reckless boy? It's been a long time since I've seen someone injure themselves this badly in the entrance exam. I don't like seeing this at all..."

She kissed Midoriya's broken hand, her healing quirk working its magic. Ojiro spoke up as the students exchanged confused looks. "That's the Recovery Girl. She's famous at UA Academy for her medical expertise."

The others looked at Ojiro with quiet surprise, curious as to how he knew so much. Meanwhile, Recovery Girl finished tending to Midoriya, her thoughts clouded with concern. 'I don't encourage this kind of recklessness. Every person has limits they shouldn't push beyond. What this boy did was foolish… and I have a bad feeling it won't be the last time.'

Two medical robots arrived, carefully lifting Midoriya's limp body and transporting the other injured students to the infirmary. As they carried him away, Uraraka hesitated for a moment, then turned to Natsu, her voice soft. "Excuse me..." Natsu glanced at her, his expression calm. She continued, "Thank you for trying to save me earlier. I'm sorry I yelled at you for destroying those robots. I didn't know what you were doing."

Natsu gave her a small smile, starting to walk back toward the gate. "No big deal. You know who you really need to thank, right?"

Uraraka nodded with a grateful smile before hurrying after the medical team, hoping to check on Midoriya.

Natsu, on the other hand, walked toward the exit, a thoughtful, almost serious look on his face as his white scarf fluttered in the wind. 'If there's someone stronger than me, then all I have to do is surpass them. My flame will never stop evolving…'

~ More Chapters;

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