Chapter 5: To the Academy

**Chapter 5: To the Academy**

The sun had just risen, casting a golden hue across the beach, its light filtering through the early morning mist. A crisp chill lingered in the air, the kind that made every breath visible in soft puffs. Natsu sprinted along the shoreline, his black tracksuit contrasting against the soft hues of the autumn morning. Sweat dripped from his brow, while his white scarf flapped behind him, trailing like a banner of determination. His breath came in sharp gasps, his exhaustion evident as he muttered through gritted teeth.

"I know I told you to push me hard, but don't you think you're overdoing it, Happy?" Natsu complained, his voice strained with fatigue.

Perched lazily on Natsu's shoulder was a small blue cat, Happy, who responded in a calm, almost indifferent tone, "Three more laps. Then you can rest."

Natsu groaned, the weariness in his legs making each step feel like he was dragging weights. "I've been running since dawn. Are you trying to kill me?"

"Maybe," Happy replied with a cheeky grin.

It had been three weeks since Natsu's unexpected acceptance into UA Academy. Though he anticipated being admitted, he hadn't expected to secure the top spot in the practical exam. However, his victory wasn't without its irony. Despite his physical prowess, Natsu had barely scraped by in the written exam, almost failing to qualify. In contrast, Izuku Midoriya, his polar opposite, had excelled in the written portion but barely passed the practical.

Back in his office, Aizawa, UA's homeroom teacher, reviewed the files of the incoming students, deep in thought. 'One failed to break the smaller robots but destroyed the zero-point robot... Another barely passed the written exam but dominated the practical. They're complete opposites. And then there's Bakugo Katsuki—strong in both the practical and written exams. A top contender. This year's group is going to be... interesting.'

The next morning, Natsu was in his room, struggling with Happy as he tried to stuff the unwilling cat into his backpack. "Get in, Happy! I don't want anyone noticing you on the first day."

Happy, resisting the push, flapped his tiny wings and shot back indignantly, "I'm not some toy or book to shove in a bag!"

Natsu persisted, grumbling in frustration. "Just get in there! I don't want to get caught because of you!"

After a minute of wrestling, Natsu finally zipped the bag shut, only for it to suddenly lift off the ground as Happy began to fly from within. "Stop flying around in there!" Natsu groaned as he floated helplessly.

Eventually, they struck a deal. Happy would come along but had to remain silent to avoid drawing attention. "Just don't make a scene, alright? I don't want people getting attached to you," Natsu said, exasperated.

Happy, settling on his shoulder once more, grinned mischievously. "Jealous much?"

"Shut up!" Natsu retorted, giving himself one last look in the mirror. Dressed in the UA uniform, he tugged at the stiff collar, feeling out of place. "This doesn't suit me. I miss my Salamander outfit."

"They'll let you wear it for combat," Happy chimed in reassuringly.

Sighing, Natsu left his room, stepping out into the brisk autumn air.

The city was unusually serene that morning. Leaves, golden and brown, gently descended from the trees lining the streets, swirling softly with every gust of wind. The air had a refreshing crispness, invigorating yet calming. In the distance, heroes patrolled the city streets, their colorful costumes standing out against the quiet, peaceful backdrop. Citizens moved about their day, their trust in the heroes evident in their relaxed demeanor.

But amidst this tranquility, Natsu was anything but calm. He sat in the back of the bus, his face green as he fought off waves of nausea. Happy, watching him with mild amusement, shook his head. "You still look pathetic in vehicles."

"Shut up," Natsu grumbled, clutching his stomach as the bus swayed slightly.

A few agonizing minutes later, they arrived at UA Academy. As Natsu stepped off the bus, the nausea quickly gave way to excitement. His eyes lit up, the wind tousling his hair as he stood before the imposing gates of UA. Happy, hovering beside him, shared in the awe.

"So, this is UA Academy…" Happy mused, flying in slow circles around Natsu's head.

"Unlike exam day, I don't feel nervous at all," Natsu remarked, his eyes scanning the massive building ahead. "It's strange, like I've known this place for years, even though it's only my second time here."

"Just try not to draw too much attention," Natsu advised Happy. "Keep those wings hidden and act natural."

"How boring," Happy muttered, but he complied, tucking his wings and landing quietly on Natsu's shoulder.

Together, they ventured into the academy's vast halls, searching for Class 1-A. But after several minutes of wandering through endless corridors, Natsu began to feel a twinge of frustration.

"We've been walking for ages. Where is this classroom?" Natsu mumbled, glancing at the signs above the doors.

Happy snickered. "Lost on the first day. Classic Natsu."

"Shut up!" Natsu snapped, but his frustration only deepened as he stared at the hallway signs, trying to decipher their meaning.

As he stood there, someone approached from behind, speaking in a calm, almost detached voice. "Hey, cat boy. Move out of the way."

Natsu turned slowly to face the speaker. A boy with striking dual-colored hair—white on one side, red on the other—stood there, his mismatched eyes—one green, the other dark—staring at him with disinterest. A burn scar marred the skin around his left eye, adding a layer of mystery to his already cold demeanor.

A slight grin tugged at the corner of Natsu's mouth, and he responded with his usual mix of fiery enthusiasm and cool composure. "That's a pretty rude way to ask for help."

The boy, Todoroki, barely acknowledged Natsu's presence, brushing past him toward the corner of the hall. "Help? That's a funny way of looking at it. I almost forgot you're the guy who scored the worst on the written exam."

"How do you even know that?!" Natsu shouted, his voice laced with comedic disbelief.

Todoroki glanced back just before entering a nearby classroom, his voice calm and cutting. "Because you've been wandering this hallway for the last ten minutes."

Happy stifled a laugh as Natsu's face turned red with embarrassment. "Wait… you've been watching me?!"

Without another word, Todoroki entered the classroom, leaving Natsu stewing in his awkwardness. After a deep breath, Natsu straightened up and marched toward the door of Class 1-A.

He took his first step into the room, brimming with anticipation. A new chapter of his life was about to begin—one filled with challenges, rivalries, and the promise of greatness. The world of UA Academy awaited him, and Natsu couldn't wait to dive in.

~ More Chapters;

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