Chapter 6: The Students of Class 1-A

**Chapter 6: The Students of Class 1-A**

Natsu stepped into the classroom, mere moments after Todoroki. The first thing that struck him was the abrupt shift in the atmosphere. A palpable silence had settled over the room as Todoroki entered, with every eye drawn to him. Despite the weight of their stares, Todoroki moved with practiced indifference, gliding toward his seat without so much as acknowledging their presence.

Natsu hesitated for a moment by the door, his mind racing. *What's with that cold reception? And why are they all looking at him like they know some secret?*

Unbeknownst to Natsu, Todoroki's presence in the class was already a hot topic, owing to his infamous father. But Natsu had no idea who this boy was, or why he commanded such attention.

As Natsu cautiously made his way to find a seat, a trio of students rushed up to him with curiosity. Asui, with her frog-like mannerisms, was quick to hop closer, followed by Mina Ashido, the pink-skinned girl, and the boisterous Kirishima, who was the first to speak.

"Whoa! Are we allowed to bring pets here?!" Kirishima exclaimed, eyeing the small blue cat perched on Natsu's shoulder.

Before Natsu could respond, Asui and Mina squealed in unison, "Sooo cute!!"

The excitement of the group seemed to ripple through the classroom. Iida, ever the rule-enforcer, pushed his glasses up in agitation and marched over to Natsu with an authoritative air. "You there! Pets are absolutely not permitted on school grounds!"

Natsu remained calm amidst the sudden burst of energy from his classmates, watching with a hint of amusement. However, Hapi, the blue cat, puffed out his chest and retorted indignantly, "Hapi isn't a pet! Hapi is Natsu's friend!"

The room froze in stunned silence, eyes widening in disbelief as they processed what had just occurred. A talking cat? In that moment, a wave of questions and exclamations rippled through the students.

Tokoyami, who was quietly observing the scene, glanced at his own reflection in his phone's dark screen and muttered under his breath, "I wonder if they'd be as shocked if I started talking too."

Denki Kaminari overheard Tokoyami's remark and burst into laughter, unable to resist the urge to joke, "Honestly, man, I've been waiting for you to hoot like an owl."

Tokoyami, with his usual stoic demeanor, deadpanned, "That's not even a joke." However, his side-eye revealed Mineta chuckling and Jiro trying, but failing, to stifle her own laughter.

As the students engaged in their lively banter, Midoriya glanced over at Bakugo, who stood up with a serious expression. His sharp gaze fixated on Natsu as he spoke in a low, almost dangerous voice. "So, you're the idiot who scored highest in the robot test, huh? Natsu Dragneel..."

The room went still as students turned their attention to the two, sensing the tension in the air. Natsu met Bakugo's gaze with a calm, almost casual demeanor. "I've heard someone was only a single point behind me."

A sly grin crept across Bakugo's face as he responded, his voice dripping with provocation. "That explains everything. A moron who barely passed the written test has no right to outshine me."

Natsu smirked, unfazed by Bakugo's challenging words. "Guess that makes me dumb, but it also means I'm stronger than you."

The air between them crackled with intensity as Bakugo clenched his fists, his temper flaring. "You sure know how to piss me off!" he growled, moving to charge at Natsu.

But before Bakugo could close the distance, a stern voice cut through the tension like a blade. "Quite bold of you to start a fight on your first day."

All heads turned to see the homeroom teacher, Aizawa, standing in the doorway, his eyes sharp and his tone cold. He held the UA sports uniforms in his hands and added, "These are your UA gym uniforms. You'll find one in each of your lockers. Put them on and follow me to the training field. Don't be late."

The room was dead silent as Aizawa's words sank in. There was no mistaking the authority in his voice, and the students quickly realized that their first day at UA was not going to be the leisurely orientation they had expected.

As Aizawa left the room, Bakugo glared one last time at Natsu, his eyes promising a future reckoning. "Tch. We'll settle this later, you pink-haired idiot."

Natsu replied calmly, "Feel free to try whenever you're ready."

One by one, the students began to file out of the room, with Bakugo storming out ahead of the rest. Hapi, lazily draped over Natsu's shoulder, watched him go and remarked, "That guy's a ticking time bomb. You can just feel it."

"This is the type of person Kacchan is," Midoriya chimed in, walking beside Natsu with a gentle smile. "He's been like that ever since we were kids. Or maybe it's ever since his Quirk manifested."

YaoMomo, who had been following just behind them, couldn't resist interjecting with a sharp comment. "Excuse me, but aren't you Natsu Dragneel? The boy who scored the lowest in UA's written exam history? You're the real anomaly here. Can you even write?"

Hapi, ever quick with his sharp tongue, responded in Natsu's defense. "That's not true! Natsu was a master at cheating back in middle school. Of course, he knows how to write."

Natsu sighed, shaking his head in exasperation. "Not really helping, Hapi."

Hapi shrugged, lifting his tiny paws. "What can I say? You really are hopeless when it comes to academics. But when it comes to a fight, you can count on him."

YaoMomo quickened her pace, overtaking them as she called back, "At UA, there's no room for cheating in exams. Your friend here is bound to fail."

Natsu and Hapi exchanged a quiet glance, unbothered by her words. Midoriya, ever the kind soul, offered with a reassuring tone, "Don't worry. I can help you with your studies when the time comes."

With that, they made their way toward the changing rooms, readying themselves for what lay ahead on the training field. The real test was only just beginning.

~ More Chapters;

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