Chapter 23: The end of the USJ Arc.

**Chapter 23: The end of the USJ Arc.



The air outside the shattered gates of USJ was thick with tension as the police arrived in force. Officers moved with practiced precision, securing the area and ensuring the villains were bound tightly in chains. One by one, the captured criminals were led away, their faces marked by defeat, the heavy sound of shackles clanging against the ground. Every step was a reminder of their failure. The police, calm and composed, oversaw the situation with military efficiency, establishing order where chaos had just reigned.

Further back, paramedics wheeled Aizawa toward an awaiting ambulance. His body, covered in bruises and cuts, lay still on the stretcher. Despite the injuries, his expression remained calm, the hardened face of a man who had seen far worse. As he was loaded into the ambulance, students watched silently from a distance, their worry etched into their faces.

Standing at the forefront of the scene was All Might, his towering figure casting a long shadow. Beside him, an old friend and colleague—the police inspector—stood in quiet reflection. His eyes scanned the battlefield, taking in the destruction left in the wake of the attack.

"The fire that consumed the creature—Nomu, right?" the inspector began, his voice low but steady. "It was unlike anything we've seen before. That boy, Natsu… his flames weren't ordinary. They were so intense they destroyed the Nomu's regenerative cells. It couldn't even heal."

All Might's brows furrowed as he turned his gaze to the horizon, his thoughts wandering to the fiery display of power he had just witnessed. There was something unsettling about it, a power too great for someone so young. "Is it normal," All Might asked, almost to himself, "for a boy his age to wield such strength?"

The inspector gave a small, knowing smile. "Be grateful he's on the right side. If Natsu had chosen the path of darkness… we'd have a real problem on our hands. He's a force to be reckoned with. But that's why you and the UA staff have to guide him carefully. He's a responsibility you can't take lightly."

All Might's smile returned, though this time it was laced with determination. "I'll do everything I can. As his teacher, I owe him that much."


Inside the bus, the students were settling into their seats after the chaos, each of them processing the day's events in their own way. Some leaned back, exhausted but relieved that it was finally over, while others remained silent, staring out the windows as their minds swirled with thoughts of the battle.

Todoroki sat near the window, his face expressionless, but his mind was far from calm. His left hand rested on his knee, fingers unconsciously flexing as he remembered the searing heat of Natsu's flames. Those flames—so powerful, so controlled—had burned through more than just their enemy. They had burned through Todoroki's own resistance to his fire.

For so long, he had refused to use his left side, rejecting the flames that represented his father's ambition. But seeing Natsu wield fire with such ease, such power, made something shift inside him. Perhaps it was time to let go of his pride, to stop fighting against the flames within him. He could no longer rely solely on his ice. If he wanted to be strong, truly strong, he had to embrace all of himself, fire included.

Across the bus, Bakugo sat with his arms crossed, his jaw clenched in frustration. His mind replayed the scene of Natsu's battle with Nomu over and over again, the sheer force and skill of it gnawing at him. Bakugo hated being second to anyone, and right now, Natsu was standing in his way. The fire in Bakugo's eyes wasn't just anger—it was a burning desire to prove himself, to surpass Natsu at any cost.

While some of the students were lost in thought, others were focused on something—or rather, someone—entirely different. Natsu was lying flat on the floor of the bus, his face pale, his body limp. But it wasn't the exhaustion from battle that had him down. It was the motion of the bus. Natsu, for all his strength and power, couldn't handle transportation. The gentle swaying of the vehicle had his stomach turning, and his face was a clear reflection of his discomfort.

Mineta, sitting near him, gave him a once-over and snickered. "Man, you look like you're gonna hurl. Pathetic."

Happy, perched on the headrest of Mineta's seat, chimed in with a grin. "This always happens. Natsu can fight dragons, but put him on a moving bus, and he's toast."

Yaoyorozu, sitting nearby, watched the scene with a curious expression. Her thoughts lingered on Natsu, but not in the way of the others. "It's hard to believe," she murmured, almost to herself, "that someone who fought so fiercely could be the same person who's lying here now, completely helpless."

Kaminari, overhearing, laughed. "Yeah, it's weird, right? It's like his only weakness is transportation."

Soft laughter spread through the bus as more students commented on Natsu's strange quirk, and soon the tense atmosphere from earlier began to lift. The students, though tired and still shaken from the battle, found solace in the small moment of humor.

Natsu, though miserable, managed a small grin as he listened to the chatter around him. Despite his queasiness, there was a warmth in the bus, a sense of camaraderie that hadn't been there before. They had all faced danger together, and now they were stronger for it.


Later that evening, Natsu returned to his small apartment, Happy still perched on his shoulder. The sun had long since set, casting the room in soft shadows as they stepped inside. Natsu wasted no time in collapsing onto his bed, stretching out with a deep sigh of relief.

Happy fluttered down beside him, his small paws gently tapping against the pillow. "Well, that was one crazy day, huh?"

Natsu stared up at the ceiling, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Yeah… but it was kinda fun."

For a while, they simply lay there in comfortable silence, reflecting on the events of the day. The world outside seemed distant, almost surreal, compared to the intense battle they had just endured.


The following days were filled with media frenzy as news outlets questioned UA's ability to protect its students. The academy came under heavy fire for its failures, and the public demanded answers. How had such a breach been allowed? How had their defenses fallen apart so easily? But within UA's walls, the teachers and students focused on recovery, determined to move forward stronger than before.


A week later, the classroom was calm, though the air still held a sense of anticipation. Natsu sat in the back, his eyes half-closed as he stared out the window. The events of the past week had left their mark, but today, the atmosphere was quieter, more reflective.

At the front of the room, Aizawa stood, his voice steady despite the injuries that still lingered. "The UA Sports Festival is coming up," he announced, his tone carrying weight. The students shifted in their seats, their attention drawn to the significance of the event. "This is your chance to show the world what you're made of. I expect you all to give it everything you've got."



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