Chapter 24: Conversations and Discoveries About the U.A. Sports Festival

**Chapter 24: Conversations and Discoveries About the U.A. Sports Festival**

The classroom buzzed with an electric energy the morning after Aizawa had first mentioned the U.A. Sports Festival. For many of the students, this was their first real step into the world of professional heroes—a chance to prove themselves and get noticed by agencies that could shape their futures. Yet, it was clear that the weight of the opportunity was beginning to settle on their shoulders.

Aizawa stood at the front of the room, his usual disinterested gaze scanning the class. But even his laid-back demeanor couldn't dampen the palpable anticipation in the air.

"As I mentioned yesterday," he began, his voice steady but commanding the attention of the room, "the U.A. Sports Festival is not just another school event. It's an important milestone for your careers. This is where professional heroes and agencies come to scout for talent. Your performance here can directly impact your future."

A few students shifted in their seats. Yaoyorozu, ever the academic, raised her hand. "Sensei, could you elaborate on the kinds of opportunities we might expect? How do agencies usually decide who to approach?"

Aizawa nodded, appreciating the question. "Agencies are looking for more than just raw strength. They evaluate how you handle pressure, how creative you are in using your Quirks, and how you interact with others. Even if you don't win, a strong performance in these areas can catch the eye of a pro."

Bakugo leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, his signature scowl etched deep into his features. "It's simple. I'm gonna win. I'll take first place, and that's all they need to know."

A few eyes rolled, but nobody dared to challenge him. Todoroki, seated silently, was lost in his own thoughts. The flames Natsu had wielded in his recent battle with Nomu still danced in his mind. His hand, resting on the desk, unconsciously clenched. If he wanted to overcome the shadow of his father, he needed to embrace his full potential—and that meant using both his ice and fire. But could he? The struggle gnawed at him, refusing to leave.

"Bakugo's approach is... one way to go about it," Kaminari chimed in with a nervous laugh, breaking the tension. "But for the rest of us mortals, I guess we'll have to get creative."

There was a small wave of laughter, which eased the tension just enough.

The conversation shifted as Aizawa explained the various stages of the festival: obstacle courses, cavalry battles, and one-on-one matches. The students listened carefully, each one beginning to imagine how they'd approach these challenges.

After the explanation, the class broke into smaller groups to discuss strategies and begin training. Yaoyorozu approached Natsu, who had been relatively quiet throughout the briefing, observing his classmates.

"Natsu," she began, her voice polite but curious, "I was wondering if you might want to train with Kaminari and me. You showed incredible power during the last battle. I believe we could learn a lot from you."

Natsu blinked, caught slightly off guard. "Uh, sure. I don't mind," he said, scratching his head sheepishly. The truth was, despite all the attention he'd been receiving lately, he still wasn't used to the idea of people looking up to him.

Kaminari grinned. "Great! Maybe you can teach me how to throw a punch that doesn't end with me short-circuiting my own brain."

The trio moved toward the training grounds, the atmosphere light but charged with the excitement of what lay ahead. As they began their drills, it became clear that each of them had something unique to offer. Yaoyorozu's strategic mind was already racing with ideas about how to maximize their teamwork. Kaminari's quick reflexes and humor kept the energy up, while Natsu, though less inclined toward complex strategies, demonstrated sheer raw power and instinct that made him an invaluable ally.

Their training was a mix of laughter and focus. They experimented with different approaches to the upcoming festival events, trying to figure out how they could combine their strengths and cover each other's weaknesses. Kaminari's Quirk might have been unpredictable, but when it worked, it packed a punch. Yaoyorozu's ability to create objects from her body gave her versatility that few could match, while Natsu's raw, fiery power added an edge that could turn the tide of any battle.

As they trained, Natsu couldn't help but feel a growing sense of belonging. For so long, he had been the wild card, the one who didn't quite fit in. But here, with his classmates, working toward a common goal, he felt a connection—a bond that was more than just fighting side by side. It was camaraderie.

Hours passed, and as the sun dipped low in the sky, the trio finally called it a day. Sweat dripped from their brows, but their spirits were high.

"Not bad for a day's work," Kaminari said, flopping onto the grass. "I mean, I think we've got a solid shot at making it through the first round, at least."

Yaoyorozu, ever the perfectionist, wasn't quite as relaxed. "We still have a lot to improve. But I agree—we're getting there."

Natsu grinned, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Yeah. I think we'll be ready. Besides, it's just the sports festival, right? How hard can it be?"

Kaminari burst out laughing. "Famous last words, Natsu. Famous last words."

The chapter ends on a high note, with the trio heading back to the dorms, the weight of the upcoming festival still looming but now accompanied by the confidence that together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.



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