Chapter 25: Shadows of Training and Rising Tensions

**Chapter 25: Shadows of Training and Rising Tensions**

The creaking structure loomed in the dim light, its walls cracked and close to collapsing. Dust hung in the air like a forgotten memory, untouched by life. The house, once grand, was now a skeleton of its former self, barely clinging to existence. Shadows played across the crumbling walls, adding to the eeriness of the abandoned home. Faint beams of light pierced the gloom through broken windows, revealing the decayed floorboards below.

Kaminari stood against a crumbling wall, still as a statue, his breathing soft. His sharp eyes darted to the empty room ahead, and he whispered to himself, "He's not here…"

The weight of his nerves was evident on his face, his lips tight, and his brow furrowed. His casual house clothes—a loose shirt and shorts—felt out of place in such a haunting setting. A bead of sweat trickled down his temple, its slow journey along his cheek a testament to his anxiety. His bare feet moved quietly along the floor, each step measured, every movement deliberate. The only sound was the subtle creaking beneath his weight. Far ahead, a dim light flickered from a distant window, barely illuminating the narrow corridor he now cautiously walked through.

But then—*BOOM!*

The very wall Kaminari had been leaning against exploded, sending chunks of stone and debris into the air. Kaminari leaped backward instinctively, yellow sparks flickering to life around his body, his Quirk crackling to protect him. Dust filled the hallway, and Kaminari coughed, waving his hand to clear his vision. Amid the chaos, a familiar silhouette emerged from the haze.

"Natsu..." Kaminari muttered, spotting the unmistakable pink hair.

Natsu grinned widely, his fiery eyes gleaming through the dust. "You're still too slow!" he teased, his tone playful but challenging. "With a Quirk like yours, you should be faster than that. Shame on you for being this sluggish, especially with a power like Laxus's at your disposal."

Kaminari landed on his feet, wiping the dirt from his face. His hair stood on end, electricity coursing through his body, illuminating his figure with a yellow glow. His frustration was evident. "For the last time, I don't even know who this Laxus is! Maybe he has some extra ability that boosts his speed, but me? It's not that easy to keep up with this… 'mode.'"

Natsu chuckled, flames igniting in his clenched fists. "You've got the same power, Kaminari. The trick is releasing just a fraction of it while moving. It'll come naturally with time."

Kaminari could feel his heartbeat pick up as he prepared for another round. Natsu's words, despite his teasing, were starting to make sense. He could feel something... like a pulse of energy inside him, growing stronger.

Natsu noticed it too, his grin widening. "See? You're on the right track!" With that, he charged forward, flames roaring around him.

But before Natsu could land a blow, the door of a nearby room burst open. Yaoyorozu emerged, clad in her *Empress of Flame* armor, twin swords drawn. Without hesitation, she slashed at Natsu, fully aware that she couldn't land a hit on him. And she was right—Natsu ducked effortlessly, dodging her attack. In retaliation, he aimed a fire-encased punch at her stomach, sending her crashing back into Kaminari.

The two tumbled to the ground, and the moment they collided, Yaoyorozu's armor shattered into pieces, revealing her regular house clothes beneath. She winced, sitting up slowly, a hand on her forehead.

"You're too slow with those armor manifestations, Yaoyorozu," Natsu remarked, his tone light but firm. "And their strength? It's nowhere near Erza's. You're going to need to work harder if you want to match her."

Yaoyorozu groaned, adjusting herself on the floor. "This Erza you keep talking about… is she some kind of monster? What you're asking me to do sounds impossible."

Natsu grinned mischievously. "Monsters are scared of Erza."

Kaminari, still catching his breath, added, "And like I said before, I'm not Laxus. We've got different powers, no matter how similar they seem."

Natsu extended a hand to help Yaoyorozu up. "You're both on the right path," he said sincerely, pulling her to her feet. "You remind me a lot of Erza and Laxus—their powers, and even the way you two look."

Yaoyorozu dusted herself off, placing a hand on the spot where Natsu had punched her. "Oddly enough, I don't feel any pain," she commented, her brow furrowed in thought. She turned to Natsu, curiosity in her eyes. "Who are Erza and Laxus, anyway?"

Before Natsu could spout something foolish, Happy landed gracefully on Yaoyorozu's head, his small wings fluttering. "They're old friends of Natsu's. Stronger and older than you guys, especially Laxus."

Yaoyorozu shot Happy a glare. "And who gave you permission to sit on my head?"

Kaminari, finally standing, let out an exhausted sigh. "I think that's enough training for today."

Natsu smirked. "You're right. Tomorrow's the big day, after all."

Yaoyorozu's eyes dropped to the floor, her voice a whisper. "The U.A. Sports Festival..."

Natsu's grin didn't waver. "You're both doing great. I'm sure you'll shine tomorrow. But just so you know, I'm not letting either of you beat me."

Kaminari and Yaoyorozu exchanged a look, then smiled in unison. "Now that's the spirit!"


The next day arrived with a surge of excitement. The grand hall of the U.A. Sports Festival was bustling with energy. The massive stadium stood proud against the bright blue sky, its sheer size enough to intimidate anyone standing outside its gates. Cheers and chatter filled the air as the crowds poured in, eager to witness the spectacle that awaited them.

Natsu stood at the entrance, gazing up at the towering structure with wide eyes. "Wow, it's huge," he marveled, the weight of the day's events beginning to settle on his shoulders.

Beside him, Happy hovered in the air, nodding. "A lot of people are gathering here. This is going to be one crazy day."

Natsu's grin returned as he stepped forward. "Let's go. We've got a festival to win."

With that, he and Happy entered the stadium, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.


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