on the other side sasuke going through his room and open the portal and deliver the body to unknown hideout with their people are there after open the portal he just enter it and turn off the portal then he put spell on the Jason to which he can regain the conscious and just open his eyes he's yelling where the heck i am and curse the sasuke where you take me in this dark place then suddenly foot steps are approaching towards the Jason then he screamed in a scared you you why you're here and what kind of connection do you have with this beckham guy then sasuke leave it that place after saying now it's all yours do what you want i don't care then Jason shouted fool why you bring me here you better kill me on that spot then leaving me here after that they take Jason body with them then a voice saying you really want to go atleast waiy for a ferw minutes then sasuke said my family members are waiting for me so i need to hurry up to them then shadow voice then it's okay then sasuke open the portal and he leaves the room and reached the other side of his room there he change his clothes take bath and wear new suit with some nice and smell of perfume he put on his shoulder and chest and headed towards the dining table on the other side of the contrary the first group who enter the dining table is David and Jihyo david just pull the chair for jihyo so she can sit comfortably seeing this type of gesture jihyo is over whelming by in her head she's thinking he's a true gentleman which i ever meet in my entire life and she's happy then David said lady what you like to eat dessert or spicy food jihyo in a sweet voice i can eat anything right now then second group jungkook and Angelina enter the dining table just seeing the Angelina jihyo voice automatically say she's a angel directly coming from the heaven and then Anglina after hearing it said oh oh my my your so so nice to me young lady then jihyo said no your increadibly beautiful and pretty i hardly seen any lady in my life then David on other side laugh so hard and loud then jungkook suddenly stare at David first time he saw a good looking and perfect blue eyes of a man with perfect body so this is called a Alpha male in that way then jungkook introduce himself to him same goes for the jihyo then Angelina said your so pretty young lady then they laugh then jihyo and jungkook thinking in their mind there so many good looking guy is here i must settle here and enjoy the beautiful scenario then suddenly footstep are approaching the door is open and sasuke is enter after seeing his mom with teary eyes he ran after her and hug her so tightly with his teary eyes and said mom i missed you so much you know that then suddenly jihyo and jungkook both in shock what she's her mom means that she's the empress of the kingdom on the other hand jungkook who's flirting with her without knowing this feel embarrassing then sasuke kiss his mom's forehead and said mom this two are my friends then he hug his dad and said dad i also miss you you know his dad feel over whelmed at a minute then the sasuyke tell the story about he meet them in other dimension after that jungkook and jihyo who's silent for a few minutes feel comfortable then Angelina said thank you to jihyo and jungkook for taking care of his naughty boy sweetie in case you don'y know sweetie is a sasuke's nick name or u can call pet name in this mansion oh then jihyo and jungkook said no aunt don't say like that sasuke is our friend then jungkook say he's my brother from another mother i can take care of him then sasuke to his mom look mom they both are very good person then David ask about his parents then jihyo in his low and numb voice say my mom and jungkook parents die in accident and how people mock and treat them like orphanage in that world after hearing that both David and Angelina go through them hug and said no dear you're not alone and orphanage who say you don't have parents from now on you can treat us a parents and you can call us mom and dad then after hearing that jihyo cry like a new born baby and said i never feel and know what's called mom's love when i see other people calling their mom and ask for some thing i always feel lonely and cry why my mom leave me alone after hearing that Angelina hug her so tightly and said now you have me call me anytime and ask me anything i gave you everything as a mom okay after hearing that jihyo nodded and said in a little voice mom and dad can you hug me and same goes for jungkook who hardly knows the warmth of a parents feel happy just looking at a scene sasuke take a picture of them and said look you all look super happy then they all lunch together then Angelina ask jihyo if your free you can go with me to the town where we can go shopping and enjoy the scenario then junkook said i also want to go then David said let's all go i can cancel all the plan for now so we can enjoy together after hearing that sasuke said mom turn your head here i pick a pink ribbon on that world it's reminds of your beautiful so i brought it then he put on her head then he said dad here it's for you a coat button you usually wear suit so you can always remembers me whenever you saw it then David wear it then sasuke said i am too exhausted today so i can't go with you all then they all agree then Angelina call the maid and said clean the room and prepare the clothes for the two of them then sasuke asked the jihyo and jungkook which side you want your room then sasuke reply this mansion is divided in two ways left side is mom design and right side is dad side so which side you want imy room is closer to mom's room then jihyo said i pick my mom side then Angelina said i won again darling and laugh wom means mom jungkook asked the thing is whenever came they always choose mom side because mom is so sweet then sasuke and his mom give high five to each other then in that case i choose dad's side then David said that's my boy choose like a true alpha man and then jungkook grab his hand said that's what man usually read each other mind then Angelina and sasuke stare said here again his manly words comes again sweetie then sasuke reply yes mom what he can say after loosing several times and laugh loudly then both jihyo and jungkook see each other and laugh with them then they headed towards to their room then Angelina cpme to the jihyo room and knock daughter can i enter then jihyo reply you don't need to knock you can enter anytime then Angelina said no dear a young lady doesn't open her like this so many danger people eyes on them after hearing this jihyo laugh she know what she meant then Angelina asked you like your room or you want something else then jihyo said noi i liked it everything here specially you mom then Angelina laugh and said now you're good with flattering words then they change the clothes round and round later she picked a beautiful fabric of pink with combination of white she wears then Angelina asked the maids to come and do the make up now they are ready for the outdoor activities on the other side jungkook and David walk alongside then jungkook asked how you have such a good looking body i also want them then David said you need to exercise alot then your body is also capable and look like a alpha body then they headed to their room then David said change it come down outside okay the he leaves the jungkook go inside a room their he saw a pair of clothes and shoes he picked it up and dress like a gentleman usually he never wear a suit it's his first time but he looks so handsome then all of them come out side the room their carriage is waiting the royal carriage then jihyo and jungkook look each other and said so this is what they called royal treatment and they both sit on the carriage then jihyo said this is my first time sitting on the carriage same goes for the jungkook then David ask so how you usually tavel in your world then jungkook said we trav el through cars which was run by machine and petrol they don't usually understand but they agreed then Angelina said first we go to the dress shop okay then jungkook dress who are buying jihyo you then Angelina said you both need dress so you can wear here you can only three or two dress what you have now then jungkook said oh then it's okay then arrived at the Serena boutique and dress shop wear clothes they enter thenthey get a grand welcome on the shop both jihyo and jungkook surprised it's our first we get grand welcome in any shop then they're are emperor and empress then it;s makes sense then serena comes and said my majesty which color of dress you want then Angelina said today we come here to buy the dress for my daughter and son then serena said pardon but i can see the prince and princess then David laugh and said here they're they two they are sasuke's friends just by hearing sasuke's name he immediately grab jihyo hands and said my lady come here i have lots of dress and new arrivals are here then they both go through the serena while jungkook and David go with james James is a worker on a serena's shop they usually go with men's attire so they both divide and go through the clothes change they all try on the way Angelina tell the story about the jihyo and jungkook while jihyo is trying her dress then serena said young master sasuke is a very good hearted person then jihyo try and pick all the dresses and serena sais these three dress and i discounted on other dress for you my lady after hearing that jihyo laugh and said you don't need to do then serena said no my lady you're young master sasuke's friend means you're so special person to me after hearing that jihyo smile and okay i accepeted it n the other side David and jungkook try some classy suit which they prefer and they pick the clothes according to their preference then they do payment and serena said i deliver all the dress to the mansion and they headed to the market on a their they eat cotton candy and sweets and eat spicy foods and purchase some items while the man are looking the sports archery items they participate in a game and won teddy bear and bangles now they all are heading to the cafe said let's drink something and go to the home they all agree and they go to the William cafe shop their they drink coffee or eat cakes and Angelina packed some candies and sweets while William already packed the sweets and said means young lord return to the mansion then he gave extra sweet packet to the Angelina then they all heading towards the carriage then jihyo asked to the Angelina an said mom why you buying and packing the sweets so many and why shopowner said young lords return then Angelina laugh and said it's for sweetie he loves candies and sweets he can eat all sweets ina day that's why we packed if we don't packed it he throw a tantrum on the mansion then jihyo and jungkook shocked and said he eats sweets and candies in that age he's a child then David laugh said you only sasuke's good side or you don't really know him he's a naughty child all of his brothers and sisters you can catch his nature once you live with him okay then jihyo and jungkook surprised by hearing that and jungkook said i thought he's gentlemen and well mannner boy like you dad then Angelina laugh so hard even her tears are burst what what sasuke or gentleman dear it's my first time hearing about sweetie while David shocked by hearing this sweetie or gentleman you must be in delusion he only knows for pranks and naughty things in the mansion you can experience now because you can see what kind of trick he gonna pull if you there then they both agreed then jungkook said shop owner young lord then David said sweetie come home after whole two months what what jihyo's reaction then what he doing out leaving you two in that mansion alone i am gonna kill him then Angelina said for the work my dear then jungkook said no mom you're too soft two months is too much for you two leave that's then David said not only sasuke but other two also leaves for a month oh then jihyo and jungkook silent thinking that their this is their own choice and they just arrived the mansion then there they saw sasuke shouted from far and said mom my lovely mom give me somne candies then Angelina said sweetie here take it she gave two bags of chocolate packet full and said don't eat all in a day then sasuke said like i listen to you and running to the inside of the garden area then jihyo shouted loudly this is how you can talk to the mom then David said leave it he's alwaqys like that be careful to the roads okay then suddenly water sparks hit to the David he silent then flowers of boquent on the face of him a far sasuke laughing loudly and other servant in a tense mood then jihyo and jungkook realized what kind of person sasuke is then later the whole ground shake and all three drop in the ground just in time David put ball barrier so they survive then sasuke shouting and said cheating cheating you can't use magic while David is so angry and use is punching magic which just hit his on verge to hit his head he dodge it and run to outside of the mansion then Angelina said honey leave after so many days we saw this types of prank and then David laugh and they enter to the mansion then jihyo and jungkook said this type of pranks he pull to hios parents no wonder he's not only naughty but a dangerous person then Angelina said this is nothing compare to his so many pranks and naughty works he do lots of unusual things to the mansion be careful otherwise you end up his trap then jihyo asked David dad are you okay you need massage or water then David reply no i am okay i am used to this it's better then the three of them not joined the party then jungkook who's three of them then Angelina said his lder brother and sister they're more headache when they all together and prank the darling oh then jihyo and jungkook shockrd and surprised who pranks on their parents like even though it's nothing for them then they all inside the mansion then David asked the buttler to know the location of the sasuke where he go and put the items then suddenly they bring water and said liitle princess is coming her academy is over now you better changed the clothes you majesty okay then he headed towards his room then jihyo asked mother who's coming ih dear i forgot to tell our adorable little princess Amelia De Beckham he goes the academy to study unlike others she's not graduate her study she's doing her studies in th e academy now her academy is over so she's coming whenever she's coming your father drop and take her from the carriage she's the only child left now with us oh now we have little sister jungkook shouted and sasid i hope she's get along with me and like me i never have siblings and little sister i never dreamt about then they all drop the sit and drink some refreshments which brought by the head maid natasha then Angelina introduce jihyo and jungkook to the Natasha and said she's the head maid here if you need anything just call her her family generation work hrtr from generation to generation here so we all call it family to them same goes for the butler steve smith he father and grandfather all work to this mansion and serve the royal family then David come back after changing his dress abd drink some tea and said now i can feel relived and said no matter how big they're they never listen always pranks on me when they grow up then Angelina said oh don't said that you don't like it you already know where they used all the trap but always want to fall only for their sake and i know you how can powerful person like you can fall on this kids trap then they heard the carriage sounds.